Georgia Speeding Laws
There are two basic categories of speeding offenses: too fast for conditions and speeding in violation of minimum or maximum limits. In these days of radar and laser speed detection devices, the latter is the more common violation.
It is worth noting, however, that speeding can be charged even when the speed being traveled is not known precisely and even where the speed is below the otherwise applicable maximum limits. This would typically be charged as too fast for conditions.
Too Fast For Conditions
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-180 directs that no person shall drive at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing.
Examples of conditions that might require a lesser speed include approaching and crossing an intersection or railroad grade crossing, approaching and going around a curve, when approaching and traversing a hill crest, when traveling a narrow or winding roadway, or when special hazards exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic by reason of weather or highway conditions.
This is an interesting statute because it is not constitutional on its own. For the charge to be valid, the officer must identify sufficient criteria to meet constitutional requirements. Bilbrey v. State, 254 Ga. 629, 331 S.E.2d 551 (1985). This means that the State must identify the conditions which caused the need for a lower speed and an estimate of the speed of the vehicle.
Many, many officers are unaware of the need to provide an estimate of speed and to identify the condition that made driving that speed unsafe.
However, it is worth noting that most officers will be of the view that they are doing the driver a favor by charging them with too fast for conditions instead of a speeding offense, since too fast for conditions carries no points for a Georgia licensee.
Speeding below Maximum Limits
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-184 provides three means of charging a driver of driving too slowly.
The first is referred to as impeding traffic flow. Basically, a driver cannot drive so slowly as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when that is necessary for safe operation.
The second is driving a speed below that posted on a minimum limits sign. The commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of transportation can set a minimum speed limit based on engineering and traffic investigations. The most common place that such signage will be found will be on major state highways or on interstate highways. Where such minimum limits are posted, it would be an offense to drive at a speed below the posted minimum except when it was necessary for safe operation. So, for instance, the minimum limit might be 45 m.p.h. but a driver encountering heavy fog or smoke or pounding rain or snow and ice could be justified in driving well below that limit.
The third way of being charged with driving too slowly is to violate what is known as the “slow poke” law. This law applies on roads, streets or highways with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction. Where the motorist is driving in a direction that has two or more lanes devoted to that direction, it would be an offense to drive in the passing lane so as to block drivers overtaking the driver from the rear at a higher rate of speed. This law applies even if the motorist is driving the speed limit and the overtaking driver is speeding. Passing lane means the most left hand lane other than a high occupancy vehicle lane. There are some exceptions to this provision including: when traffic conditions or congestion make it necessary to drive in the passing lane, hen inclement weather, obstructions or hazards make it necessary to drive in the passign lane, when compliance with a law of this state or an official traffic control device make it necessary to drive in the passing lane, when a vehicle must be in the leftmost lane to exit the highway or turn left, on toll roads when necessary to pay the toll or use a pass. It also does not apply to authorized emergency vehicles engaged in official duties or to vehicles engaged in highway maintenance and construction operations.
Speeding above Maximum Limits
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-181 is our starting point. Basically, no person shall drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of a maximum limit.
Posted Limits
Your best bet to determine the speed limit is posted signs.
Unposted Limits
However, where signs are absent, O.C.G.A. § 40-6-181(b) sets limits imposed based on the characteristics of the roadway. Those are thirty miles per hour in an urban or residential district, thirty-five miles per hour on an unpaved county road, seventy miles per hour on a federal interstate highway except inside urbanized areas with populations greater than 50,000, sixty-five miles per hour on divided highways lacking full access control if signs allow that speed limit, and fifty-five miles per hour otherwise.
This Code section causes confusion for some people. They look at it and think that the only allowable limits are 30, 35, 55, 65 and 70 miles per hour. That is wrong. Subsection (c) makes it clear that the maximum speed may be altered as authorized in O.C.G.A. §§ 40-6-182, 40-6-183 and 40-6-188.
Process for Establishing Speed Limits
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-182 permits the commissioner of public safety or the commissioner of transportation can jointly set lower speed limits for a particular road or highway. That decision must be based on an engineering or traffic investigation which demonstrates that the conditions of that particular road or intersection require a different maximum limit for safety. Where such action is taken, appropriate speed limit signs may be posted, whether the change in limit is fixed or variable.
In addition, local authorities including incorporated municipalities and counties may also alter the speed limits based on similar evidence, engineering or traffic investigation that determines that the default speed limit is greater than is reasonable or safe based on conditions found to exist on the roadway within its jurisdiction. Particularly, speed limits can be decreased at intersections, decreased in areas outside an urban or residential district (but not less than 30 mph), decrease in an area within an urban or residential district (but not less than 25 mph), or decrease on account of a special hazard or condition. The authority can also increased a speed limit for an urban district, but no higher than 55 mph. Again, appropriate signs must be erected. No more than six alterations in speed limit may be made within a one mile stretch of road, and the difference between such alterations can be no more than 10 miles per hour (except near schools, where the difference can be no more than 20 miles per hour).
Where highway work is occurring, the Department of Transportation or the county or city which is conducting the work may designate a segment of highway, road or street as a highway work zone and may erect signs designating the speed limit for the zone and that speeding violations within the zone are subject to increased penalties. O.C.G.A. § 40-6-188. For a person to be cited or convicted based on the highway work zone, there need to be workers present or barriers,
Speeding Law
It is worth noting that the actual speed alleged against the driver is not considered a material element of the offense. If the evidence at trial establishes a lesser speed than charged, but the speed established is still in excess of the limit, the State's case does not fail because of the variation. Jones v. State, 258 Ga. App. 337, 574 S.E.2d 398 (2002); Porter v. State, 290 Ga. App. 113, 658 S.E.2d 893 (2008). This means that if the officer charges you with driving 90 mph in a 70 mph zone, and the judge or jury finds that the evidence shows that you were actually going 80 mph in a 70 mph, you can still be convicted of speeding at the 80 mph level.
Citation Requirements
O.C.G.A. § 40-6-187 requires that any violation of a speeding regulation in Chapter 6 of Title 40 must specify (1) the speed at which the defendant driver is alleged to have driven, (2) the maximum speed limit where the driving is alleged to have occurred, and whether the violation occurred on a two lane road or a highway.
The sentence imposed by the court must include a finding as to the specific amount by which the person convicted exceeded the speed limit.
How Speed is Established
The State must lay the foundation for the method used by the officer to determine the speed of the vehicle. There are actually multiple methods for establishing a vehicle's speed including visual estimate, pacing, as well as radar and laser detectors.
Radar/Laser Speed Detection
For a law enforcement agency to operate radar or laser speed detectors, the governing authority for the agency must have a permit from the Georgia Department of Public Safety to use such devices. Such devices must be operated in accordance with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 14 of Title 40.
Such a permit is not authorized where the officers of the department are paid on a fee system. I am not aware of any departments in Georgia using such a payment system. At this time, I am not aware of any law enforcement agency in Georgia still using the fee system.
To qualify for the permit, the agency-applicant must provide law enforcement services by certified peace officers 24 hours a day, seven days a week on call or on duty or allows only peace officers employed full-time by the agency to operate speed detection devices. O.C.G.A. § 40-14-2.
To operate a speed detection device under the permit, the officer must be an employee of the agency, be registered or certified as a peace officer by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and certified by POST to operate the speed detection device. O.C.G.A. § 40-14-2.
The permit specifies the streets, roads and highways within the geographic boundaries of the agency's territory on which the devices may be operated. O.C.G.A. § 40-14-3.
Punishment for Speeding
Speeding is a misdemeanor in Georgia. As such, it generally carries a punishment which can range up to 12 months of incarceration and a $1,000 fine. Obviously, most court dispositions of speeding offenses involve no jail time and lower than the maximum fine.
Courts have great discretion to determine the fine for speeding offenses. Many choose to use a schedule of fees based on the number of miles above the speed limit that the driver is found to be traveling. In some cases, the court may require probation. The court may also require defensive driving courses, drug and alcohol risk reduction programs, victim impact programs, or community service.
First Georgia Speeding Offense
In the case of a first lifetime Georgia speeding offense, the legislature in 2001 imposed some maximum fines. This schedule is as follows: 1-4 miles over, $0; 5-10 miles over, $25; 10-14 miles over, $100; 15-18 miles over, $125; 19-23 miles over, $150; and 24-33 miles over, $500.
It is worth noting that most courts that I have had contact with do not have any system in place to determine whether a particular speeding ticket is a first speeding offense for the driver. It is likely that many drivers do not get the benefit of this law change in having their speeding fine reduced.
This provision would not prevent a court from imposing jail time or probation on a first speeding offense. Jones v. State, 308 Ga. App. 99, 706 S.E.2d 593 (2011).
It is also worth noting that the determination of whether a particular offense is a first speeding offense should be limited to a review of the driver's Georgia record since the determination is based on violations of the Georgia statutory provision and does not incorporate similar violations under the laws of other states.
In most cases that I deal with, there are other considerations which are more significant than the fine, such as license points and insurance consequences.
Super Speeder
Beginning in 2009, Georgia has an additional penalty for speeding drivers.
Regardless of the fines and fees and other penalties imposed by a local court, the State of Georgia will impose and collect a fee of $200 for any driver who is convicted of driving at a speed of 85 miles per hour on any road or highway or who is convicted of driving at a speed of 75 miles per hour or more on a two-lane road or highway.
Written notification of the fee imposition will be sent to the driver upon the Department of Drivers Services receiving the qualifying ticket and notice of conviction. Failure to pay the fee within 90 days will result in the suspension of the driver's license (in the case of a Georgia licensed driver) or driving privileges within the state (in the case of a driver licensed by any other state). Lifting the suspension requires the payment of the fee plus an additional $50 reinstatement fee. Non-Georgia drivers should be aware that most states will suspend your license upon notification that Georgia has suspended your privileges.
The best way to deal with Super Speeder is to seek a disposition which causes your offense of conviction to fall outside the Super Speeder parameters.
Posted Jul 10, 2019 at 10:39:44
I recently got a speeding ticket in downtown Savannah – 42 in a 30 MPH zone, not a school zone or construction zone. The officer was polite and said it was a city ordinance and would not go to my insurance or get reported or get me points. But I went to pay the fine online and it has me listed as owing $421. I nearly passed out. I haven’t had a speeding ticket in 20 years and now this for only going 12 miles over? It also has the citation as having ‘improper parking’ and I have on idea how that is even possible. I haven’t had ANY citations for 20 years. What do I do??
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 15, 2019 at 06:47:24
A city ordinance will not go against your license or driving history, but the fine does seem fairly high. It is likely not a good use of funds to pay a lawyer to seek a reduction in the fine amount. You can go hat in hand to the court with your clean driving history and ask for a reduction in the fine amount. I cannot tell you what the response will be since I do not practice in the Savannah area. It sounds like instead of charging you with speeding, the officer wrote the citation for the ordinance-improper parking to help you out by keeping it off your driving record. That favor came with a pretty hefty price.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 28, 2019 at 05:42:24
If the streets in your neighborhood are public roads, there is a real limit to what your HOA can do, except interfacing with local law enforcement to encourage more frequent patrols and traffic law enforcement. Signs and even speed bumps are of limited effectiveness. One of the more effective strategies for slowing down traffic on a road is to do a road diet, where the road is narrowed. People perceive that it is not safe to drive fast on narrow roads and adjust subconsciously, but that is usually beyond the authority of the HOA and can be hard to convince local government to do.
Posted Apr 22, 2020 at 16:08:15
hey i dont mean to bother you but i have a quick question
in a defensive driving class i attended several years ago the instuctor mentioned a georgia law that local municipalities cannot pull you over for speed by radar or laser detection devices unless the speeds were greater then (maybe 9mph) then the posted speed limit so long as the limit was greater than 35mph
have you heard of such a law? do you know the code of it if so.
hope you r staying healthy in these terrible times
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 23, 2020 at 08:44:16
The one that you are looking for is OCGA 40-14-8. I thought I had covered these in another post, but I cannot find that I did, so I just added a new blog post on my site.
Posted May 01, 2020 at 11:39:03
I have a question about the process of speeding tickets. I received a ticket in March in which the officer claimed I was going 71 in a 45. I know I was not going to that fast, in fact, I had glanced at my speedometer and it read 54mph seconds before he turned on his lights. I hadn’t even passed his vehicle yet before he pulled me over. He then told me that he would take the speed off of his partner’s laser which was 67 but either way I would receive a ticket. I now have a ticket for $215 and summons for court. Is this ticket worth fighting?
Sean A. Black
Posted May 01, 2020 at 13:34:08
It’s worth trying to do something about. 67 in a 45 is 22 over, which is 3 points against your license in Georgia. Licensees from other states may have lesser or greater penalties. A traffic lawyer who handles cases in that court might be able to negotiate the speed down further to get it to no points or non-reporting. The money you spend may be significantly less than the insurance premium bump that 3 points could cause over a three year period.
Posted May 05, 2020 at 09:23:09
I received a ticket for going 76 in a 55, but when pulled over the officer said that I was going 71 in a 55. The 5 mph spread determines the difference in whether or not it’s a super speeder. The way it all happened has me questioning things. The officer said that he clocked me as I passed him going the opposite direction. He didn’t flash his lights or anything at the time but he did tailgate me before finally hitting his lights. He then says that he had to go turn around to catch up to me. In the past if I was ticketed the issuing officer always hit their lights immediately. About him having to turn around, sounds sketchy to me. Then saying I was going 71 in a 55 but cited for going 76. He asked if I wanted him to recheck, I obliged. As he went to his car there was no way he checked. I watched the whole time. He simply reached inside his car and grabbed his clipboard and headed back to my car. Which means he already had it filled out, in my opinion.
Sean A. Black
Posted May 05, 2020 at 10:59:31
Unless you have video documentation of officer behavior inconsistent with his statements or report, it comes down to credibility between you and the officer as determined by the court.
If you are asking whether the officer is required to turn on his strobes immediately upon observing speeding or while going in the opposite direction, or is required to let you observe the calibration check, or see the reading on the device, then the answer is no.
A lawyer may be able to negotiate a speed reduction for you to avoid super speeder classification and possibly points.
Posted May 29, 2020 at 07:43:39
I received ticket for going 81 in a 70mph. So I thought
My ticket indicates (1-15mph) over speed limit but the ticket states I was going 91mph. I didn’t realize it suggested I was going over 90 until I got a notice for additional payment.
I paid the fine soon after I got the ticket, which was Christmas time on our family vacation from Ohio to Florida.
Then I received notice of additional $200 owed for super speeder.
Does my ticket have a mistake or do tickets issued for citations of 20mph above the speed limit also only say (1-15mph) over speed limit.
Sean A. Black
Posted May 29, 2020 at 07:54:27
An entry of “1-15 over” is not a standard entry on a speeding citation, at least in my part of Georgia. The many tickets that I see all state the speed and the speed limit and do not classify it further.
If your ticket says 91/70 and says 1-15 then there is a mistake, because those statements are not both true. The court would look to the speed and speed limit, and it appears that they did.
There is a 180 day period from date of disposition to try to get this withdrawn or corrected. After that, it will be too late. Failure to pay the super speeder fee will result in the suspension of your privilege to drive in Georgia and will be communicated to your state of licensure, where it can result in suspension of your license.
Dan Vaughn
Posted Jun 08, 2020 at 09:07:47
If a driver from Florida gets a speeding ticket in Georgia, can that driver elect to attend a driving school here in Florida in lieu of paying a fine, in order to keep the points off the record?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 08, 2020 at 09:14:46
Each individual court in Georgia has its own system of dealing with tickets.
A defensive driving course meeting Florida standards can usually meet the Georgia requirements,
Most courts will use that as a basis to make a reduction in speed or offense but not to eliminate a fine.
Your best bet would be to speak to a traffic defense lawyer familiar with the court where the ticket is or will be pending.
Caitlyn O’Malley
Posted Jun 11, 2020 at 09:32:29
I just got a ticket in Gwinnett/Duluth for going 71 in a 45. This is my first ticket so I’m not sure what to expect as I’m also still on my father’s insurance. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to tell him but now I see that my insurance will probably go up now as a result? Is there any way I can fight this
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 11, 2020 at 11:19:21
26 miles per hour on a two lane road does not get you up to super speeder territory, but it is close. You avoided an extra $200 assessment that would have been on top of the court fines and fees.
It is a four point offense. If you are under 21, it could have license consequences.
You may be able to go to court and ask for a speed reduction or diversion program, but since I don’t go to Gwinnett courts, i cannot tell you for sure.
You should speak to some traffic lawyers in Gwinnett to see what they think they can do for you.
As for your father, he is saving you a bunch of money keeping you on his his insurance, do you really want him to find out about this ticket because his rates suddenly jump or his policy gets cancelled? That would be worse for you than just being honest about it. If you were paying your own insurance on your own policy so it did not affect anyone else’s wallet, it would b fine to stay quiet. Tell him about it before he finds out the hard way.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 23, 2020 at 06:04:24
The language “(must report actual and posted speed)” is an instruction to the officer/court personnel to list the speed the driver was going and the speed limit. In your case, it would be listed on the ticket as 84/70.
If you have tendered the fine, then on the court date, that will be received as a cash bond forfeiture and treated as a guilty plea. No other action should be needed.
By the way, the zero points because it is under 15 mph over the limit only applies to Georgia license holders.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 13, 2020 at 05:58:17
Do defensive driving course. Do Traffic Violators Impact Panel. Do community service. Sell the motorcycle or car used, if it belonged to you, and buy something much more underpowered. Be contrite.
Posted Jul 15, 2020 at 10:14:40
Hi Sean,
I just received a citation in Dooly county for going 84 in a 70 mph zone. I have a california license.
Other lawyers have said that this will not be reported because it is less than 15+, so I should pay it instead of hiring someone to ensure that it is a non-reporting violation. Your June 23rd response seems to suggest that an out-of-state driver would receive points. What is your advise?
Thank you so much,
Abel D.C.
P.S. It is possible I will changing from being a CA resident to a GA resident, in which case I will obtain a GA driver’s license. I don’t know if this is relevant. Thanks.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 15, 2020 at 11:02:40
If you were a Georgia license holder and that license was on the ticket, the 14 over speeding ticket would not generally be reported to Georgia Department of Drivers Services. Some clerks have been trained that they are to report all violations by non-Georgia licensees, even if it would not normally be reported since it is a zero-point offense in Georgia. The risk is that even if the clerk for that court in Dooly County does not currently report the 14 over speeding tickets for out-of-state drivers, there is always a possibility that that “non-report” gets corrected. If so, it could have consequences against the California license.
Posted Jul 16, 2020 at 07:30:18
As an update, the clerk at court got back to me and confirmed it will not be reported, because it was only 14 over. I explained I had an out-of-state license and she insisted that they will not report it in.
Thank you.
Austin Stansel
Posted Jul 16, 2020 at 07:38:44
I was pulled over coming out of Ocilla, GA. In between a 45 and 55 sign. By the time I was stopped, which was immediately, I was in the 55 zone. The officer cited me for 71 in a 45 because he says I was still in the 45 zone. I have never been pulled over before much less given a ticket. Is this worth going to court over to try for a reduced ticket or classes?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 17, 2020 at 07:19:31
To know your full consequences, I would have to know whether you are a Georgia licensee or not and whether you are above or below the age of twenty-one.
Assuming that you are an over-21 Georgia license holder, 71 in a 45 is 26 over. That would be a 4 point offense. An attorney might be able to get a reduced speed which might or might not require you to complete a defensive driving class or traffic violators impact panel or other activity. It is under 75 mph, so there is not a Super Speeder fee that will be assessed. Four points is enough to bump your insurance. It won’t suspend you unless you already have a number of points.
If you are an under-21 Georgia driver, that speed would cause a suspension of your license by itself. That is true even if you do a nolo plea or submit it as a zero points order. In that situation, it would be very important to have a lawyer to seek a reduction of the speed cited.
Posted Jul 17, 2020 at 08:27:48
Hi Sean, thank you for all your comments, it’s very helpful. I was driving from South Carolina to Florida, passing Georgia. I have California license. I was stopped in Darien. Officer gave me a ticket for speeding 15-18 over on 70 zone. Saying that I was driving at 85. I can’t show up to court. Do you think I should hire a lawyer? My biggest concern for it not to go on my driving record. Also do you know how many points it will be if it will go on record?! What would be your suggestion? Can I just do driving school and pay the fine and have it not go on my record? Thank you in advance!
Brooke devins
Posted Jul 18, 2020 at 12:54:00
hey, I was recently pulled over for speeding on Hwy 247 in warner robins ga. the speed drops down to 45 right near the museum of aviation. i think I was going 64 and he dropped it down to 59 so i didnt get a super speeder fine. well he was a young Georgia state patrol officer. it was around midnight-ish and he was in the middle turning lane with no lights at all on in his vehicle. i didnt even see him until he hit the blue lights. well after he writes my ticket im looking back over them at home and its a printed copy from his laptop, unlike the yellow copy regular officers give you. and instead of the city stating warner robins, which is where we were, mile marker 118 I think, it says perry. and we in fact were nowhere near perry. is this a technicality that can get this ticket dismissed? ive heard yes and no and im unsure what i should do.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 20, 2020 at 05:57:59
Unless a reduction of speed can be worked out,, then you can look forward to fines, driving class, points on your license, and a $200 Super Speeder bill that will suspend your license if you do not pay it.
You need a good traffic lawyer who handles the court your ticket is pending in.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 20, 2020 at 06:32:17
The Perry vs. Warner Robins thing is probably a clerical error and may not be enough to win dismissal.
On the other hand, if you are a Georgia driver, a ticket for 59/45 is a zero points offense, so it just costs you the fine. Also, 64/45 would not have qualified for super speeder either.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 20, 2020 at 06:33:46
It really depends on the jurisdiction. Defensive driving class, traffic violators impact panel, community service, and fines and fees, including the Georgia super speeder $200 fee are major possibilities. You should consult with a traffic lawyer who handles that jurisdiction.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 20, 2020 at 06:36:04
Repeating online sources, it looks like any speeding ticket up to 100 mph is a 1 point offense for a California driver.
Hiring a traffic attorney who handles that court (not me) may give you what you need to avoid coming to court and getting the offense amended to avoid reporting of the violation to California.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 22, 2020 at 12:22:55
I will send you an email directly about some options, but your best bet is to get a lawyer down there. A lawyer may be able to accomplish what you are looking for. I know it’s usually reserved for military people, but thank you for your service. Being a health care worker in this current health crisis is a commendable thing.
Cassandra Counsell
Posted Jul 26, 2020 at 04:47:46
Hi, my daughter (age 20) got a ticket late last night on the interstate, her way home from work. She’s never even been pulled over before, so she called me after in tears not understanding why she got a ticket for doing 5 miles over the limit when she had just been passed by someone else going faster. After she got home, she read the ticket, and realized he had ticketed her for doing 85/70 via laser. I also realize after reading, she is also eligible for a darn Super speeder ticket. Is there any way he tagged the wrong car, and is there any way to fight it?
Posted Jul 26, 2020 at 18:48:00
Hi Sean,
I just got pulled over for driving at 81 on a 55 zone by a Georgia state trooper. Officer was polite and mentioned that I wouldn’t be considered for a super speeder offense. Also on speeding ticket he mentions violation of code 40-6-181, also he typed the following on the remarks section: “MR FA OD OV 1STL 4L” what does that mean?
He also said that I will need to wait at least a week before the citation gets processed on Maddison county. This is my first speeding ticket ever, I’m well over 21 and I’m from North Carolina.
How do I know how much would I have to pay for this speeding ticket? Is there a way such that it won’t be registered on my record? I really want to avoid any insurance premiums because of this. Thanks a lot for your advice.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 27, 2020 at 07:09:52
The North Carolina license is the first most important thing you describe. You need to verify with a North Carolina lawyer, but my understanding is that anything 80 mph or over is considered “excessive speeding” in North Carolina and may subject you to a license suspension.
OCGA 40-6-181 is the Georgia statute that makes exceeding the posted speed limit an offense.
It would surprise me if this is not a Super Speeder offense. That provision applies to “driving at a speed of 85 miles per hour or more on any road or highway or 75 miles per hour or more on any two-lane road or highway.” So, for it not to be a super speeder, it could not be on a two-lane road. On the ticket, there is section right below your vehicle and license information. The first check box in the section lets the trooper mark whether or not it is a two-lane road or not. If that box is checked, then paying the fine or pleading guilty to the offense will trigger the super speeder $200 fee.
I am not certain what the abbreviations mean. Based on the trooper’s statement that it is not a super speeder ticket, I am guessing that “4L” means four-lane. 1STL may refer to which lane you were in. But, I do not know the rest of them.
You can either go to court and speak to the prosecutor about a reduction or you can hire an attorney to represent you in court and seek a reduction on your behalf. The prosecutor or the court may require you to complete defensive driving or some other program to qualify. I do not handle speeding tickets in that court. I do occasionally handle DUI cases and other serious charges in that court.
Posted Jul 27, 2020 at 16:30:50
I recently got a ticket for speeding 94 MPH in a 65 on a highway going past franklin but in the city limit how should I handle this I have a court date set I’m only 18. I need help.
Posted Jul 27, 2020 at 16:33:34
I was recently pulled over on a highway doing 94 in a 65 I am only 18 and didn’t see the cop he was sitting in a blind spot where when I came over the hill he clocked me before I could see him. I was in Georgia going threw Franklin right before leaving the city limits of Franklin GA. I have a set court date and I don’t know how to handle it.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 28, 2020 at 06:50:31
If this was in Franklin County, Georgia, near Carnesville or Lavonia, it is something my office could help with. If it is the town Franklin in Heard County, it is too far away for me.
A speeding ticket 24-33 mph over the limit is a four (4) point offense. That is very important and worrisome since you are under 21. If you have a Georgia license, being found guilty of that speed could result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. What it needs to be reduced to would be influenced by your prior driving history.
It is important to note that nolo contendere or a zero point order will not help you with this ticket.
In addition, it is a super speeder ticket at that speed which would cause you to incur an additional $200 in state fees, which if you do not pay would cause a suspension of your license.
You need an attorney to try to help you convince the court to reduce that speed. And, you need to slow down a bunch.
Posted Jul 28, 2020 at 21:38:27
Hi, I received a speeding ticket which states I was driving 84 in a 55. 29 miles over. However I don’t believe I was going that fast. He showed me the radar, but again I don’t believe I was going that fast. I was just getting off 85 north onto 316 east. I was exiting using the PeachPass lane. On 85 the speed limit is 70. I don’t think the officer actually clocked my car. My lane needed to merge right, and there was traffic approaching fast from 85 south onto 316 east. I did have to speed up a little to get over safely. I was driving in the furthest left lane but There were cars in all three lanes traveling along side of me and the police were set up on the right side curb. This was 2pm on a Monday. I’ve haven’t a ticket since living in Georgia for 6 years. Before that I lived in Japan for 5 years and still had never received a ticket. I’m 44 years and live in Gwinnett County. I have great insurance Premiums and I’m very concerned about the best way to alleviate any major consequences. The officer ask me do I know how fast I was going, I said I think it was about 65-75. Then showed me his radar that said 84. I was really upset. Can you please give me some advice? Thank you
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 29, 2020 at 05:43:26
In most Georgia courts, the economics of time spent do not encourage a lot of speeding trials. A good traffic lawyer may be able to help you negotiate for diversion or a lowered speed. Your record is great and will support that. You need to reach out to a lawyer who practices in Gwinnett County, though. It is a little too far for me.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 29, 2020 at 07:13:41
It would be difficult to prove that the wrong car was tagged. With laser, the beam is typically much narrower and focused. It becomes the officer’s word against the ticketed driver’s word. If the ticket was only for 5 mph over the limit, that should not be an issue, other than the fine.
Caitlyn O’Malley
Posted Jul 29, 2020 at 14:22:19
Hi Sean, I posted a comment on here on June 11th and am just now seeing your reply. I just got another ticket. This time I was going 54 in a 35, although I know I wasn’t going that fast. It was 7am and I was late for work, and of course there was a cop hidden right where I was passing the person in front of me. I am at a loss. That’s 2 tickets in 2 months and my previous was really bad. Is there any way I can dismiss this 2nd one? I saw in this thread that if it’s 14 or under, it will not be reported. I truly do not know what to do. I’ve been driving for 4 years and have never been pulled over but now it’s 2 in 2 months. Please let me know what I can do here so my insurance won’t go up too much.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 30, 2020 at 08:01:49
If you have not done so already, take a Defensive Driving course. Should be Georgia approved. That means in-person or remotely through video conferencing software so that instructor can see you.
If you are 25 years old or younger, take the TVIP course, that’s now Traffic Violators Impact Panel.
Get a lawyer to try to get the tickets reduced.
Most importantly, leave earlier and slow down.
Posted Jul 30, 2020 at 21:22:15
Thank you so much Sean! Do you know a good lawyer for Gwinnett?
Posted Jul 31, 2020 at 06:47:12
I was just pulled over going 69 in a 45. I am under 21 years old and this is not my first offense. I was pulled over in Roswell. Will my license be suspended at this point? Is there any use for me to get a lawyer and try and fight this in court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 31, 2020 at 09:19:10
24 -33 mph over the limit and higher carries 4 points.
Resolution of the case without diversion or speed reduction will cause a suspension for an under-21 Georgia license holder.
Having a past speeding ticket hurts but a lawyer may still be able to help. But, you need someone close to Roswell. I will send you a referral by email to get you headed in the right direction.
Posted Aug 01, 2020 at 12:53:24
A Fort Valley Police Department officer using radar clicked me at 65 in a 45 and I plan on representing myself. Luckily my trial is in November so I have time to prepare. Any books, helpful websites with proven knowledge you’d recommend?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 03, 2020 at 06:50:10
No particular references I would point you to.
With a municipal police department, I assume that the ticket is in city court. If that is where the trial is held, you should understand that the judge is hired by the city commission (for a 4-year term), and they decide whether or not to re-up his/her contract. The judge sees the same officers over and over. The judge will let you say what you want but it likely to find against you. You would be better off speaking to a lawyer who handles tickets in that court. Chances are that something can be worked out to divert the ticket or reduce the ticketed speed.
Posted Aug 04, 2020 at 11:57:09
The exact same thing just happened to me coming off I-85 onto 316 this morning. I was traveling in the turn off lane onto 316 and had my car cruise control set at 70mph. I saw the police officer parked to the right on the curb area, and I knew at 70 mph I had been clocked, so I slowed down, and moved over into the shoulder immediately to comply with his blue lights. He got out of his vehicle and proceeds to tell me that he clocked me with his laser at 80 mph in a 55 mph zone (316 is 65 mph so I am confused) I didn’t say anything just accepted the ticket, but I am very disturbed that this is going to cost me a lot. I am 70 years old, and have NEVER had a speeding ticket or moving violation in my life. Should I contend this in court?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 05, 2020 at 05:48:31
You should get a traffic defense lawyer to help you. You may be able to work out a resolution of the case. You, with someone else, should go and record video of the approach to and the section of road that you were stopped in paying close attention to speed limit signs. 80 in a 55 is 25 over. 80 in a 55 is only 15 over, so a correction of the speed limit and a reduction of one mile per hour would bring you to a zero point offense for a Georgia driver.
James Cuffee
Posted Aug 06, 2020 at 17:56:21
Hey Mr.Sean, yesterday i got my first ticket for going 56 in a 35 speed limit zone. How much will the fine be for my first offense and is there any way i can avoid having this affect my insurance, considering that i am on my grandparents insurance and i only pay 100 a month
James Cuffee
Posted Aug 06, 2020 at 19:22:36
Hello Mr. Sean, so yesterday i was caught speeding on a two lane road. I was going 21 miles over the speed limit. This is my first offense and i am under my grandparents insurance. Is there any way i can avoid having this effect my insurance
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 07, 2020 at 06:04:07
You should at least consult with a traffic lawyer familiar with the court your ticket will go to. You do not say where the ticket was so I can’t assess. There may be options to reduce the speed or divert the ticket provided you accomplish some things. Since it seems like you are young, you don’t say your age, there may be other concerns about the ticket that you need to know before disposing of it. You should definitely not just pay it. If you are under 18, it could put you at risk of losing your license if you get any other ticket that awards points.
DJ Hayes
Posted Aug 09, 2020 at 19:25:19
Hello, I am 22 years old and I received a speeding ticket for going 24 miles over the limit of 45 MPH back in February (5 months ago). Today, I unfortunately received a citation for going 25 over the limit of 60. What penalties should I expect to receive given that these two incidents happened within 6 months of each other and this was my second offense of going 20+ over the limit?
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 07:59:21
I’m from Chicago and was driving through Georgia. I got pulled over for speeding 20 over the speed limit. 90mph in a 70mph zone. I honestly didnt think I was going that fast! I was looking at the average speeding ticket in Georgia for 20mph over and it was about $200. I received a $379.00 ticket!!!! plus a $22.00 processing fee. Is this right?!?!
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 08:25:09
I received a citation for 50 in a 35 in union county Georgia and carry a Texas drivers license. This is my first offense and I am having issues finding an attorney to represent me in union county that does not charge an an exorbitant fee ($1000). My biggest concern is that I would like to not have this ticket hit my driving record. Would it be worth me making an appearance during my court date to see if i can get the ticket reduced/dismissed since i am a first offender? I do not mind paying my dues to the county I just would like to keep the citation off of my record.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 10:06:44
I understand. I am probably closer to Union County than more than 95% of all the practicing attorneys in Georgia, but I do not go there for traffic tickets.
In the absence of a Blairsville or Hiawassee attorney willing to handle it at a reasonable rate, it would be worthwhile for you to go to court yourself. If the case is in Blairsville, then you could ask for a city ordinance violation. If it is in the Probate Court, I am not sure what options they have available. You might ask if they have pretrial diversion or if they would reduce it to something like defective equipment which would not qualify as a moving violation and would not report.
For a Georgia driver, anything 14 over or below would not report, but with an out-of-state license, it could report.
Texas has a very simple point system. A conviction is two points with no wreck or three points with a wreck. Six points can cause license consequences. One point drops off for each full year without a violation.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 10:11:40
If you think that’s bad, if you pay it as it stands, you will also get a bill from the State of Georgia for $200 for Super Speeder.
Speeding is a misdemeanor in Georgia, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine plus surcharges plus the state Super Speeder fee for qualifying convictions.
Depending on the court where the ticket is pending, you can go to court or hire an attorney and a negotiation may result which lowers the speed and avoids Super Speeder, but which likely leaves the fine where it is or slightly higher. Even if it ended up being slightly more expensive, that would probably save you money over the long term given insurance premium increases.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 10:14:45
It is hard to know without knowing the particular court involved. Many would be considering which educational programs to send you to and what amount of community service you needed to do on top of a hefty fine. That speed also qualifies you for a Georgia Super Speeder bill of $200 if you are convicted at that speed. Those two tickets could also send your insurance costs soaring. You need to find a way to convince the court that you are serious about slowing down.
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 10:50:48
My husband received a ticket in Brantley County on a 2 lane highway. He was going 63 in a 55 but then dropped down to 45 right as he got to the 45mph speed limit sign. He was given a ticket for 70 in a 45. The officer was rude and said he was “within range” of the speed limit sign so should have been going 45 sooner. However he was never going 70 to begin with, his cruise control was set at 63. Is there a state statute that says when you must alter your speed for a change in the speed limit? A special note…He is a Florida State resident, not Georgia.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 10, 2020 at 11:03:21
There is no statutory requirement that you be going at the changed speed limit until you cross the plane of the sign. Although one would have to slow before the sign to be assured that you were going the speed limit when you got to the sign, but not by much.
It is not a super speeder offense.
You probably want to see about a traffic attorney down that way to try to work something out to try to make it non-reporting. It looks like any speeding ticket where the speed is 50 mph or greater is a 4 point offense in Florida. Those points cannot be reduced by taking defensive driving or any other education program.
Posted Aug 14, 2020 at 20:41:11
I’m changing my license over from FL. too GA.
On my Fl record I have points for speed in excess of posted maximum for comercial vehicle. There is no mph over amount on the record This citation was issued in CA. How will GA. process and apply points with no amout mph over? Also does ga consider careless driving as reckless? I’ve noticed that different states have different wording for moving violations.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 17, 2020 at 08:38:43
So far as I am aware, those points do not transfer from state to state. Georgia would not give you a license if you had a suspension or revocation from another state, but I don’t think they attempt to reconstruct the three year history.
I am not sure how Georgia DDS treats a Florida careless driving. Looking at the statute, I do not think that it adequately corresponds to the Georgia reckless driving statute. It seems more like our failure to exercise due care offense which is a three point offense. Reckless is four points here.
Posted Aug 17, 2020 at 12:55:26
Hi Sean,
I got a speeding ticket in Laurens county recently. 102 in a 70. I live in missouri. suggestions- lawyer vs pay ticket.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 17, 2020 at 13:42:10
Any time you get to triple digits, I think you really need a lawyer.
It’s strange, in a way, because I don’t really see courts have the same reaction to 72 in a 45 that they do to 102 in a 70. The first is 60% above the speed limit; the second is only 46% above the speed limit. That is not to say that they don’t take 72 in a 45 seriously, because they do, it’s just that 100 mph and above gets extra attention.
Posted Sep 01, 2020 at 15:29:21
I am from South Carolina and was pulled over today in Hall County Georgia and was following traffic on a conference call with work and although I don’t believe I was doing the speed listed, the officer wrote me a citation for section code 40-6-181 Speeding (71 in a 45) 26 over. From what I read it looks like it is a 4 point ticket with fines ranging from $150 to $500. What all can I expect from this? Will other charges be added or will it only be Speeding? Also, could I hire someone from your firm to represent me in my absence to keep from losing points?
Thank you,
Posted Sep 01, 2020 at 17:05:26
Hi Sean,
I was just stopped when I started going up in speed.
Since I was going up, I did not see exactly what I was driving. The officer said 53 mph in a 30 mph zone. Yet, after coming home, I see that the ticket says 55 mph and that makes the speeding between 24-33.
I am 30 and it is my first ticket in Georgia.
What should I do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 02, 2020 at 07:15:21
You should get a traffic defense lawyer who handles cases for the court where your ticket is headed. The lawyer may be able to work out a reduction of speed to reduce or eliminate the points you could incur. Your comment does not say what court the case will go to.
It will help that you have a clean record. You may have to do a defensive driving course or some type of intervention program.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 02, 2020 at 07:20:51
I do not handle cases in Hall County, so I can’t confirm their fines for that speed. A traffic defense lawyer in Gainesville may be able to get you some relief on the speed, which may save some points.
Because you have a SC license, GA will not set your points. SC will assess points. Online resources indicate that this speed will win you 6 points against your SC license.
It will probably be well worth the money to pay a lawyer if that person can get that speed down some. SC gives 2 points for the first mile over the speed limit. Unless the charge is amended to a non-driving points offense (under SC system), you would likely end up with at least 2 points.
Diquize Johnson
Posted Sep 02, 2020 at 10:57:43
Hey Sean
I was just stopped going 91 in a 70 in Dublin GA. Will that come with a super speeders fee?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 03, 2020 at 08:17:02
Yes, it will. 85 mph on a four plus lane highway (which is indicated by the 70 mph limit). To avoid that $200 fee on top of any court fines and fees, you will need a reduction to 84 mph or below. That would also make it a zero point offense if you hold a Georgia driver’s license.
James laird
Posted Sep 20, 2020 at 13:32:30
I got a speeding ticket doing 126mph in a 70mph. I am asking is that a felony in Lawrence like Georgia ? Yes I am going to hire an attorney. How much would it cost for a great attorney
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 21, 2020 at 08:01:27
Speeding by itself is not a felony anywhere in Georgia, inside or outside of Lawrenceville. It is a speed is likely to get significant attention, be quite expensive and involve punishment/education/community service beyond a standard fine. You should look into hiring an attorney near there. I do not practice in Gwinnett County so I cannot answer your question about fees.
Posted Sep 22, 2020 at 21:45:02
Hello I got a ticket for going 84 in a 55. This is my first ticket ever and I am nervous about what to expect. I live in Alabama so how will this ticket affect my insurance as well? I know the ticket plus the super speeder fee is a lot so should I try to fight the ticket? I am to far away to drive back for court so what should I do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 23, 2020 at 06:47:01
You should talk to a traffic lawyer who handles cases in the court where your ticket will go. I am not sure where that was.
A lawyer may be able to get a reduction of speed to bring it under super speeder and reduce license points. Or, they may be able to get the charge reduced to a non-moving violation of some kind, which would keep it off your record.
License points are determined by your licensure state. So, with an Alabama license, The Alabama Department of Public Safety website indicates that a speeding ticket from 1 to 25 mph over the posted limit incurs 2 points.
Based on that, your best outcome would be a non-moving violation which would incur no points. Second best outcome would be a reduction to Speeding 74/55 which will avoid the Georgia super speeder fees of $200. It will still net you 2 points in Alabama. If that second outcome is acceptable to you, you might call the court clerk first, some courts will agree to a 10 mile speed reduction pretty easily. It can’t hurt to ask.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 23, 2020 at 10:23:08
You would need to speak to an Alabama attorney about that. I am not familiar with the program.
Latavyia Jones
Posted Sep 24, 2020 at 00:31:05
Hi I am 20 years old and have recently received a super speeder ticket i know it’ll come with a extra $200 fine but will it affects my license in any way? And if so is there a way i can do probation and/or community service to help?.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 24, 2020 at 07:24:14
The fact that it is super speeder does not give me enough information.
Assuming that you are a Georgia licensee and you are under 21, a four point or more offense can have license repercussions. For a speeding offense, that would mean 24 mph or more over the posted speed limit. Your past driving history can also be a factor that can trigger problems.
You should definitely do a consultation with a traffic lawyer who handles the court that your case will be pending in.
If you are on a parent or someone else’s insurance, you definitely do not want a surprise suspension, because that can cause insurance consequences to everyone on the policy.
Latavyia Jones
Posted Sep 24, 2020 at 11:29:23
It was an 100 in a 70 and i do have a Georgia license but I’m on my own insurance do you recommend any traffic lawyer i can contact?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 25, 2020 at 05:54:23
I do not know what court your ticket is pending in.
Moataz Alasadi
Posted Sep 27, 2020 at 19:37:07
I was pulled over by MCCD officer claiming I was doing 81 in 55 zone, on a rainy day and heading in a curve. He called in a sheriff and introduce the sheriff by name only. I saw the sheriff when handled the ticket and my DL. He said here is your ticket and DL and here is the information for the court appearance date and time have a good day. No signing of the ticket anything and went on his way. I could not even talk to any of the officer about there is no way I was going that fast with that conditions and an 18 wheeler headwind the other way at a curve
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 28, 2020 at 06:04:02
Some MCCD officers are equipped with a camera-augmented speed detection system which gives them a screen capture of the vehicle and the speed. Not sure if this one had that or not.
Possible defenses depend on the speed detection technology used, but many times these cases are resolved by adjustments to miles per hour. That depends in part on your state of license.
Johnny montano
Posted Oct 01, 2020 at 21:21:03
Hey I was pulled over in the city of cumming for 63 in a 35 and the officer was nice enough to drop it to 49 in a 35 will this report to my insurance company
Kee G.
Posted Oct 02, 2020 at 17:11:12
Hey what did they give you for driving that fast. I’m in the same situation with my son. He 18 n was going 118 in a 65.We in ga as well
Posted Oct 02, 2020 at 23:42:14
Good morning, I just received a ticket on going 102 in a 70 mph zone on the interstate. I’m 18 and I have only had my license for a few months and I’m not sure of the effects the ticket will have on my insurance or driving privileges.
Posted Oct 03, 2020 at 09:11:55
Hello I was pulled over a couple months ago (court kept getting pushed back because of covid) going 20 over in a 25 mph neighborhood. will i go to jail and if not how much do you think my ticket will be. i was 17 at the time and it was in roswell
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 07, 2020 at 07:43:38
You would need to speak to someone who handles cases in Roswell.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 07, 2020 at 07:44:26
It depends on your age and state of licensure whether it will have an effect beyond points and Super Speeder fee.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 07, 2020 at 07:46:21
If you have a Georgia license, the clerk is not required to transmit the disposition at that speed to DDS. If it was transmitted, it is a zero point offense, but could still effect your insurance rates. Georgia does not have significant regulations of how auto insurers raise their rates.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 12, 2020 at 06:31:04
I am not familiar with that court.
Yes, 17-year-olds can go to their court on their own, not that that is a great idea.
Speed is zero points, so no license repercussions. Check with court about fine. Courts are not always familiar with that limitation. There may also be some other types of punishment employed with a young person, like community service, education, essays, etc.
The court will sometimes reduce the fine when requiring other actions on a young person’s part.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 14, 2020 at 10:36:47
Defensive driving will not eliminate or reduce the suspension consequence of a 4-point or greater traffic offense. It does reduce points.
More importantly, it may help in negotiations by an attorney representing him to get the speed lowered so that it is not a 4-point offense.
Posted Oct 16, 2020 at 17:38:18
Hello I need help. I’m 18 and got a speeding ticket for doing 100 in a 70 on the interstate in Dooly County and this is my first ticket. I know its bad. But I only speed up when I pass semi’s because they were swaying in and out of lanes. And I slow down to the limit once I pass them I do not “speed” unless necessary. And I lost a parent to a reckless driver so I do understand the possible consequences for my actions. I have my own insurance (which is already high) and I am a college student. But I have an app on my phone that tells my top speed over a duration of time and it says 96 (I know that’s still bad). Is there a point in trying to fight the case? Are there any other consequences that I might face? Will my license be suspended? I’m already on a budget is there possibly anything I could do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 19, 2020 at 06:54:03
I do not handle cases in Dooly County, but you need a lawyer who does.
Passing another vehicle is not a legal excuse to exceed the speed limit.
The app on your phone should have a long list of disclosures somewhere about its accuracy level. It can be low or high from the actual speed. While the radar or laser speed detection device used by the officer also has a margin of error; its margin is much narrower than your app. It also has met all the evidentiary standards for its reading to be admissible in court, whereas your app likely has not.
If you are a Georgia driver, this speed is high enough to have license suspension consequences. It will also trigger a Georgia super speeder fee of $200 in addition to any court fines and requirements.
A lawyer may be able to help you get a reduced speed or offense to avoid some or all of those consequences. It will still likely cost you plenty of fine money.
Anna Rogers
Posted Oct 25, 2020 at 20:06:27
I got a speeding ticket in Lumpkin county. I was leaving North Georgia College after Army training weekend and was clocked at 66 in a 45 going down a steep hill. I have a Florida drivers license, and if the fine is over $200 I have to report it to my chain of command and get a waiver from the army. What are the repercussions for a Florida driver, doing 21 over, and I’m over the age of 30 without a ticket in about a decade?
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 26, 2020 at 05:56:35
I do not regularly handle cases in Dahlonega, so I can only speak generally.
It is not fast enough to trigger super speeder. So, with the Georgia court, it is just fine money.
Florida can and will assess points based on the speed. That can also mean higher insurance costs.
It is probably in your interest to talk to someone who handles cases in that court. If it can be reduced to non-reporting, that may save you some insurance dollars, even if you pay more total given attorney fees.
Johnathan Overstreet
Posted Oct 28, 2020 at 05:25:43
Hi so this is my first speeding ticket and he stated I was going 101 in a 65 on the highway. I wasn’t paying attention to the speed I was going so I don’t know for sure if I was going that fast. I was just wondering what the fine would be and the consequences. Any help would be appreciated it and the city is Augusta,ga
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 28, 2020 at 06:28:24
In Georgia, fines are generally set by the particular court, and even the particular judge. When you have a speed over 100 mph, the judge sometimes does not have a scheduled fine amount and sets it based on individual circumstances. The fine in that situation can be up to $1,000 base fine, before surcharges and court costs. You should consult with a lawyer who handles cases in that court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 04, 2020 at 04:55:24
If you are a Georgia driver, it will put points on your license, which could lead to increased insurance rates. Three years of increased rates will likely exceed what it might cost to try to get the speed reduced.
Posted Nov 07, 2020 at 23:58:27
Hello Sean, I was recently cited for going 64 mph on a 45 mph road in Omega, GA. That was my first time speeding offense, so I was expecting a fine of $150, but I was issued a fine of $215. I have already paid the fine but is there a way I can context the fine? Also, I was put on probation until I complete a defensive drivers cass. The probation officer noted that I could take any defensive class online and get the waiver, but other sources tell me it must be in-person taken at specified schools, of which none was noted on the forms I received. I am quite confused and wanted to get your advice on how to address the issue.
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 09, 2020 at 06:03:43
Any cap on a first-time speeding offense sets the base fine only. There are still typically about 35% in surcharges on top of the fine amount. Some courts disregard the limitations of OCGA 40-6-1, and some do not even know about them. Your fine amount does not seem terribly out of whack. Particularly if you are currently on probation, now is not the time to rock the boat.
The defensive driving class typically must meet the standards of the the Georgia DDS. Historically, that also meant “in person.” These days, “in person” includes attendance by video-conferencing software. Most courts do not accept or approve doing defensive driving by just watching a video replay.
Posted Nov 12, 2020 at 12:07:55
Hey Sean, I just was given a speeding ticket in Johns Creek while picking up my son from school. The officer says he clocked me at 53 in a 35, but there is no way. The main road had some decent traffic and I was accelerating from A red light when he got me. I was watching my speedometer and it did not go above 40. With the amount of traffic, there is no way anyone could have gone above 45. Further, the officer wrote LTI 496.6 ft which could not have happened until I was waiting in traffic again and not moving. Any suggestions?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 12, 2020 at 12:36:36
Without some hard evidence that you were not going that speed, i.e. dashcam that shows your actual speed at the time, the defenses of impossibility or officer mistake rarely prevail in speeding cases. Your best bet is to find a lawyer who practices in Johns Creek to strike a deal to keep it off your license. They may have a pretrial diversion program, but I am not down there to be able to tell you for sure.
Posted Nov 21, 2020 at 08:08:27
Hello Sean,
I’m a college student that was returning home for break when I was cited coming off of a down hill slope at about 93 in a 70 in Treutlen, GA. I’m hoping for the $150 fine, but based off of what’s been said above I fear that probably won’t happen. What should I expect and is there anything I need to do? The is my first ticketed offense anywhere and I’m stressing because me and my family are tight on money.
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 23, 2020 at 06:58:18
You should speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that area, which would not be me. It may be an upfront expense to hire a lawyer but it will likely save you money over the next three years in possible increased insurance costs.
Posted Nov 29, 2020 at 14:18:46
Hi. I just got a ticket in Jenkins County GA for going 81 in a 45. I had just gotten off the Highway where the speed limit posted was higher and was in the process of braking to get closer to 45 since I was entering a non-highway area. He clocked me with a radar and after researching how much these tickets are, I’m realizing I’m going to be paying at least $700 since going 36 over the limit is considered a super speeder. I’m 19 and turn 20 before the posted court date, but would it be better for me to go to court instead of just paying the fines? With 6 points on my record, will they suspend my license since I’m under 21? What can I expect if I go to court and plead guilty? I’ve only ever gotten one ticket before this and that was for “driving in the gore” in Gwinnett County. I went to court for that ticket and my fine was reduced to $50.
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 30, 2020 at 05:08:06
Under 21 yo with a Georgia license, any ticket that would cause 4 or more points to your license will cause a suspension. That will cause repercussions to your insurance rates for three years even when you do get your license back.
Your best bet is to hire a lawyer who handles cases in that court and let him or her try to get the speed reduced a bunch. You will probably have to do some classes, possibly some community service, possibly an impact panel, etc. If you are a student, they may want to see grades, etc. Honestly, the $200 super speeder fee is the least of your concerns.
Your second choice is to go to court without a lawyer and beg for mercy.
Posted Dec 04, 2020 at 07:36:13
Hey I was pulled over this morning in Emerson, GA (Bartow County) and he clocked me in at 84 in an 55 he even showed me the gun and it said 84 he then wrote me down for 86. I saw my speedometer and I was only going 81. I slowed down to the speed limit before I passed him. I’m 16 and I was on my way to school and didn’t want to be late and a friend called me very upset and I wanted to help him out. This is my first speeding ticket, so is there any way I could reduce the fine or not get 4 points off my license and not get my license suspended. I thought I was doing the right thing by going to help out my friend.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 07, 2020 at 06:25:18
If you have a Georgia license, this is a three-point offense. It is not a super speeder ticket, because it is on a non-four lane highway and is under 75 mph.
We can usually get some adjustment to the speed in Rabun County to avoid the points, but you would have to pay the court fines and fees. If you want a lawyer to assist you, you should not pay those fines and fees online. Doing so will be treated as a guilty plea to the cited speed.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 07, 2020 at 06:32:10
I do not go to Bartow County. I assume that a lawyer down in that area could probably help you . Even if you are in a hurry, you should slow down under the speed limit. Especially with an under 21 license in Georgia, there can be major repercussions to any ticket to your license and your parents’ or guardians’ insurance. You need to make your parents aware that you got this ticket and get their help.
Posted Dec 07, 2020 at 18:07:16
Hi Sean,
Was wondering if you could help me out with my case. I got issued a speeding ticket 6 months ago for going 87 in a 65. The officer was nice enough to reduce the speed to a 75 in a 65. My ticket says I owe $39. This happened in Cobb county in Atlanta. The code section on the ticket is: 40-6-181
I’m wondering: would it be better to just pay the $39 fine? How much more could a traffic attorney do in my case? What would you do? This would be my first offense (on file) if I paid it. I had a previous speeding ticket a year earlier that I used an attorney for who got it off my record.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 08, 2020 at 07:32:54
I do not think a lawyer could do much to improve this ticket. It is currently no points and no super speeder and no reporting, plus the fine is cheap. Take your medicine on this one.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 08, 2020 at 11:54:09
It is pretty expensive, but it is a non-reporting offense that is a non-moving, and therefore non-points, offense. They are not collecting the super speeder fee for the state, they are collecting it for the county.
It should not affect your insurance or your license, just your pocketbook. They are hopeful that the cost will cause you to slow down.
Posted Dec 09, 2020 at 01:51:45
Hi, I got pulled over recently going 76 in a 55 in Fairmount, GA. I’m aware that it’s a super speeder. I have my citation but it’s not pulling up online for me to pay it, although the officer said I could pay it online. I’ve talked to some of my friends who have been in similar situations and they said it’s taken up to two weeks for their citations to become payable online, is this my situation? Also, will I need to go to court or could I outright pay my ticket and how much is the ticket going to be? I’m also 20 years old.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 09, 2020 at 07:09:17
Many courts will grant you a speed reduction to bring it under super speeder, with or without a lawyer. Most courts have special rules regarding under-21 drivers, who may trigger suspensions because of their license class.
Your best best is to get a traffic lawyer who handles that court. Second choice is to go yourself and ask nicely for some relief.
Posted Dec 09, 2020 at 14:41:38
Hello, I was hoping you could help me out with this. I just recently switched insurance companies and took a defensive driving course yesterday. Today, I got a ticket for going 67 on a 45 zone. Do you know if this is considered a super speeder? Also, will this affect my new insurance? Will I get any points added and if so will the defensive driving course that I did yesterday help with those points?
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 10, 2020 at 05:25:10
For a Georgia licensee, 22 over will give 3 points on the license. That likely would increase insurance rates. You should consult a traffic attorney who handles cases in the court where your ticket will end up to see if there are other alternatives to just pleading guilty to the offense.
Posted Dec 24, 2020 at 03:46:18
I got a ticket this morning going 75 in a 55 on a two lane road. Would it be worth it to go to court and try to get it reduced below super speeder?
Taylor Ferreira
Posted Dec 28, 2020 at 06:20:43
Hello – I’m from Florida, was driving through Glenn County on 95n and was stopped doing 88mph while marked speed limit was 70mph. Can you explain to me what fines I can expect? I have read about super speeder fine is that what I am considered? This will be my first ticket received in Georgia and have not had a speeding ticket for at least 5 years. There is no fine on the citation that I received. Is it worth hiring a traffic lawyer to fight my case and possibly get the court to withhold adjudication? Thanks for all your help it is much appreciated!
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 28, 2020 at 06:23:03
I am very far away from Glynn County. You would do better to speak to some lawyers in Brunswick. It is a super speeder offense, which means that unless you do something to get the speed lowered, you will pay a $200 fee on top of any court fines and fees. A lawyer may be able to get a reduced speed or a reduced charge to avoid points on your Florida license.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 28, 2020 at 07:15:12
You should speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that court.
If you don’t get a lawyer, you should call the office of the court and inquire and, yes, go to court on your own if not. It could save you $200 and points.
Posted Dec 29, 2020 at 09:55:16
Hello Sean. Thank you for doing this. I got stopped for a 58 in a 45 in Millen on a 2 lane road. I have a FL License. Never been given a ticket in GA. The courts say I owe 250. Does this seem right to you? I thought it would be 100. Thank you.
Posted Dec 30, 2020 at 04:45:53
Hello. I was going 58 in a 45 on a 2 lane road in Millen GA. I have a FL license. The ticket says I owe 250? I have never gotten ticket in GA before so I thought it would be 100. Does this seem correct? Thank you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 30, 2020 at 07:03:03
As my website states, my experience is that very few courts are aware of or abide by the fine maximums set for first speeding offenses that are set out in OCGA 40-6-1.
You seem to draw a distinction about having a first ticket in Georgia. I do not read OCGA 40-6-1 as saying a first speeding ticket in Georgia; it is a first speeding ticket, period. If you have a prior speeding ticket in some other state, then the fine caps would not apply to you.
If the fine cap does apply in your situation, then it is something you should ask the court about.
However, since 13 over, if reported, will put points on a Florida license, you may want to have an attorney try to work out some other disposition to avoid those points, even if it means that you pay the higher fine.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 30, 2020 at 07:03:24
As my website states, my experience is that very few courts are aware of or abide by the fine maximums set for first speeding offenses that are set out in OCGA 40-6-1.
You seem to draw a distinction about having a first ticket in Georgia. I do not read OCGA 40-6-1 as saying a first speeding ticket in Georgia; it is a first speeding ticket, period. If you have a prior speeding ticket in some other state, then the fine caps would not apply to you.
If the fine cap does apply in your situation, then it is something you should ask the court about.
However, since 13 over, if reported, will put points on a Florida license, you may want to have an attorney try to work out some other disposition to avoid those points, even if it means that you pay the higher fine.
Posted Dec 31, 2020 at 20:23:08
My daughter was given a citation on Interstate 75 going 94 in a 70 mph zone. However, that portion of the Interstate was located within a city limits and she received the citation from a city officer. When she checked the charge online to pay, the cost of the ticket was $869. My question is, is there a cap as to what local jurisdictions are allowed to charge on speeding tickets? $869 seems ridiculously high. I will also note that she wasn’t given a “super speeder” citation. The only charge received was for speeding.
Posted Jan 03, 2021 at 16:06:48
I got pulled today by GSP in Spalding County for 103 in a 65 in my personal vehicle. The Trooper was professional and pleasant and told me he clocked me the other way on a split 4 Lane. This isn’t my first rodeo in Spalding but it is my first triple digit. In the last 3 years I’ve had only a over 4mph in a CMV in Maryland. Last ticket in Spalding was in ’14 for 84 in a 55. I have a CDL and a legal defense plan that will provide a local attorney. My question is, given the circumstances, what is the likelihood I can get this dropped to a non reporting violation with original fines?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 04, 2021 at 06:14:52
Especially with a CDL, please slow down. I am not familiar with Spalding’s judge, so I can’t tell you. Talk to the local attorney, and they will tell you what they can do.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 04, 2021 at 06:22:56
If this was a first ever speeding offense for your daughter, then OCGA 40-6-1 limits the base fine for 24+ mph over the limit to $500. With court costs and surcharges, that could still end up being in the neighborhood you describe. If it is not a first ever speeding offense, then the limit is up to $1,000 base fine before surcharges, etc.
One does not get a super speeder ticket. One gets a letter from the State requiring payment of a $200 fee to the state when a speeding ticket is disposed of which meets the criteria. For an interstate ticket, that would be 85 mph or greater speed. There is an opportunity to avoid that additional fee at this point by hiring a traffic lawyer to try to get the speed changed or the ticket diverted. That may require completion of some education requirements, etc.
I don’t handle any jurisdictions that are on Interstate 75.
Posted Jan 09, 2021 at 06:24:50
Hi Sean, thank you for being active and answering everyone’s question. I have a weird trivia question:
My daughter recently moved to Georgia, and I lived there 30 years ago. I remember if you got pulled over for speeding, and the officer wrote a ticket, the officer would keep your physical license and staple it to his copy of the ticket, and you would get it back when you satisfied it. If you got pulled over in the meantime, you would use your copy of the speeding ticket as your ID. Do you remember this? Is that still the case?
Posted Jan 09, 2021 at 16:55:06
Good evening Sir. I was pulled over today going 79 in a 55 zone in Chatham county Savannah. I have a Hawaiian driving license and I am currently stationed in Georgia. I was wondering if I should get an attorney to possibly keep this ticket off my driving record to avoid an insurance premium hike. This is my first ticket since my last one in 2017. Thank you for your time.
Posted Jan 09, 2021 at 17:02:45
My apologies Sean I made a mistake in my last post. My ticket was for going 69 in a 55 zone.
Posted Jan 09, 2021 at 21:47:59
I’m 16 yrs old with a Class D and I got pulled over yesterday At Monroe County by a sheriff on the interstate and he said he “clocked me at 87” on a 70mph highway, but on the paper it is listed at 89. The violation code is listed as 40-6-181. Does that fall under the super-speeder category? And also, what fines can I expect? I am also under my father’s insurance.
Posted Jan 10, 2021 at 09:58:53
I am 18 years old with a provisional driver’s license. I got pulled over on December 11, 2021 in Henry County doing 86 in a 55. The offense is speeding 29-33 over the posted limit. I am scheduled for virtual court via Zoom, tomorrow, January 11, 2021 at 1:30 PM. Please help. I am terrified. What do I need? What do I do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 11, 2021 at 05:50:03
Anything 24 mph or move over the limit is a 4 point offense which can suspend a provisional driver’s license. You need to talk to a lawyer who handles traffic cases in Henry County. There is a possibility that you will be offered some type of diversion program which will save your license in Zoom court. If not, you need to request time to hire an attorney.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 11, 2021 at 05:56:05
You need to talk to your father about this ticket.
This will put points on your license. This one by itself would not suspend you, but it puts you on the edge.
It is a “super speeder” ticket, so if you plead to that speed, it will cause you to receive another bill for $200 on top of the court fines and fees, which if you do not pay will suspend your license.
You may be eligible for some type of diversion program through the juvenile court to avoid a conviction.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 11, 2021 at 05:57:23
69 in a 55, as you corrected, is a zero-point offense if you were a Georgia driver. A lawyer might be able to get it reduced to defective equipment or some other non-driving offense.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 11, 2021 at 05:59:51
At that time, they would hold the license for a more serious offense like DUI. This led to a law enforcement practice of holding a person’s license up with a light behind it to see if there were staple holes. It was like a super-easy records check. The legislature made it clear that they did not want licenses being stapled any more. Licenses are not held for speeding tickets, then or now.
Posted Jan 11, 2021 at 09:27:02
Yes! I remember now! They took my license for DUI, and you could tell if someone had a DUI if they had staple holes in their license. Thanks, Sean!
Posted Jan 12, 2021 at 14:31:04
So today I got stopped by GSP on a bypass posted 55mph he got me at 81
I don’t want my license taken away and I don’t want points can that happen or will it happen it’s my first ticket and my first offense I have a clean record will a judge see that don’t take my license away and put points and just pay the fine or what can happen ?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 13, 2021 at 06:13:09
Unless you are under 21 years old or have a license from a tough state like North Carolina, that speed is usually not enough to trigger a license suspension. Take a defensive driving course. Then, either yourself or, preferably with an attorney, ask for a speed or offense reduction or a diversion.
Posted Jan 16, 2021 at 08:34:30
I got a ticket in Franklin County for going 84 in a 70. I am from North Carolina and the officer said it was a non-reporting violation. Will this affect my insurance rate at all? Do I have to appear in court if I pay the fine?
Mellisa Williams
Posted Jan 16, 2021 at 09:33:24
My 22 year old son was traveling from Florida to North Carolina and got a speeding ticket in Kingsland Ga. It was for 95 in a 70 Super Speeder. I am looking for any information that can help him. Such as…Does he have to go to court for this?, Is he able to take a driving class so the points won’t go on his license and if so will that eliminate the affect on his insurance? Should he get a lawyer and if so what might that cost? Also, anything else that might help. Thank You so much for anything you can tell us that might help.
Posted Jan 17, 2021 at 22:58:38
Hey Sean,
I’m 19 years old and was clocked going 65/40 on a two-lane road. I know that it’s not a super speeder, but I a aware that it’s a 4 point offense. I was just wondering the likelihood of me getting my license suspended. I know I’m in the parameters of getting it suspended, but was wondering if there’s a big chance that the judge will show me grace and just make me pay the fine. I’m a first time offender and I really need my license because I’m a college student that has to work and drive 2 hours back home to visit my parents. Thank you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 18, 2021 at 06:34:18
Georgia drivers under the age of 21 years have restricted license.
For those under 18 years of age, any combination of points totaling 4 points can cause a suspension.
For those 18-21 years of age, a 4 point offense will cause a suspension.
Since those persons are very likely to share insurance with parents or guardians, it is a very serious matter which can have a drastic effect on insurance rates not just for the under-21 driver, but also for those parents or guardians.
You need a lawyer. You need a reduction of speed or a diversion of this ticket. You need to discuss this with your parents.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 18, 2021 at 08:39:23
You will need to speak to a lawyer down in that area. I am over six hours away from there.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 18, 2021 at 08:41:38
If you have a Georgia license, it is a zero point offense and is not normally reported, assuming it was not in a commercial motor vehicle. Automobile insurance is not strictly regulated in Georgia, so I cannot tell you whether or how much it would affect your rates if the insurance company found out about it. If it is not reported, there is little likelihood that they would find out about it, but it is not impossible.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 18, 2021 at 08:44:42
It is possible that it could report since you are an out-of-state driver. If it does report to North Carolina, you will likely have a major problem, i.e. suspension.
Call my office.
Posted Jan 20, 2021 at 20:34:56
I got a citation for driving 20 over on a 70 mph highhway in Douglasville. Does that fall under reckless driving?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 21, 2021 at 05:41:50
Not necessarily. For some unknown reason, some officers think that a certain number of miles per hour equals adding a reckless driving charge. That is wrong. One conduct element does not support two charges; it is one or the other: speeding or reckless. But, if there is other driving conduct which occurs with the speeding, then it is possible that both charges can be supported. For instance, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.
Eric Adams
Posted Jan 27, 2021 at 05:08:17
I was pulled over in henry county, Georgia on 75s for speeding the officer gave me a ticket that says I was doing between 24 and 33 MI over the speed limit the ticket also stays that he used a laser detection device I know that I wasn’t doing 24 to 33 miles over the speed limit because I always set my cruise control to the speed limit I called the courts and asked how much was the ticket they said $500 I don’t have $500 to pay for a speeding ticket that I know I didn’t do what can I do I do not have money for a lawyer what can I do I need help please
Posted Jan 27, 2021 at 15:27:30
I had a ticket about 6 years ago in ga. I live out of state and lost the ticket. I tried everything to find out where it was so I could pay it and get away from it. I was unsuccessful and later license went on hold I got a letter from my state to get ahold of those people. I paid the ticket and paid to get a reinstated license. Everything was good and now I received a call from a creditor saying that I owed $200 super speader fine. Again having issues on whoo can get in contact with to pay the state since I need to travel to florida and I have to drive through the state. Any advice on who I can contact?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 28, 2021 at 06:32:42
Super Speeder fees are normally paid directly to the Department of Drivers Services. You should be able to call their main customer service line and they can direct you to the right place.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 28, 2021 at 07:38:46
The ticket should say the precise speed reading from the laser device. The description of 24-33 mph over is reflecting the points level. As well, this would be a Super Speeder offense, so if you plead guilty or just pay the fine, you will then get a bill from the state for $200 for that classification. If you do not render that $200 unto the state, they will suspend your license.
You really need an attorney to help you get that speed down. Yes, it will cost more, but it will save money over the long haul in terms of insurance premiums. Pay now or pay later, your choice.
Posted Jan 29, 2021 at 10:49:57
This is something that I have been contemplating for about a month now. However, I must make a decision because my time for the ticket to be paid is no later than March 20. Anyhow my concerns and questions are as follows: I was traveling home through Broxton, GA (Coffee County) last month December 2020 and as I was coming into the city limit the police stopped me. Now I will admit I was going a tad over the limit may be by 5 or 20 mph at the most due to an emergency I was trying to attend to which I mentioned and proved, yet, I hadn’t realized until days later that the officer wrote me for was traveling 120 mph in a 45 mph zone, there is absolutely no way I was traveling at such a speed-I don’t even believe my car gets to that speed. Anyhow, he didn’t write me a reckless driving ticket just the speeding one which is another thing that confused me once I realized how he wrote it considering he wrote the ticket at such a high-speed. I was considering hiring a lawyer to help me at least get the ticket reduced because from articles I read online and other legal counsels as I have come to understand it is hard to prove that a ticket speed was incorrectly written once cited. My issue and concern are this if I do hire an attorney to try and reduce this for me what is the chance that I am still hit with a reckless driving ticket and convicted of jail time? In your professional opinion would you recommend paying the ticket as is or for me to go off of my initial consideration and hire a legal defense?
Thanks, J
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 01, 2021 at 05:43:19
First, speed alone should not equal an additional ticket for reckless driving. Speed is speeding unless something else about the driving in combination with the speeding could be regarded as reckless of persons or property.
Second, both speeding and reckless driving are misdemeanors in Georgia. Misdemeanors carry up to 12 months in jail or prison and up to a $1,000 fine. So, you could get jail time on the speeding. The court does not need an additional ticket to send you to jail if the court thinks that is appropriate. It is almost never appropriate for a speeding ticket.
Third, I don’t go to Coffee County, so I can’t tell you anything about the court or the law enforcement, etc. I do think a 120 mph speeding ticket would stand out. Most officers would spend a significant amount of time chewing you out once they caught up to you if you were going 120 mph. If an officer handed me a ticket that I expected to say 65 in a 45, but it said 120 in a 45, I would have asked some questions.
A lawyer that goes to that court will be able to better advise you, but I would think that there would be a dashcam video of the stop that could be obtained. How long it took for him or her to catch up would be very important.
Posted Feb 03, 2021 at 21:24:57
Hello Sean. I was recently pulled over for going 49 in a 25 Mph in Grovetown, GA. Is that considered a super speeder? My ticket is $500. I feel like that is outrageously expensive. Would I be able to get it reduced?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 04, 2021 at 05:43:29
It is not a super speeder offense.
I am not familiar with Grovetown. While $500 is expensive, you were going nearly double the speed limit. You would need to talk to someone more familiar with Grovetown to find out how the judge is with fines.
Binh Dang
Posted Feb 06, 2021 at 17:44:53
Hello Sean,
I was recently pulled over for 91 in a 75mph on I-85 of Coweta County. I paid the ticket already. Then now, I got the super speeder fee of $200. What should I do to not increase the car insurance? Should I paid $200 or look for a reduction? Thanks.
Posted Feb 07, 2021 at 17:48:28
Hello Sean. My brother was pull over for going 50 in 30 urban road in Forsyth County. Like how many points for that also last year he had license suspended for hit and run. He took a defensive class.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 08, 2021 at 05:17:49
It is a 3 point offense. It does not sound like the defensive driving course made much of an impression on him.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 08, 2021 at 05:20:54
By paying the fine already, you essentially plead guilty. It is only a 2 point offense, but it does trigger the super speeder fee. There is no negotiating that fee. You have to pay it. If you do not, your license will be suspended.
Car insurance premiums are set by the insurer based on your driving record. The ticket is now part of your record. Depending on how long ago you paid the fine, it might be possible for a lawyer to undo the conviction and try to unwind the super speeder as well. But, it would be more expensive than it would have been to have just gotten a lawyer in the first place.
Bob Bennington
Posted Feb 08, 2021 at 18:27:50
Hi Sean! Just got a video speeding ticket from the city for speeding in a school zone. School was not yet back in session. Is the video speeding ticket allowed in ALL situations or just school zones? Thanks!
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 09, 2021 at 06:09:03
I think the answer you want is found in OCGA 40-14-18(a)(1):
The speed limit within any school zone as provided for in Code Section 40-14-8 and marked pursuant to Code Section 40-14-6 may be enforced by using photographically recorded images for violations which occurred only on a school day during the time in which instructional classes are taking place and one hour before such classes are scheduled to begin and for one hour after such classes have concluded when such violations are in excess of ten miles per hour over the speed limit.
Check the school schedule.
Michael Foland
Posted Feb 10, 2021 at 11:21:33
My Dad was pulled over in Dooly County, GA on the 7th of this month (February). He was allegedly doing 85 in a posted 70. The officer stated he got my Dad doing 85, but was hidden somewhere. My dad was in the middle lane and had other cars passing him. He was looking at his speedometer and was going 75. To top it off, my dad was driving my car. Being Florida Residents, we were passing through. I was reading up the speed law. What will this end up costing? It should be worth noting, that the police marked Laser, so I know the LIDAR is car specific. However, what is the chances that the officer could have zapped another car, and pulled over my dad, especially if the cars were the same in color?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 10, 2021 at 11:26:56
Your best focus will be finding a lawyer down there to argue for and obtain a speed or offense reduction for him. DIsproving the speeding car identification is very time-consuming and expensive. If the speed is not reduced, this will be a super speeder offense which will cost him $200 on top of the court fines and fees.
Posted Feb 20, 2021 at 21:09:44
Hi Sean, i just got pulled over for the first time and my speedometer is currently broken. i was trying to head home before i got pulled over. he told me that the radar caught me going 67 in a 45 but it’s a 55 down 78. i’m well aware of the traffic laws and they’ve been pretty harsh on speeding especially around the high school. i’m just wondering about how much i’m gonna be paying for this because i live in Loganville.
Aaron Smith
Posted Feb 22, 2021 at 05:59:00
I received a ticket for going 120 in 1-75 in Lawrenceville, GA. I am required to appear in court soon; is it possible that I will be arrested in court or will I be able to just pay the ticket?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 22, 2021 at 11:13:29
I-75 does not pass through Lawrenceville. Maybe you mean I-85? In any case, I do not handle cases in Gwinnett County. It is a very high speed, so I cannot rule out jail time. More likely is being put on probation, being ordered to pay a fine, and complete some educational programs.
Larnel Francois
Posted Feb 22, 2021 at 15:42:17
Hi Sean, I was stopped going 91 on 55 in Lawrenceville, GA. I am 20 years old. That day I got pulled over I had just gotten a negative test for Covid so could leave quarantine which I had been in for 2 weeks. This was like on December 2nd so I wasn’t able to see my family because I was sick. It was late at night like 12:30 am so i wanted to finally get to my parents house. ( just for context) I have $285 fine from the court. And also I read up on my situation since this is classified as super speeder I will be receiving $200 fine from DDS on top of court fees. I was thinking about just paying the fine to get it over with so I didn’t have to go to court but I wanted to know about the points because I’m on my parents insurance. I spoke with my parents and they said plea nolo. I was wondering if you know about the nolo plea and what it would do for me? Also to mention this is my first offense of any kind with the law. Also, could you give me any advice as to what I should say to the judge to may get this reduced as this is my first time going to court.(preferably the points). I was curious if my license gets suspended is there a certain period of time it has to stay suspended or is all I have to do is pay a fee to reactivate it? Finally, should I mention my situation with covid to the judge and bring documentation of my tests as proof?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 23, 2021 at 04:46:20
If you are a Georgia licensee and you have not plead nolo contendere to a traffic offense in the last five years, then it will reduce the points assessed to 20. It will not effect the points that the violation has. In this case, 26 mph over the limit is a 4 point violation. If you are a Georgia under-21 licensee, which seems to be the case, then a guilty or nolo contendere can cause a suspension of your license.
You need a traffic lawyer in Gwinnett County (I don’t go that far down) to help yu get this speed reduced, so you do not blow up your license. It’s time to stop getting advice from family and friends and get a lawyer.
Austin Alesi
Posted Feb 23, 2021 at 22:03:20
Hello Sean, I received a speeding ticket for 103 in a 45 in Oconee County. I know super dumb of me and regret it all. I’m 21 years old and was wondering if I could use my nolo plead against this charge since I haven’t ever use it? I’m signing up for a defensive driving class before my court date. Can you give me any advice on what I should do?
Austin Alesi
Posted Feb 23, 2021 at 22:51:45
Hello Sean, I received a ticket going 103 in a 45 in Oconee County by a GSP in my personal vehicle. I’m 21 years old and I’m a commercial refrigeration service technician. My license is my job. I know, I’m stupid to ever go that kind of speed and regret it all. I was wondering if I could use my nolo since I’ve never used it before and if it would keep it off my record. I’m thinking about signing up for a defense driving class before my court date. What kind of advice can you give me?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 24, 2021 at 05:41:50
My comments back to people probably seem like a broken record (dated reference, I know) by this point. But, with that speed, it is worth your time and money to find a traffic lawyer that handles cases in that court. They will be worth the investment in the long run. On top of court fines and fees and state fees, there are insurance premiums to consider.
Since you are 21 years old, you are not at risk of license suspension, but you are at risk for a bunch of points and a Super Speeder bill for $200 on top of court fines and fees. Find a lawyer and see if that person can get the speed lowered or qualify you for a diversion program.
Posted Feb 24, 2021 at 15:29:14
Hello Sean,
Im 22 and i recently got a ticket for driving 65 at a 45 zone. This is actually my second ticket. My first ticket, the judge actually offered me a speed reduction and told me it would not be recorded on my driving record. I do not know if it will work out the same way for my second ticket, but i have not used my nolo plea yet. Would it be a good choice to plead nolo? I really just don’t want to have any points on my license and increase my insurance payments.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 25, 2021 at 06:15:55
First choice is get an attorney and try to get it reduced.
Maybe, go to defensive driving if you haven’t already done that in the last 3 years.
Ask for a speed reduction again anyway.
Nolo contendere will save you the points but does not eliminate the possibility of insurance premium increases.
Finally, slow down. A 45 zone usually means that it is a fairly congested area with lots of driveways and cross streets. Going that speed is going to end up with someone pulling out in front of you and your not being able to stop in time.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 25, 2021 at 06:17:52
Driver and vehicle owner are responsible for equipment condition at the time of operation. Get it fixed and bring a work order/receipt with you to court showing it was broken and you got it fixed. Locate the exact area of the stop and verify the speed limit and take pictures/videos of the area (not yourself while driving, do it as a passenger). Loganville may give you some consideration.
Ty Horton
Posted Feb 25, 2021 at 16:26:35
Hey Sean,
I recently got a ticket for driving 73 in a 55 mph zone, a two lane road. I know this doesn’t matter in a legal standpoint, but the traffic was very light, the road was straight and long, and the weather was clear. I never drive faster than I feel is safe. I’m 23 and this is the first time I’ve ever been stopped. When I was stopped I expected to be able to tell the trooper this, but instead he immediately asked for my license and came back with a ticket. There were hardly any words spoken between us. Since this is the first time I’ve EVER been stopped, is there any way I could get the speed reduced, or even turn the ticket into just a warning? I haven’t yet called the court to find out how much my ticket will be, but I’m mainly worried about the points against my license. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted Feb 25, 2021 at 21:46:47
Hi, Sean. I received a ticket tonight for 63 in a 45 on a 4 lane road in Hall County. I am 24 and hold a Georgia license. This is my first offense of any kind, traffic or otherwise. I know you are not able to answer specifically as each court is different, but in your experience, is it likely to get my speed reduced by going to court and just asking for it? If not, would pleading nolo contendere do anything for insurance premiums or just license points? Thank you for this service, your responses have been very helpful as I feel totally lost with this whole situation.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 26, 2021 at 06:39:36
Hall County has a reputation for being difficult but having some consideration for first time offenders. 18 over is not terrible and you are over 21. It is not a super speeder ticket. Either get a lawyer to do it for you or contact the court about a possible reduction; they may send you to the Solicitor’s office.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 26, 2021 at 06:42:06
Speed reduction, diversion, or offense amendment are all things that occur on a court- by-court basis. Most courts will give some type of consideration to first-time offender. It is very rare to see an 18 over ticket reduced to a warning. The ones I remember accomplishing were much older war veterans with clean records.
Your best bet is to get a lawyer who deals with that court regularly.
Posted Feb 28, 2021 at 15:00:23
Back in October I got a ticket for going 106 in a 65 heading to work at the high school. This was on Hwy 25 (a 4 lane highway) between Augusta & Waynesboro, GA. The officer was a Burke Co sheriff deputy. I hadn’t had a speeding ticket now in 8+ years. I used to get one a year but slowed down tremendously. My mental health diagnosis causes me to oversleep & be very lethargic from time to time. Should I get a lawyer? And if so, how do I go about doing that?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 01, 2021 at 05:34:04
You should get a lawyer since this is (1) a lot of mph over the limit, (2) will give you a lot of points, and (3) will incur a super speeder fee. The overlimit speed may also get the attention of your insurance company.
Posted Mar 01, 2021 at 05:51:52
I got pulled over in Oconee County, GA. It says SR10/Pleasant Hill Rd. I’ve been told it would be 7-10 days before I can find out what my fines would be. It was 78 in a 55. I was going with traffic and unaware of the speed limit (I was going with traffic) Will I get slapped with the super speeder fine? It’s just hard to know what I need to get together to pay when they tell me “I have no idea what your fine will be.”
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 01, 2021 at 06:44:25
For two-lane roads like this, super speeder fees begin being assessed at 75 mph, so this is a super speeder case at the current speed.
An attorney may be able to negotiate a reduction of the speed to bring you under that level and reduce or eliminate points.
Posted Mar 14, 2021 at 11:44:14
Hi, I’m 25 and I got a ticket in monroe county going 77 in a 55. This is my 1st ever speeding ticket. How can I convince the court to give a reduction? Will this send my insurance rate through the roof?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 15, 2021 at 06:06:23
I am not familiar with how Monroe County in particular deals with speeding tickets. You would do well to talk to a lawyer who handles cases in that court. That said, having a clean record helps a lot. Completing a defensive driving course prior to the court date will also help. With those, you should appear and ask for a speed reduction.
Posted Mar 19, 2021 at 05:39:07
I received a speeding ticket for driving in a construction zone at 52 in a 30MPH zone (40-6-188/ 561.8 FT. VE 53) in Cobb County, GA. I have a clean driving record on my Georgia license. I want to plead no contest because I want to avoid a trial and no points on my license. Can I plead no contest for this offense? Also, do you know about how much the fine will be? Should I go to a driving defense class before the court date to aid in getting a reduced fine or a less serious charge?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 22, 2021 at 06:24:19
I do not handle cases in Cobb so I cannot answer your specific questions. You should reach out to someone in Marietta to see the best way to approach the charge. Check with the court. They may have a pretrial diversion program.
Heather Watts
Posted Mar 22, 2021 at 08:00:25
Hello I recently got a speeding ticket on 3/9/21 going with flow of traffic coasting down small hill and cop on bike pulled me over. He asked do you know how fast you were going i said when i looked at speed when his lights came on it showed between 50-55 in the 45mph zone. He said he clocked me going 67 in 40 but because i was honest he dropped it to 65 in a 40. I explained to him i dont go that way to work and was following the traffic at 7:??a. This happened in Gwinnett County in Lawrenceville. I haven’t had any speeding tickets or any citations on my driving record in over 5 years. Is it worth trying to attend court to get it dropped so it wont affect my insurance or points on license? I said to the cop i was just going with traffic listening to music and was sorry for not paying attention. Please let me know i recently started a new job prior to the ticket and dont have the money. I would of thought they wouldn’t put it so much when i was honest about the speed i was going. I dont believe i was going as fast as cop said due to amount of traffic in that area that early in the morning.
Thank you,
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 22, 2021 at 08:05:51
I don’t go to Gwinnett. I would bet that a lawyer in Gwinnett could likely get the speed down to save you points and Super Speeder fees.
Heather Watts
Posted Mar 22, 2021 at 08:39:45
Who is the lawyer in Gwinnett county and is that considered a Super Speeder ticket? With just starting this new job i can not go to court due to not being able to miss work with in my 90 days and i explained to cop that morning as well. The fee is $215.00 plus a payment fee of $10.75. Please let me know the best way to not get points or get insurance to go up with out paying alot of money. I need to make sure since i have clean driving record. I just need to make sure no points and insurance wont be effected?
Thank you so much
Heather Watts
Posted Mar 22, 2021 at 08:40:54
who is the person in gwinnett to contact?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 23, 2021 at 07:40:57
You can contact a traffic lawyer in that area. You can also contact the clerk’s office, information on your ticket to see if the court allows some alternatives without a lawyer.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 23, 2021 at 07:41:30
Your best bet is to call some lawyers down there that handle traffic cases and see what they can tell you about options.
James Reihman
Posted Mar 26, 2021 at 10:13:35
Good afternoon,
I got clocked going 47 in a 15 as I exited gate 1 at Fort Gordon last night. I would like to avoid the rise in insurance and the points, if possible. Do I have shot? Also, is there a risk of any further charges besides speeding because I was 32 over?
Posted Mar 28, 2021 at 14:33:37
So at the top end of GA 400 where it changes from 2 lane to 4 lane heading south. I was in the 4 lane section, I accelerated for about 3 or 4 seconds in a high hp car to pass a person who had been holding up the flow of traffic at 15mph below the posted limit. I had passed and was lifting my foot when a GA state trooper said he clocked me at 84 in a 55.
I’m aware of the maximums, but what sort typical penalties are typical or expected for lumpkin county; are we talking hefty fines primarily or should I retain an attorney in a situation like this?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 29, 2021 at 05:46:37
I cannot tell you anything about how the court will react to this speed in this zone. You are looking at a lot of points if you cannot get a reduction in speed. You should take defensive driving if you have not taken it in the last three years.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 29, 2021 at 05:49:51
I want to clarify something. Passing another vehicle does not give you a license to exceed the speed limit. It is not the “speed limit unless . . .” You should get an attorny to help you have a shot at getting reduced points. That lawyer may recommend defensive driving to convince the court. I do not go to Lumpkin County for traffic tickets anymore so I cannot tell you what kind of fines you are looking at. If you do not get a speed reduction, this is a super speeder speed which will cost you an additional $200 on top of the court fines and fees.
Posted Mar 29, 2021 at 12:53:51
Hello, I got stopped for doing 75 in a 55 does that add the super speeder ticket on to my other ticket? Also how many points will be on my license?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 30, 2021 at 07:14:04
75 on a two-lane does trigger the super speeder fee. Points depend on what state you are licensed in. If you are licensed in Georgia, 20 over is 3 points.
Posted Apr 01, 2021 at 09:31:18
Georgia law states that a city or municipality may not not collect more than 40% of its revenue from traffic/speeding tickets. I would like to read this law. What is the code section please.
Posted Apr 01, 2021 at 11:32:04
I got a ticket stating 39/25
I am in the military and I have a TN license. In TN 6-15 over is 3 points added to your license. The fine is $105.
I worry that they will report this to TN and then it will be added to my driving record and increase my insurance.
I was following the vehicle in front of me and had released the gas when i realized they were speeding up to meet the 35mph zone that was approaching but the officer saw me and pulled me over for it.
Should i even bother fighting this?
I really appreciate your time if you are able to answer. Thank you for all the advice you have offered to others here, some of it was very helpful.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 01, 2021 at 12:13:03
The presumption of inappropriate use of speed detection equipment actually kicks in at 35%. It is specific, however, to speeding tickets. Municipal police chiefs intent on funding their cities on the backs of the traveling public have reduced the push for speeding tickets and increased the push for expired tags, cracked windshields, etc. I include the statute, OCGA 40-14-11, here; the relevant part is subsection (d).
(a) Upon a complaint being made to the commissioner of public safety that any county, municipality, college, or university is employing speed detection devices for purposes other than the promotion of the public health, welfare, and safety or in a manner which violates this chapter or violates its speed detection device permit, the commissioner or the commissioner’s designee is authorized and empowered to conduct an investigation into the acts and practices of such county, municipality, college, or university with respect to speed detection devices. If, as a result of this investigation, the commissioner or the commissioner’s designee finds that there is probable cause to suspend or revoke the speed detection device permit of such county, municipality, college, or university, he or she shall issue an order to that effect.
(b) Upon the suspension or revocation of any speed detection device permit for the reasons set forth in this Code section, the commissioner of public safety shall notify the executive director of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council of the action taken.
© Upon receipt from the executive director of the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council that an officer’s certification to operate speed detection devices has been withdrawn or suspended pursuant to Code Section 35-8-12, the commissioner of public safety or the commissioner’s designee shall suspend the speed detection device permit for the employing agency. The period of suspension or revocation shall be consistent with the action taken by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council.
(d) There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a law enforcement agency is employing speed detection devices for purposes other than the promotion of the public health, welfare, and safety if the fines levied based on the use of speed detection devices for speeding offenses are equal to or greater than 35 percent of a municipal or county law enforcement agency’s budget. For purposes of this Code section, fines collected for citations issued for violations of Code Section 40-6-180 shall be included when calculating total speeding fine revenue for the agency; provided, however, that fines for speeding violations exceeding 20 miles per hour over the established speed limit and civil monetary penalties for speeding violations issued pursuant to Code Section 40-14-18 shall not be considered when calculating total speeding fine revenue for the agency.
Ga. Code Ann. § 40-14-11 (West)
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 01, 2021 at 12:15:20
It is 14 over so there is a chance that the clerk will not transmit it because it would be zero points for a Georgia driver. You just cannot depend on that. You may be able to go to court and ask for a reduction of speed or a reduction of the offense to an ordinance or warning or to defective equipment which is a non-moving violation.
Raquel N
Posted Apr 04, 2021 at 14:17:10
Hello Sean, I am a Florida resident and was driving with my husband and 3 kids to Savannah, GA. We were in Darion, Ga (on the highway) when we were pulled over. I received a total of 5 traffic citations, which are as follows:
McIntosh Sheriff’s Office
40-6-181(F) Speeding 24 to 33 over
40-8-76.1 Seatbelt violation
40-6-241 Driver to use due care
40-8-76 (x2) Child or youth restraint not used properly
Should I hire an attorney? On the speeding citation, the officer wrote that I passed him at 89 mph and then sped up to 95 mph in a 70 zone, but I do not recall ever going that fast.
We own a van and we put down the middle seats for this long trip, as we have a little one still in diapers that needs changing often, and we figured it would be easier to make less stops throughout the trip. I know that excuses don’t matter, but is there any way to fight this in court? I have a order to appear in court within the next few months.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 05, 2021 at 06:24:22
You should talk to a lawyer in that area to see what might be done. The speeding and child safety and failure to use due care charges all add points to your license.
Yagni Patel
Posted Apr 05, 2021 at 09:31:36
Hey Sean, I just received a super speeder in Monroe County, Ga. The officer said I was going 89 on a 70 on the highway however I was going down a hill. This is my first offense as well and I am 21 years old. What will my fine be and is there a way to get it down to a 84 since I was going down a hill? Also will any points be added and how will this affect my parents insurance?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 05, 2021 at 10:06:46
There is no exception to the speed limit for going down a hill. You either have to brake or use a lower gear to slow the vehicle below the limit.
You will need to speak to a lawyer who goes to Monroe County, but I would bet that someone can work it out to get you a five mile per hour reduction.
Yagni Patel
Posted Apr 05, 2021 at 10:33:29
Would you recommend to get a lawyer or would I be able to speak for myself in court most likely?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 05, 2021 at 10:40:52
I recommend a lawyer consult at least. You might also call the court clerk and see if the court has a policy allowing reductions and what they require.
Posted Apr 06, 2021 at 12:49:27
Hello Sean. I am a Michigan driver and was issued a 85 in a 70 zone ticket in Cook County via Laser device while traveling to Florida. I passed the officer while he was getting into his car at 77mph and immediately pulled over when I realized I was getting pulled over. I was pretty surprised as I never recall going over 80mph.
From my understanding that will trigger the Super Speeder fine and report to my insurance. My driving record is pretty good here in Michigan and this is my first out of state ticket. What are my options to get the ticket reduced to 14over which will remove the Super Speeder?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 07, 2021 at 06:31:06
You might contact Patrick Kunes in Tifton. Great lawyer. He will know your options for the court in Adel.
If the charge remains a speeding offense, regardless of the speed plead to, it could be reported to Michican and impact your driving history, points, insurance, etc. A non-moving violation or a pretrial diversion are the primary ways to avoid those consequences.
The effect of a super speeder offense is to tack on a Georgia state fee of $200. Failure to pay that additional fee can lead to suspension of your Georgia driving privileges which could result in the suspension of your Michigan license. Even a one mile reduction in the speed would avoid super speeder. A non-moving violation or diversion would also avoid the super speeder fee.
Posted Apr 08, 2021 at 18:16:13
Hi Sean,
Thank you for doing this. I was stopped in Forsyth County, the police officer tagged at 69 in a 45 zone with laser and on the ticket he reduced it to 65, but did mention it was 69 originally. The case is going to forsyth county court. I have a GA drivers license and moved here about 1 year ago from another state. This is my first ticket ever in my life. I`m over 21 years old.
What are my options ? Do you handle forsyth county? If not any lawyers to recommend? I`m trying to avoid the points so a speed reduction to 59 is needed. Would this be possible? and how much fine would it be? Would court clerk negotiate with me over the phone before court date or do I have to do that in person on the court date? If I hire a lawyer, do lawyers handle this before the court date or they have to show up in court for me and do it then?
Thank you for the help!
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 09, 2021 at 06:31:33
With a Georgia driver’s license and over-21, this is still a points offense. You are correct that 59/45 or a non-moving violation is where you need to be. Every court is different so I can’t tell you what Forsyth County does in terms of appearance requirements when you hire a lawyer.
Posted Apr 11, 2021 at 05:58:33
I got a citation in the mail for doing 46 in a 35 while going down a steep hill. I want to know if its worth fighting or not. It was in south fulton georgia. And it was a school zone.
Lamont Manigo
Posted Apr 11, 2021 at 14:25:57
That driving under the speed limit law is NOT enforced in Augusta, Ga. It actually cause people TO speed and become aggressive. It’s terrible.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 12, 2021 at 05:58:15
11 mph over the limit will not put any points on a Georgia driver’s license. I do not practice in any jurisdictions currently using speed limit cameras in school zone, so I do not have a lot of experience in dealing with that fact pattern.
Steve White
Posted Apr 12, 2021 at 10:17:26
Hi Sean, thank you for writing this article, very informative.
I received a ticket for going 54 in a 25 zone right outside downtown Cumming in Forsyth County. Thought I was in a 45 zone. Since I was 29 over, I am required to appear in court and it will be a 6 point offense as-is. I am 35 and this is the first time I received a speeding ticket. I am trying to see what my best options are to minimize financial cost and ensure it does not impact insurance rates.
Assuming the in-person appearance is a requirement, should I…
1. I got a referral from legal work assistance program for an attorney. Hire the attorney and receive a bit of discount. He is in Fulton county, however, not Forsyth.
2. Hire a local traffic attorney in Forsyth County. Any recommendations or references will be appreciated, if allowed.
3. Attempt to negotiate with prosecutor directly and represent myself at court. I sent an email citing some minor detail discrepancies for a negotiation already.
Thanks in advance
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 13, 2021 at 07:04:07
I do not handle cases in the Forsyth County State Court or Cumming Municipal. You should absolutely consult with an attorney who does. I accept referrals from legal plans quite regularly for courts that I do not have a physical office in.
You should talk to the referral attorney to see what their experience level with the particular court is. Forsyth State Court has a bit of a reputation.
Do not represent yourself and do not send emails to the court, the prosecutor, the officer or the department about your case.
Ryan George
Posted Apr 17, 2021 at 06:44:15
Morning Sean!
I got a speeding ticket on March 5th in Clayton County (I-75 Notthbound / CW Grant Parkway). I was stopped by a state trooper at 84 MPH in a 65 zone. The offense reads “Speeding in Excess of Maximum Limits”. I’ve been clean on my record for a little over 2 years. My concern or question is that this state troopers ticket looks different from county cops in the past. I could usually pay the fine online but for some reason they want me to appear in court which is weird. I thought in the state of Georgia a super speeder was 20 MPH plus and I was in excess of 19 MPH. I just wanted your expert on what fine I could be looking at and why they want me to appear in court if you know. I appreciate your time! Thank You.
Ana Chirinos
Posted Apr 18, 2021 at 13:56:56
I received a speeding ticket 40- 6- 181
I was going 59 on a 35 on Buford here in the city of Duluth. This is my first ticket. I am 24 years of age. What should I expect and what would you recommend please.
Sonia Aguirre
Posted Apr 18, 2021 at 18:55:13
Hello Sean,
Thank you for all comments and this informative article. I have a question and was hoping you can help me. I received a ticket in Cobb County on i75. The officer said he was reducing it to 84 so that it wouldn’t trigger the super speeder law/fees. On the ticket under section II:Violation it says "Calibration/Check: 9/7/2020 at 6am) at 84 MPH in a 65 zone.
However under this section I noticed it also said "Offense (other than listed above): Speeding in Excess of Maximum Limits in violation of code 40-6-181 Remarks: 85MPH @1180.8 FT 2TL.
I just want to get your opinion if what the officer said is true and he did reduce it to 84 since it says 85 MPH next to remarks. It is my first ticket ever and I have to pay because unfortunately I can’t attend the court date due to a work commitment. I just want to know if I should expect the super speeder fee based on what i on my ticket. Is there a way to dispute the fee after I have paid online?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 19, 2021 at 03:25:42
Remarks is just that, notes for the officer. it lets the court know that you were clocked at 85 but cited for 84.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 19, 2021 at 03:28:42
I don’t go to the metro Atlanta area so I cannot give you specifics. The court can probably tell you what the fine is or if appearance is required. Best bet would be to talke to a lawyer who does traffic defense in that area.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 19, 2021 at 03:33:49
A lot of the state troopers now use in-car printers so their tickets do have a slightly different appearance but contain the same information in the same order and arrangement.
It is not a super speeder offense, but it will put points on your license. You would need to talk to a traffic defense lawyer who handles cases in Clayton County for specifics on how that court treats these cases.
Tiana collins
Posted Apr 25, 2021 at 00:11:11
I this is my first time getting a ticket in Ga. i Live in Mississippi. I got pulled over and the cop said i was doing 92 in a 70, but he wrote the ticket for 94 in a 70. I live to far to come to court but my fine is 740. I don’t thing that right i want to fight it but I live to far to come to court. What should I do? i got my ticket on I75 sparks I think. on the copy of the ticket that he gave me i could not see what he had wrote. I did not get the top copy. How can I fight this if i live in Mississippi?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 26, 2021 at 06:23:02
You need a lawyer who handles cases where you got the ticket. I do not handle any counties in the I75 corridor; I am in a different part of the state.
If you just plead to the offense and pay the fine, you will then get a bill from the state of Georgia for an additional $200. If you do not pay that state super speeder fee, you could end up with a suspended license.
Mississippi tracks driver’s licenses a little differently than I am used to. They apparently do not assess points, just incidents. A lawyer might be able to negotiate a non-moving violation disposition which could avoid that incident being on your record.
Posted Apr 26, 2021 at 16:05:49
I got a ticket going a 110 and I am going to court. Is there anything i can do to ease the court before hand? also will a drug test be issued?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 27, 2021 at 05:40:42
Take a defensive driving course or attend a traffic violator impact program. If you are placed on probation, you could be drug tested. If you are tested very early in probation, a positive test is not necessarily considered a violation since it cannot be proven that you violated after probation began. Later on, it certainly can.
Posted Apr 27, 2021 at 13:54:55
Hi Sean:
I stumbled on this site while searching for information on a speeding ticket. I recently moved from NC to GA. I have not had a speeding ticket for more than 5 years.
Today I got pulled over for going at 59 in a 40 mph zone. I understand that even if I pay the fine, it will add 3 points. Is this something that I can get reduced? I heard that I can request a reduction of speed or convert the charge from a violation of state law to a municipal ordinance violation (no points).
Any suggestion will help. Thank you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 28, 2021 at 05:28:23
What you describe can happen and it is worth inquiring about or obtaining a lawyer to assist.
Shawanda Ballard
Posted Apr 28, 2021 at 07:04:05
My Daughter received a speeding ticket. The officer say she was doing a 82 in a 55 in a Honda Accord. She said when he pull her over she was doing 70. This her first ticket so how can I handle this?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 29, 2021 at 08:24:38
If your daughter is under 21 years of age, there may be some special concerns. In addition, some courts may have special procedures for speeds like this. It is a “super speeder” offense as well.
Your best bet is to consult with a traffic lawyer who handles cases in the court that her case will be in and provide full information.
Short of that, have her do a defensive driving course and attend court and request a speed reduction.
Luis Infante
Posted May 03, 2021 at 18:56:17
I was been fallowed by a white truck. I have a sports car. As i was been followed i speed up, truck still behind me. So i floored it was doing over 120. State trooper seen it. Pulled me over but not the white truck that was following me trooper said 121 was my speed.. got a ticket for it h e let me go with that ticket. I did explained the officer what was going on with the white truck… glad i got a ticket. I dint know why that white truck was trying to run me off
Holly May
Posted May 06, 2021 at 05:48:59
Hi Sean,
Our 17 year old son received his first two speeding tickets within one week. The police both ticketed them as only 14 over, however the first ticket shows a note that he was doing 19 over. That first ticket only shows up as 14 over in the county of clerk system, too. Could he receive points because the notes show 19 over even though the ticket is for 14 over? Should he go to court for either of these or just pay them? Since both were ticketed as 14 over, will he receive any points because they were so close together?
Thank you!
Sean A. Black
Posted May 07, 2021 at 08:57:42
The notes do not change the cited speed. The cited speed determines the license consequences, etc. With a Georgia license, 14 over will not assess any points.
The only thing that might cause you to lean toward his making an appearance and asking for consideration would be the possibility that it does get reported and shows up on his driving history, in which case it could have an effect on insurance rates. That seems like a low likelihood, but not zero.
Overall, I think that paying the fine and moving on probably is fine. Some courts will not allow under 21 drivers to skip a court appearance, feeling that it is necessary or advisable to get the attention of young drivers early. So, do make sure that the court allows him to just pay the fine and be done.
Posted May 07, 2021 at 14:18:47
Thank you, Sean!
Posted May 20, 2021 at 17:47:41
Could you clarify the “two lane road or highway” part of the Super Speeder law? Our son got a ticket last week, 75 in a 55 on Hwy 369 in Forsyth County. He was tagged just as the passing lane he used was merging down to 1 lane again. The officer didn’t mark 2-lane road on the ticket – is it a super speeder if the two lane highway had a 3rd lane for passing in the spot where he was clocked? He’s on our insurance, so really hoping to avoid the points.
Sean A. Black
Posted May 21, 2021 at 07:27:54
Sure thing. That term is defined by OCGA 40-6-187. The relevant part states: “For purposes of this Code section, the term “two-lane road or highway” means a road or highway with two lanes for through-traffic movement exclusive of any portion of the road or highway adjoining the traveled way for parking, speed change, turning, weaving, truck climbing, or other purposes supplementary to through-traffic movement.”
Basically, you do not count turn lanes and similar supplemental purpose areas of the road. However, a passing lane would be a lane for through -traffic movement. So, those areas of Highway 369 where a passing lane is present would not be a two lane road.
My understanding is that DDS processes it based on two bits of information from the citation: the 2-lane road checkbox and the cited speed. If the 2-lane road box is checked, then they are looking to see if the speed was 75 or greater. If the 2-lane road box is not checked, then they are looking to see if the speed was 85 or greater.
I hope that helps.
Josh Thieme
Posted May 21, 2021 at 07:32:34
I got a ticket for going 84 in a 65 in Georgia, the road was 2 lanes going in each direction which I assume is a 4 lane road. However the officer marked two-lane road on the ticket. From my understanding 84 on a two-lane is a super speeder. Am I correct in thinking I was on a 4 lane road? I just checked the fine and it doesn’t have the super speeder additional fine, does that come separate? Do they investigate before counting it as a super speeder? Thanks for your help
Sean A. Black
Posted May 21, 2021 at 08:04:12
If there were more than two through-travel lanes, then the officer should not have checked the two-lane road box. Doing so will trigger super speeder consequences at 75 mph instead of 85 mph.
Super speeder is a separate process from the court process. It occurs after court based on the disposition speed and whether or not that box is checked or not. If it qualifies as super speeder, you would get a letter in the mail instructing you to send $200 to the State of Georgia.
Josh Thieme
Posted May 24, 2021 at 06:42:23
How do I contest only the super speeder portion of the ticket?
Sean A. Black
Posted May 24, 2021 at 08:14:02
Once there has been a disposition of the underlying speeding ticket which triggers a super speeder fee, the only way to challenge the super speeder fee would be to re-open the underlying final disposition of the speeding ticket and challenge or negotiate it to avoid a qualifying disposition. That will be a more expensive endeavor than it would have been to have representation on the front end.
Posted Jun 02, 2021 at 12:48:43
I was on the interstate and past a car that was going to slow,my car gets up to speed quick an by the time i let of which was long,i was at 104 in a 70 in troup county, ga the the gsp said i could just pay it and avoid court…is this true???
Posted Jun 02, 2021 at 14:45:47
South Fulton Police said I was doing 58 in a 35 zone. I know i was doing 43. I asked to see the laser gun and they told me no because he was still tagging other cars and the information wasn’t available on the gun no more. It was 6 police cars on a side road and had numerous cars pulled over. I asked when was the last time the laser gun was calibrated and was told it was did just a few minutes ago. One lie after another. The officer they had writing the ticket didn’t know anything. She called over the sergeant and sergeant said we dont have to show you anything but as a courtesy we can show you. I asked to see it and the sergeant said No they didn’t have it anymore. Speed traps with 👮♀️ that break the law because they have a badge.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 03, 2021 at 07:33:43
It is up to the court whether you can pay and avoid court. Most courts require a personal appearance for those kinds of speeds. It is a 6 point offense. If you are under 21, it is a license revocation offense. It is a super speeder offense, meaning it will cost you an additional $200 fee on top of the court fines and fees. You should talk to a lawyer down there before doing anything.
Posted Jun 10, 2021 at 01:53:54
Hello Sean! I’m from California and I was visiting family in Georgia when I got a speeding ticket. They wrote me up for 89 on a 70. I have a CA license and it’s my first speeding in Georgia (ive had one prior in CA 2 years ago that I took traffic school for) Would I be considered a super speeder and how would this work for my license and insurance? Will it leave points on my record and if so is there a way to take traffic school again to remove it? Im turning 20 this year so I dont know if that wouls affect anything either. Thank you in advance!
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 10, 2021 at 05:44:27
License consequences are determined by your state of licensure, California.
The court in Georgia will typically impose a fine for that kind of speed, but some courts require personal appearance and other conditions for younger drivers (under 25 yo). I am not a California lawyer, so if you want legal advice on that point, talk to a California lawyer. Online sources suggest that this would be a 1 point offense in California and that you would have to accumulate 4 points in 12 months, 6 points in 24 months, or 8 points in 36 months to trigger license issues in that state. Driver improvement courses may allow you to reduce points against your license.
This is a “super speeder” speed in Georgia. That means that after the speeding case is disposed of, if it is over the threshold, you would get an additional bill from the state of Georgia for $200. Failure to pay it in the time specified would result in Georgia suspending your driving privileges in this state, which could lead to California suspending your license. It also incurs more costs on top.
Attorneys who handle cases in the court where your ticket is pending can advise you as to the opportunities for reduction or diversion in the particular court. That might help you avoid the point assessment, the Super Speeder fee, or both.
Posted Jun 10, 2021 at 09:53:51
Hey Sean, I’m here in Georgia for the summer and just recently got my first ever ticket. 89 on a 65 highway in Athens County. I’m 21 and from California. I called the court to ask how much the ticket cost would be and they said $500 (imo that feels super high, but according to sources it’s accurate). They didn’t mention anything about having to pay for super speeding- how do I find out about that? The officer never said anything about it and it doesn’t say anything about it on my ticket.
Also, since it’s a first time violation, how do I find out the details about defensive driving classes so that my insurance doesn’t skyrocket? Thanks!
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 10, 2021 at 11:28:18
So, I’m guessing, we’re talking about Clarke County, although they do have a consolidated government referred to as Athens-Clarke County.
89 in a 65 is going to be a super speeder ticket regardless of what kind of road it is. That is not a court fine or fee, it is is a separate state assessment that only occurs after the ticket is adjudicated based on the speed adjudicated. You will get a bill for $200 from the state of Georgia if the speed is not reduced or the ticket diverted.
Neither the officer nor the court is required to alert you to super speeder.
Talk to a lawyer in Athens who handles speeding cases.
Posted Jun 10, 2021 at 18:41:22
I got caught going 90 in a 70 mph on an expressway how much will my ticket be ??
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 11, 2021 at 06:27:45
Fines can vary dramatically from court to court for the same speed. Even within the same county, different courts and judges may assess different fines. If you call the court clerk, they will be able to tell you what the scheduled fine is for that speed.
It is a super speeder offense, so if you just plead to that speed or just pay the fine, it will trigger a bill from the state of Georgia for $200 on top of the court fines and fees.
Posted Jun 11, 2021 at 20:31:44
I just got a ticket for going 76 mph on a 55 mph on a 2 lane road I’m 19 and I got the ticket I was told to pay before court date but I don’t want to get my license suspended I don’t know what to do some of my friends said I got a super speeder but I was only going 21 mph over the speeding limit so I just don’t know what to do did I get a super speeder ticket ? How many point did I get ? And should I go to court ?
Posted Jun 11, 2021 at 20:36:51
i was pulled over in Georgia ^
Posted Jun 11, 2021 at 20:39:24
Sorry I was trying to leave the comment that I was pulled over in Georgia in jenkins county
Posted Jun 12, 2021 at 03:46:13
I live in Georgia and I got pulled over in jerkins county for going 76 in a 55 mph in a 2 lanes I’m 19 so I just need to to know if that’s a super speeder or not I was doing only 21 mph over the speed limit
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 13, 2021 at 08:40:34
75 mph on a two-lane road is super speeder. It is a 3 point offense.
Given your age, it is not by itself a suspension offense, but it will stack a $200 fee on top of your court fines and fees, if you are not successful in getting the speed reduced or the ticket diverted. Best to talk to a lawyer in Jenkins County
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 13, 2021 at 09:34:19
Answered your other comment.
Posted Jun 14, 2021 at 08:17:05
Hello, i live in Milton, GA and got my very first speeding ticket for going 50 in a 35 MPH as i was a mile or so from my home. The ticket is not showing on the online system yet so i don’t know how much money I owe and how many points this offense is worth. I have so many questions since i want to go about this strategically. Should i go ahead and pay the fine online?0 If so, are there any ramifications? Should I go to the court instead? If so, should i hire an attorney? Also at the court, what exactly should i tell the judge? (Ask If I’m allowed to take a defensive driving class in order to reduce the points, or dismiss the case altogether?) I’ve also heard about pleading Nolo but i’m not sure if this is advantageous to my case since a Nolo plea is a once every 5 year deal.
I appreciate your input!
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 14, 2021 at 08:41:20
As is, this is a two point offense. The question for you is whether it is worth your time to either go to court yourself and seek a reduction in the speed (1 mph reduction would get you 0 points) or to hire a lawyer to try and work out a reduction for you. With this amount of reduction and points, I would hesitate to use a nolo contendere plea.
Posted Jun 14, 2021 at 16:40:03
Sean i got a ticket going 56 on a 45,in cobb county, my question is will this go on my driving record, if i just pay it.
Posted Jun 15, 2021 at 07:27:19
Hello Sean,
My name is Sally and I’m from South Carolina and i was traveling through Bryan county and one of the officers clocked me doing 98 in a 70 mph zone, and my fine is $900. This is my very first ticket ever, i am not working currently, I’m taking care of my mother who has cancer, and I’m also a college student, my court date is set for next month, is there anyway i can get it reduced?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 16, 2021 at 08:55:52
Your request is often one of the hardest to obtain. While it makes sense that courts should take economic status into account in setting fines, when it comes to traffic violations and many other offenses, most courts tend to get bound pretty tightly to their fine schedules.
Your best bet, other than hiring a lawyer, would be to complete a defensive driving course ahead of court and attend court appropriately dressed and request consideration based on your circumstances. The speed will put quite a few points on your license. So, to me, more important than money is the points, because the offense could end up hiking your insurance premiums to a degree that will outweigh the cost of the ticket pretty quickly.
In addition, it is a super speeder offense, which means that on top of whatever court fines and fees apply, there will be a bill coming from the state for $200 if the speed does not get reduced significantly.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 16, 2021 at 08:57:03
It is 12 over. Court clerks are not supposed to transmit that speed for Georgia licensees. It happens sometimes, so I cannot say that it absolutely will not appear, but it probably will not.
Posted Jun 23, 2021 at 17:22:29
I got clocked going 107 in a 55 in Alabama but I’m a Georgia resident and I have court coming up in 2 months for the ticket. I’m only 18 how can I get them to reduce the speed or would I be able to get off with traffic school and a fine?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 24, 2021 at 05:24:06
You definitely need a lawyer in Alabama. You may have to do some things beyond paying a fine to see a reduction or diversion of the charge. Possibilities include defensive driving class, traffic violators impact panel, community service or a hand-written research paper on the dangers of speeding.
If you are still on your parents’ insurance, this could have significant effects for them as well. If you are on a policy with anyone else, you need to not let this come as a surprise to them.
This would be a suspension offense for you as it currently stands.
Posted Jun 25, 2021 at 11:25:08
I was recently ticketed with 77 in a 40. The officer admits that he didn’t tag me with the radar, he tagged the lead bike and assumed that I was traveling at the same rate of speed. Is this something I can get dismissed? The offense carries 6 points as well as a $700 fine. I’ve had a pretty clean driving record (minus a registration ticket) for the last 9 years.
Posted Jun 28, 2021 at 21:02:50
I got a ticket going 77 in a 55 and I know that the ticket is going to be high but I can’t really pay a lot due to me being 17 but my parents are making me pay it all. Is there any way at all to lower it?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 01, 2021 at 03:22:29
That’s a three point offense. If you have even one more point it can revoke your permit. You need a speed and points reduction You should complete a defensive driving course and ask for help when you go to court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 01, 2021 at 03:24:37
In a trial it would come down to the believability of the officer testimony regarding the speed of the bikes traveling with the lead bike.
A lawyer might be able to find some better resolution.
Mary Thomas
Posted Jul 01, 2021 at 14:18:09
Hi Sean
I got a speeding ticket in Dooly County 84/70 and the fine is $273 . I am a ga license holder. Every where I have read states the fine is $100 . Do you know why Dooly fines are so expensive? And is there anything I can do to reduce the cost?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 05, 2021 at 07:06:32
I do not practice there. The judge has a fair amount of discretion in most cases.
Posted Jul 05, 2021 at 07:12:01
Hi Sean, my friend got clocked doing 88 on I 20 in a 70 zone near temple with the temple city police. I know this is super speeder but it’s stating he’s required to appear in court. He’s never had a ticket before or any other citations of any kind. I don’t understand why he’s required to go to court? Any advice? The citation appears online, but doesn’t allows him to pay. He’s fairly nervous.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 05, 2021 at 07:15:19
Since I don’t go to Temple, I do not know the answer to your question. I encourage him to consult with a lawyer who does go there before disposing of the case
Adrianna Harrison
Posted Jul 06, 2021 at 23:12:00
I was on highway 27 at night when a officer pulled me over saying his radar had me doing a 96 in a 65. I am 19 and was pulled over in Franklin, Ga. I know I was not going that fast but I don’t know what my options are. I read that going 31 over will lead to 4 points and since I’m under 21 that’s an automatic suspension. Is there anything I can do to lower the speed? This is my first offense.
Posted Jul 08, 2021 at 08:48:08
Hello, I got my first ticket ever in my life It was driving 78 in a 55 in Richmond county (Augusta) Ga. I have to appear in court..this is my first time ever going to court and getting a speeding ticket. Do you have an estimate of how much it will probably cost? I can’t even see it online and I go to court next week.
J. Davison
Posted Jul 11, 2021 at 07:19:27
I recently got into an accident because a driver was going 110 in a construction zone and swerved 3 lanes over to side of the road and cut me off when getting pulled over and a semi clipped my bumper. The officer said I was fine because I moved to prevent a accident with that driver but what penalties does that driver get for going 110 MPH in a construction zone?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 12, 2021 at 06:46:47
I would say their consequences would be significant, but it will vary by court and judge.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 12, 2021 at 06:47:39
Since I do not handle cases in Richmond County, I would not be able to guess.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 12, 2021 at 06:49:21
You need a lawyer. Because of your age, this ticket could cause you to lose your license. Options vary by courts, so you need to speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that court. You probably want to go ahead and do a defensive driving course.
Carly kay
Posted Jul 12, 2021 at 22:19:55
I was pulled over in Douglas county doing 69 in a 45. There were cars in front of me and we were all going the same speed. Around how much could this ticket be and how bad will it effect my insurance?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 13, 2021 at 05:56:58
In my area, that ticket would usually be in the $250 to $350 range. It also carries 4 points, which is likely to have an effect on your premiums.
I do not practice in Douglas County, so I can’t speak to what their fines are. You should speak to a traffic lawyer in that area. Getting the speed reduced or having the ticket diverted or otherwise modified could help you avoid those points or, at least, reduce them. In the long run, the insurance savings should pay for the cost of having a lawyer.
Taylor Willoughby
Posted Jul 14, 2021 at 17:27:52
Hi! My boyfriend recently got his first ever ticket ( he just turned 30 and got pulled over July 3rd ) he was going 63 in a 45 ( also in Hall Co, Georgia ) where he is from Gwinnett co. and was just visiting me. He was told to pay the ticket online or show up for court in September. He really wants to just pay the ticket and be done with it, but he was also told he license could be suspended? I know he has a fine to pay and will get I believe 2 points but will he get his license suspended?
Posted Jul 20, 2021 at 11:42:26
I got pulled over in Fayetteville for doing 59 in a 35, but I know that I was in a 45 when he clocked me, but he pulled me over in a 35( I was coming up to the 35-speed limit). I am under 21, and I know that that they will suspend my license for spending. What would be my best options? I have to appear in court.
Lauren Williams
Posted Jul 21, 2021 at 05:18:13
I got pulled over going 90 in a 45 miles per hour zone. Can you give me some insight on what I should expect.
Posted Jul 21, 2021 at 09:32:13
I was pulled over in Sylvester, Georgia for driving too fast for conditions. It was at night and it was raining. I was on a 2 lane hwy. I was running 41 in a 35. When he pulled me over and said I was driving too fast for conditions, I asked him how fast I was going and he said that the speed limit didn’t matter I was going too fast because it was night and raining. I know that I was going 6 miles over the speed limit, but 41 is not that fast on a 4 lane hwy even if it is raining and at night. I have not had a ticket in over 30 years. The ticket is $200. Is it worth going to court and see if the fine can be reduced?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 21, 2021 at 09:47:50
First thing to know is that too fast for conditions is a zero point offense for a Georgia licensed driver.
So, the case quickly gets into the territory of how much time, effort and money is worth being invested.
A too fast for conditions ticket is required by case law to specify an estimated speed for the driver and what conditions existed to make that speed unsafe. Many officers do not notate that information.
I am a little confused, though because you first say that you were on a 2 lane highway and then say that it was a 4 lane highway.
Unfortunately, $200 is not considered a high fine in most places.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 21, 2021 at 09:49:28
It very much depends on the location and the court. It is a super speeder offense. I would suggest doing a Georgia licensed defensive driving school ahead of the court date. You should be asking for a speed reduction or a zero-point-order if you are eligible. Best bet is tot consult with a lawyer who handles cases in that court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 21, 2021 at 09:51:38
Get a lawyer who handles cases in that court.
Do a video of the route (from the passenger seat, please) being sure to show the speed limit signs.
Check the citation for identifying information about the location of the offense.
Request the officer’s dashcam or other video to hopefully lock in where the radar contact was.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 21, 2021 at 09:53:41
63 in a 45 would not cause a license suspension for an over-21 driver, like your boyfriend, unless he has racked up a whole lot of points already in the last 24 months.
Two points is what he gets.
I do not handle cases in Hall County. It’s worth a consultation with a traffic lawyer in Hall County to find out if diversion or reduction is a possibility.
But, overall the consequences on a 63/45 are not terrible.
Steven Chen
Posted Jul 24, 2021 at 04:56:35
Hello Sean, on 7/24/21, I was given a 40-6-181 ticket, where I was cited going 101mph in a 70mph limit at 3:30am trying to make it to a music gig in Florida. This happened in Bryan County/Richmond Hill GA. I have a Maryland license. I am getting incredibly anxious and scared if I am being honest. I saw that they have a speed reduction form on Richmond Hill website that I can mail in, but I was wondering how good my chances are of getting it reduced to 14 over the speed limit. Im afraid I cant afford the ticket costs or even hiring a lawyer. I have only gotten 1 or 0 tickets in 3 years too. Any help or response would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Samantha Clarkson
Posted Jul 25, 2021 at 21:53:22
My boyfriend got pulled over going over a hundred in a 70mph area in Georgia and we live in New York he was sent to jail immediately and I bailed him out we have court coming up what am I looking at I’m nervous for him
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 26, 2021 at 05:17:05
It can certainly vary by county. If it is only speeding, it is typically a fine, but some courts will require probation and driver education for a speed like that, sometimes even community service. It is unlikely to involve more jail time, although that cannot be fully ruled out. Almost every traffic offense in Georgia is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 26, 2021 at 05:18:55
I am not familiar with that court, you need to find some lawyers closer to that area to pose the question to.
Posted Jul 27, 2021 at 12:27:41
My daughter got her first ticket on I-20 in Rockdale county doing 85 in 70. She was trying to pass a car to get over because she was being tailgated. The deputy pulled her over and not the person tailgating. She is still in college and on our insurance. A friend said she should go to court a plead no low? She has a schooling conflict on the court date. Any suggestions?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 29, 2021 at 06:40:52
She needs to either have an attorney or go to court to request a reduction. I am assuming that she is under 21. This would not by itself suspend her license, but will incur a super speeder classification and additional fee. I do not go to the Rock, but there are plenty of good lawyers down that way.
Posted Jul 29, 2021 at 14:06:53
My neice is 17years old and was laser in Hambersham Ga, which is Clarksville County. The cop is saying she 86 in a 65. I have an app that states she was only doing 83. This is her very frist traffic violation ever. She is very involved in school with academic and sports in school. She is a senior this year. What can we do to keep her from having her license suspended. Her mom passed away 3yrs ago. Her dad has nothing to do with her so I would have to get her back and forth to school. I work on the Frontline in the ER so my job is very demanding. What can we do to keep her license even if it a only driving to and from school and school events
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 30, 2021 at 06:06:41
So, you have it jumbled a little. the city of Clarkesville is located in Habersham County.
The app you describe would be an estimate of speed based on GPS data but is not considered to be more reliable than a radar or laser speed detection system.
She does need to seek a reduction. If it is in State Court, she will need to go to court and ask for a reduction of speed. I am not sure what the Solicitor or Judge will be willing to do for her based on recent communications from that court.
It never hurts for her to complete a defensive driving course ahead of court. Given her age, copies of grades, etc., may be helpful.
Hosa Flamez
Posted Jul 31, 2021 at 13:24:58
So I got A ticket for 71/55 apparently but I wasn’t going that at all I’m a Lyft driver and I paid the ticket officer said I wouldn’t have to come to court and the paper says same but they sent something in mail what possibly could I get hit with?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 02, 2021 at 07:45:23
16 over is a 2 point violation for a Georgia license holder.
Daniel Mulkey
Posted Aug 02, 2021 at 19:00:56
Up until this I have never received a speeding ticket. I recently was pulled over and recieved a ticket for speeding. I was in a 2 lane and got clocked going 83 in 55. I’m only 20 years old, if I pay the ticket will there be any other repercussions?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 03, 2021 at 05:13:41
If you are a Georgia license holder, that speed has two significant other repercussions:
1) It is a 4-point offense. As an under-21 license holder, a 4-point offense will suspend your license. Assuming you have no prior suspensions on your license, this would cause a 6-month suspension of your license. Since you are over 18, the sentencing judge would have discretion to issue you a certificate for a limited permit, but if not, you could not drive during that time period. You will have to complete an approved defensive driving course and pay a $200 reinstatement fee to get your license back.
2) It is a super speeder offense, which means that if you are convicted of that speed, you would get a bill from the state for $200 on top of all court fines and fees and license fees. If you failed to timely pay that additional $200 fee, it could cause your license to be suspended until it is paid.
I don’t know what court your case is in, but you really should speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that court.
Bailey Eddins
Posted Aug 03, 2021 at 09:55:07
Hi there, I was caught going 85 in a 55 on a two lane road in Heard County by Franklin. I’m 18, and this would be my first offense. I have a court date set for Sep 15, what should I do??
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 03, 2021 at 10:26:45
Talk to a lawyer who handles speeding cases in Heard County. That speed with your age can cause your license to be suspended, not to mention severely damage your wallet with court fines plus Super Speeder fees.
Victoria Ngo
Posted Aug 05, 2021 at 09:28:05
Hi I recently got pulled over for going 24 miles over the speed limit I am below the age of 18 and got my license 4 months ago this is my first offense but I don’t know what to do? Will I get my license taken if I plead guilty or is there any other option where I can pay the fine and just take and 6 hr defense driving class?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 05, 2021 at 10:14:24
If you just pay this ticket or plead guilty to it as is, your license will be suspended. You need to speak to a lawyer who handles cases wherever this ticket is. If you are still on a family insurance plan, you need to talk to your family about this ticket before you do anything. Your mishandling of this ticket could have expensive repercussions for them. Depending on the speed and the type of road, it could also be a super speeder offense which means an extra $200 on top of court fines and fees.
Taking the defensive driving course is a great idea and should be done, but it will not automatically and by itself save your license. Again, you need a lawyer.
Casey Cochran
Posted Aug 05, 2021 at 22:08:42
Hi I got pulled over for doing 90 in a 55. The officer said that he was not going to charge me with a super speeder but the ticket states that I was doing 90 in a 55. Does this mean that I will still be charged with a super speeder even though he said that he was not going to charge me with it?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 06, 2021 at 08:20:31
It does not matter what the officer told you. That speed is going to be a super speeder. The only way that changes is if the cited speed is reduced or if the offense is diverted or amended to a non-speeding offense.
Posted Aug 06, 2021 at 13:13:15
Hello! So I’m 21 years old and just got tagged for doing 86 in a 65 in Blairsville, GA by the Sheriff’s department on Route 76 which is a 4 lane road with a physical median. This is my very first offense and the officer said he reduced the speed to 78mph on the violation section of the ticket where in his remarks he mentioned that I was actually going 86 in a 65mph zone. Will I still receive a super Speeder fine? I don’t see the 40-6-189 code. Just the 40-6-181 violation… Around how much do you presume the fine will end up being?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 09, 2021 at 08:09:20
What he put on the speed line is what controls what happens with the case. The remarks do not control the outcome. 78/65 is a zero-point offense for a Georgia driver. If it reflects that it is not a 2 lane road, then It will not trigger super speeder. I am not familiar with the fine schedule for Blairsville Municipal or Union County Probate Courts.
Posted Aug 09, 2021 at 16:23:02
Hello I was driving from New jersey to Florida and got pulled over for speeding on interstate 95s in McIntosh county within Darien. The ticket indicated a speed of 97 in a 25 zone.
Is this worth fighting based on the speed zone since the interstate speed limit is 70?
Is this automatic points or just a fine I have a New Jersey license?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 10, 2021 at 05:33:26
First things, points are set by the licensing state. New Jersey, according to their website, assesses two points for any out-of-state violation. So, it does not seem to matter what the speed is. But, you should consult with a New Jersey traffic lawyer to make sure.
The 25 mph zone would be a major question for me, because it would be unusual to see such a limit on an interstate highway, unless there was some type of major construction going on,
Almost all traffic violations in Georgia are misdemeanors, punishable by up to a year in prison and a $1,000 base fine. That includes speeding. Fines only are typical in speeding cases, but with unusually high speeds, there is always a risk of more harsh treatment.
Kenneth M
Posted Aug 19, 2021 at 06:50:41
Hi Sean, I got pulled over in Lilburn last night doing 56 in a 35 on a two lane road. It was after dark and the cops were doing speed detection with Lidar guns. I saw them hidden and doing speed detection, although I still received a citation. I am not wanting to lose my license since I do have to get to work and it’s pretty far from my job. I have reviewed two warnings in the past three years for speeding, all were 15-20 over posted speed. Is this worth taking to court and fighting? If so, what are my options? I am 18 years old and on not on my parents policy. I do not want to lose my license or have my parents insurance go way too high. Thank you in advance.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 19, 2021 at 07:25:24
21 over is a 3 point offense in Georgia. Over 18 and under 21 Georgia restricted license holder will not be suspended for a three point offense, by itself. It is worth going to court to try to get a reduction of some type. A lawyer could be a big help on that front. I do not go to Lilburn.
Posted Aug 19, 2021 at 17:48:59
Hi Sean I received a ticket in Darian Georgia while driving through to Florida a few weeks back. I went online to check the ticket however when I inputted my license number the ticket did no show up. I then entered the citation number and the ticket showed up. In reviewing the paper ticket I got I see that the officer inputted by license number incorrectly by one character. I also noticed he inputted the state of license incorrectly.
What’s your advice on how to move forward with this ticket? I didn’t plan on returning for the noted court date as I am from a different state my plan was to pay online
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 20, 2021 at 05:15:39
If the errors are never corrected, then the ticket may not hit your license. Not your obligation to point out the error. On the other hand, it might get figured out and end up on your license. So, just in case, you should look into what the ticket’s impact on your home state license would be if that happens.
If the ticket is 85 plus on a 4-lane or 75 plus on some other type of road, then you will still get a bill from Georgia for an additional $200 if you just plead to the ticket, and since your address is correct, you will probably get that bill.
Posted Aug 22, 2021 at 09:33:31
I had recently got pulled over august 18 the offer said i was doing 63 in a 35 but i was behind another vehicle & the officer had waited until we stopped to let the vehicle turn into a drive way before he had turned his blue lights on. it’s my first ticket & i don’t know what to do or if they will take my licenses i’m only 17.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 23, 2021 at 05:58:36
this is a 4-point offense. If you do not obtain a reduction of speed or diversion, this ticket could revoke or suspend your restricted license. Slow down. Talk to you parents or guardians about the ticket, because it is likely to hit their insurance as well if it goes in like this. You should have a lawyer. You should be prepared to do defensive driving class or a traffic victims impact panel, community service, an essay or other programs to obtain relief from this ticket.
Posted Aug 23, 2021 at 09:04:46
My 18 yr old son was recently stopped and ticketed for 104 in a 65 zone. He was given a date to appear before the judge (which was today) and we were prompted by the judge to speak with an attorney. She said that if he pled guilty that he would have his license suspended but it was not up to her for how long. She said the DDS would determine that. We don’t really know the best way to handle this. Is it beneficial to retain a lawyer for help in this matter?
Posted Aug 23, 2021 at 09:42:05
I got a speeding ticket in Georgia in Cobb county for driving 59 in a 45 zone. Fine is 91$. Should I plead guilty and pay the fine. Will it be reported to Insurance and will I get license points if I pay fine or should I contest it thru lawyer.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 23, 2021 at 10:48:57
If you have a Georgia license, it is a zero point and usually will not be reported. It should not hit insurance. Most Georgia drivers would be okay just paying that one.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 23, 2021 at 10:51:56
With that speed, you should talk to a lawyer. Some jurisdictions, only a few I know of, will ask for jail time with a very high speed. The bigger issue is the license consequence, and an attorney may be able to help with that.
Posted Aug 30, 2021 at 19:52:17
I received a ticket while going 101 in a 70. Yes, I know that’s awful. I was running late for work and this obviously made me late for sure. This is my first offense ever and I’m scared of losing my license now. Without a license, I lose my job. I am 20 and was told that they will probably be suspended. What can I do? Thanks for any advice.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 31, 2021 at 05:50:51
If you plead guilty to that speed prior to your 21st birthday, it will suspend your license.
Slow down. Consult a lawyer who handles tickets in that area, wherever it may be, and either get a negotiated reduction or delay the case past your next birthday.
Do defensive driving course at a minimum.
Posted Aug 31, 2021 at 11:28:24
I just got a ticket today for going 27 over the speed limit in Lawrenceville,ga. It was in a school zone which the speed limit was 25. This is my first offense and I’m only 18. Will this result in me having a suspension of my license and what is the estimate amount I might have to pay? I also have court in October but I don’t know how to represent myself nor do I have money for an attorney.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 31, 2021 at 11:52:17
If you are on someone else’s insurance, a parent or guardian, typically, then you need to talk to that person about this ticket. Yes, it can suspend your license. Yes, it is likely to be expensive because it was very fast in a school zone. A suspension of your license could have a very negative effect on your parent’s or guardian’s insurance as well. They need to know and need to help you. You need to complete a defensive driving and/or traffic victim impact program and ask for mercy from the court. Some courts are willing to help young people in this situation. Since you do not state the county or city, I am unsure where to point you beyond that.
Posted Aug 31, 2021 at 11:57:13
The city I was in was Lawrenceville located in Gwinnett county.
Posted Aug 31, 2021 at 16:03:26
If I were to do the defensive driving or traffic victim course, how long will it take to get my license back?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 01, 2021 at 05:54:13
I do not handle cases in Gwinnett. There are lots of lawyers who do. This is important enough that you should try to get representation. At 18, it will suspend your license for 6 months, with no permit unless allowed by the judge on a first 4-point or more speeding offense.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 01, 2021 at 05:56:51
The point of doing those two courses is to (1) become a better driver and (2) seek a reduction or diversion of the ticket. If you are convicted of the speed as is, the 6 month suspension is automatic and is not reduced.
Posted Sep 01, 2021 at 13:19:55
yes my question i was going 102 in a 55 in an emergency to get away from a crazy driver i received the ticket on a 2 lane road in mcrae ga just wondering what would be my options
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 02, 2021 at 06:00:55
While justification is theoretically a defense to speeding, as any other offense, I have been unable to locate a case where it was found to be applicable or where the defendant was even entitled to a jury instruction on it.
Basically, justification for speeding comes down to whether there were other legal alternatives to be pursued as judged by what a reasonable person would see as available in a similar situation. Driving the speed limit and dialing 911 on a cell phone. Pulling over in an area with other people. Driving under the speed limit to a police station.
In your case, did the officer see the other driver and stop them as well or would they say they didn’t see you being pursued by another driver.
I think you are going to have a hard time selling the court that you had no choice but to drive 102 mph.
You need to talk to a lawyer who can try to get the speed reduced, etc.
Nathaniel Durrence
Posted Sep 07, 2021 at 09:33:28
Hi there I got pulled over yesterday for going 50 in a 45 mile an hour zone however when the officer approached me he said that I was going 60 in a 45 which seems strange, I have to appear in court by December 14 and there is no price on the speeding ticket that he gave me should I hire an attorney? I live in Georgia and this was in Happeville Atlanta just outside of the airport. The officer said that he would reduce the speed from 60 mph down to 59 which supposedly wouldn’t affect my insurance, I have read on this website that I’m roughly looking at anywhere from $100-$150 fine, but will I have to actually go to court? The officer in question said he clocked me going 60 mph from 4000 feet away which is nearly impossible since his radar would’ve had to have tracked me through a 50 foot hill and thousands of tons of dirt, cement, asphalt, and electrical components, I was sure I was going 50 in a 45.
Thank you in advance if you post a reply
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 07, 2021 at 09:48:19
You should speak to an attorney who handles cases in that particular court. I do not go to the metro Atlanta area. I am in Toccoa in northeast Georgia.
Posted Sep 11, 2021 at 06:33:21
Hello, I was caught by GSP going (he originally said 62 in a 35) but the ticket said 65. It was right when the speed limit decreased. Is there anyway I could possibly go to court and get this reduced?
Posted Sep 11, 2021 at 06:34:20
Hello, I was caught by GSP going (he originally said 62 in a 35) but the ticket said 65. It was right when the speed limit decreased. Is there anyway I could possibly go to court and get this reduced? The ticket is in bullock county. It’s only my second ticket ever.
Posted Sep 11, 2021 at 06:36:32
Hello, my ticket is in bulloch county. A GSP clocked me at (originally he said 62 but on the ticket it says 65 in a 35 however it was before I noticed the speed reduction sign. Is there any way I could go to court and get the speed reduced? Or should I do a driving class or just pay the fee? This only my second ticket ever.
Jason Wang
Posted Sep 11, 2021 at 23:11:15
I very recently just received a speeding ticket. I am from out of state, New York specially, and moved to Georgia for the military. The ticket says I was doing 102mph in a 70mph and that I had my cruise control set to 100mph. This is my first offense and I honestly thought the speed limit here was a lot higher so going 100 was within that 15mph plus or minus zone. I am posting a comment because I want to know if I should seek a lawyer or just show up to court myself and try to get things resolved that way. Thank you
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 13, 2021 at 05:04:17
If you just pay or plead guilty to the offense, then it will cost you the fine and a Super Speeder $200 fee on top of that. I generally think it is worth your talking to a lawyer who handles cases in that jurisdiction to find out what your options oare.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 13, 2021 at 05:05:28
You should talk to a lawyer in Statesboro area first to see if there are any options.
Posted Sep 15, 2021 at 14:25:51
I recently received a speeding ticket in Stillmore, GA (Emanuel County). The speed limit where I was driving was 50 and I was going closer to 60. The speed was immediately reduced to 40 and I began to slow down. As I approached the posted Speed Limit sign, I noticed the officer hidden on the left hand side of the road. I was promptly stopped and given a citation for going 58 in a 40. The fine imposed is $202, which seems excessive.
I am wondering if you can give me some insight and tips on how I should approach this, as I haven’t received a violation or ticket in over 15+ years. Should I invest time/effort into trying to get the fine reduced? Also, will this have any affect on my driving record? Thank you kindly!
Naelis Núñez
Posted Sep 15, 2021 at 15:24:08
I was pulled over during Labor Day weekend for doing 84 on a 70. The officer told me to just pay the fine so that it wouldn’t show on my insurance or get points on my license. This is my first offense ever, and it’s $250. That doesn’t sound right.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 16, 2021 at 05:37:00
If you are a Georgia licensee and you were not a CDL driver in a CMV, then that advice is correct. 14 over is a zero point offense for a Georgia license holder, and clerks are not supposed to report that disposition to DDS for a Georgia driver.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 16, 2021 at 05:39:34
You should talk to a lawyer who handles cases in the court your ticket will be going to. It is a violation which would put points on a Georgia license.
It is a lot easier to reach an agreement on reducing the speed than it is to get a reduction in the fine amount.
Posted Sep 16, 2021 at 09:04:58
I was on my way home to Florida and got pulled over in Glynn County, Brunswick. I was clocked at 89 in a 70. This is my first ticket, I wanted to attempt to fight it but im not sure if it is even worth it at this point. The officer didn’t say much he did not wanna talk he referred me to the citation saying all his information was there. Is there any advice on what I may be able to do? I am afraid about what is going to happen next.
Posted Sep 19, 2021 at 09:16:38
I recently received a ticket at Forsyth county in Cumming, GA for driving 60 on a 45. It wasn’t through radar. The officer who pulled me over stated that he paced himself with my car to determine my speed. I handed him my license from New York as I was registered to that state until last week when I changed to Georgia residency and received a Georgia license. I have read that NY DMV does not record out or state traffic violations?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 20, 2021 at 04:33:16
I have read that too, but I am not a New York attorney.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 20, 2021 at 04:34:51
You need to look and see what the consequences against your Floriday license. In Georgia, it will cost you the court fines and fees plus the $200 super speeder fee that you get a bill for after you close the speeding case. You most likely would benefit from talking to a lawyer in the Brunswick area about getting a speed reduction or diversion.
Posted Sep 20, 2021 at 17:12:25
I have a court date in October for a speeding ticket that happened last year around the fall season. I have since took a defensive driving course back in February. I don’t have the best driving record but I have been doing better this year.. my question is what jurisdictions give jail time for speeding and will I be able to get an attorney if I can’t afford one?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 21, 2021 at 06:00:41
I do not have a list of jurisdictions which have given or regularly given jail time for speeding. I think that Forsyth is reputed to do so for repeated high speed tickets, but I don’t handle cases down there. You can be appointed an attorney if you qualify as indigent. You are likely to encounter some resistance in some places to appointing a lawyer on a speeding case, even though Georgia’s refusal to remove jail time from routine traffic cases means that there is a state obligation to provide such representation.
Posted Sep 21, 2021 at 11:29:31
If you don’t go to jail as soon as you get pulled over and they just give you a speeding ticket but the speeding ticket isn’t allowing you to pay and you have to appear in court, will they send you to jail?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 21, 2021 at 11:36:30
Not necessarily. It is not unusual for courts to gate offenses that will trigger license suspensions behind court appearance requirements. In other words, they are trying to protect people from themselves when just paying the fine could cause a license suspension or other serious consequence.
Posted Sep 21, 2021 at 19:24:07
Hi, I’m 20 years old and got a speeding ticket in Tifton, GA. The ticket is for 90/70. I had my cruise control on when the officer said he clocked me but i don’t believe he got the right speed but i also can not prove him wrong either. I’m worried because I’m trying to get my CDL, can you help? Will this affect my chances?
If i pay the $550 fine and accept the points then what?
If i go to court and loose the case then what?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Posted Sep 22, 2021 at 06:37:29
Hey Sean,
I got pulled over today near Athens, GA for passing a cop and speeding right in front of him (to my demise it was an unmarked car). I was going 59mph on a 45mph road. It was in the morning time so the cop stated that it was dark and the weather was rainy (slight drizzle) as well.
Will this show on my insurance? Also, what is the average cost of this type of ticket? Thanks.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 22, 2021 at 07:16:39
Speak to an Athens area attorney who handles these types of cases. You may be able to get some reduction to avoid license and insurance consequences. Since you do not specify the speed, I cannot speak to the particular consequences.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 22, 2021 at 07:17:50
You definitely need to speak to a lawyer in Tifton. I recommend Patrick Kunes down there. The speed can cause you problems and can subject you to the additional expense of a super speeder fee unless the speed is reduced or the ticket is diverted.
Posted Sep 24, 2021 at 14:36:22
Hi! I was recently pulled over in McIntosh county for going 85 in 70. Im 21 years old with a Georgia drivers license and this is my first offense. I’ve been given mixed information about how the ticket will affect me since I’m in the military. Do I have to go to court for this and how much would this speeding ticket cost? Any advice would be great!
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 27, 2021 at 08:15:14
It will not suspend your license. It is a two point offense. It is a super speeder violations which means that after you go to court if the speed is not reduced, you will get a bill from the state of Georgia for an additional $200. If you do not pay that super speeder fee, that failure can cause a license suspension. Each court determines who has to show up and who can just pay the fine. Most courts would not require appearance for 85/70. It may be worth it for you to go and ask for a reduction to 84/70; that would make it a zero point violation which should not report to the state and will not trigger super speeder.
Chris C
Posted Sep 27, 2021 at 09:58:55
I got pulled over by a GA State Trooper, 70 in 55. He issued a citation and summons to appear in court. The citation issued did not specify how my speed was measured or determined. Does the officer have to disclose which method was used to measure speed? Not even the ‘Patrol Vehicle’ or ‘Other’ box was checked on the ticket. If they estimated my speed, is there a good chance that I can get the 15 reduced, thus preventing any points against my license? First offense, back road (2 way), driving about 3 car lengths behind a larger pickup truck going same speed (if not faster) and was downhill.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 27, 2021 at 10:49:28
It is usually not too difficult to talk a prosecutor or the court into a one mile per hour speed reduction, which is all you need to make this a zero point offense if you are a Georgia license holder.
Posted Sep 29, 2021 at 08:12:48
I was pulled over recently with a first offense of 65 in a 45 by a Bryan County police officer. They had already set the court date on the citation(November) and everything was correct that he listed. I waited a week to check the citation pay off and it is $525 for just 20mph over and I’m extremely overwhelmed by that price. It will take me weeks to pay that off, but I was mentioned by a friend of “Defensive Driving” to get this reduced and to get it off my record?
If I just pay the fine before the court date, do I still have to go to court?
I’m concerned for the price and would like to know any advice on what I can do.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 29, 2021 at 10:35:18
For a lot of reasons (some good, some not), a lot of traffic courts seem to have gone up significantly on fines over the last five years. The evidence I see is that the increased fines are not serving as a deterrent.
Defensive driving would primarily be to deal with the issue of points. This is a three point offense. If you don’t have any other points, it would not cause a suspension. It could have an effect on your insurance premiums. Most of the courts in my area will consider the defensive driving certificate and will reduce the speed to a non-points level but leave the fine the same. Be careful though, some courts are very picky that the course has to be “in person.” In person can be in a physical classroom or in a virtual space with videoconferencing. it would not include a video replay. Some online sites will sell you a certificate that will not help you. It should be through a Georgia approved provider. Check DDS website for their approved providers.
If you just pay the fine before the court and the court allows that, then that will count as a guilty plea and you will incur the three points.
A lawyer in that area would be better able to tell you what the court is likely to do.
Posted Sep 29, 2021 at 22:01:54
Thanks for the info, Sean. You’re in the right business in GA. The speeding laws there are absolutely extreme and cruel. Was going 90mph up 75 on my way through the state last year and got caught by a cop sitting on a freaking overpass. Tifton County PD hit me with a $525 ticket. Outrageous, but I paid it immediately because I live out of state and there’s no way I’m driving all the way back for a court appearance. Then, while going through some old mail, I see I’m supposed to pay these thieves ANOTHER $250. $775 for going 90 in a 70….
Apparently my license is now suspended in the state of Georgia. Will this fine and suspension just stay in place forever until I pay it?
Posted Sep 29, 2021 at 23:45:31
Hi, I’m 18 and was just pulled over yesterday (9/29) and the officer said I was going 91mph (91/65 on highway), but just before he pulled me over and before I saw him, I saw around 80mph on my dashboard. I also have evidence from Life360 saying I was going 80-81, I screenshotted it just in case. There was no way I was going 91 because there was traffic in front of me AND to the right of me. If I was going that fast all the cars would be zipping past from my POV but it was more like I was steadily accelerating. I’d have to slow down to match traffic. I see no reason why he didn’t go after another car which sped off right in front of him. Even if I was going that fast, I noticed I was pushing 80mph and decided to slow down— because again there was traffic in front of me.. Probably saw me in my car as an easy cash grab. The car I drive (which I am using from my step-dads) is absolutely not a racecar and wobbles at certain speeds— it even has troubles going to and maintaining speeds 70-75mph.
I apparently got a citation, does that mean I HAVE to go to court? Or can I pay the fee online?
It says I have the court date in December but he also told me I could pay online. Very much confused and feeling a certain type of way.
Posted Sep 29, 2021 at 23:48:10
I have no prior history of ANYTHING, where the incident happened was around the Vinings area (close to ATL).
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 30, 2021 at 05:11:15
This is a 6 point offense. It will absolutely suspend the license of an under-21 Georgia license holder.
It is over 85 on a 4-lane highway, so, it is a super speeder violation. That means if the speed is not reduced or the offense amended, it will incur the additional $200 state super speeder fee.
A court could take your testimony and the app screenshot into account, but that is likely not going to be considered more reliable than a speed detection device.
You should not pay the fine online.
You should consult with a traffic lawyer who handles cases in the court where this will be pending. You probably will have to go to court or appear before a judge somehow in order to possibly get some relief. You may have to defensive driving or other programs to get help in saving your license. The fact that you have no other history, as noted in your other comment, will help.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 30, 2021 at 05:14:27
The fines in some areas of Georgia are certainly high. However, I find the license rules of some other states to be tougher. Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina all start giving points against licenses at 1 mph over the limit. Georgia doesn’t give points until 15 mph over the limit to its license holders. Any speed 80 mph or above can suspend a North Carolina license holder.
A failure to appear will stay in place until the ticket is disposed of and any associated fees paid.
Posted Oct 01, 2021 at 11:18:38
Respectfully want to know if a warning for a failure at the stop sign will go on my records?
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 04, 2021 at 06:36:11
Posted Oct 04, 2021 at 15:45:01
I received a speeding ticket in City of Braselton in Georgia. The officer said he clocked me at 64 at the bottom of the hill in a 45 zone. This is my first offense ever. I have been driving for 37 years. He would not issue a warning. When I drove that route earlier I noticed that there is no speed limit posted. It is a six lane divided highway (3 lanes on each side). Do I have a defense that speed was determined at the bottom of a hill or the non-posted speed limit? Also, I was moving with traffic during a busy time of day.
Posted Oct 05, 2021 at 01:20:32
I was recently pulled over for going 48 in a 35 in Savannah, GA. This is my first offense ever- I’ve not even received so much as a parking ticket before this. However, I was issued a ticket for nearly $250.
Since it is only 13 over, will my insurance be notified? And is there any way to have the fine reduced since it is my first offense?
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 05, 2021 at 04:33:00
This is a 13 mph over ticket. If you are a Georgia licensee, the clerk should not report it to DDS. If it is not reported, it will not show up on your driving history. I cannot rule out that it can come to your insurance company’s attention some other way, but it would be unusual. In Georgia, insurance companies have a lot of leeway in determining how they set rates.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 05, 2021 at 04:35:15
If indeed there is no speed limit posted anywhere on the road, including points prior to your entry onto the road, then that may be a defense. You should speak to a lawyer who handles cases in Braselton.
Posted Oct 05, 2021 at 05:47:28
I was recently pulled over in Lenox Ga while heading to Florida. I received a super speeder , I was doing 99 in a 70 I know that’s 29 over but my ticket is extremely high. It’s 750$ I want to know if that’s too much and I should fight it to be reduced or I should pay. I got a ticket for speeding 2 years ago but it was reduced and I payed 200$ I think . Is that why this ticket is so high ? It’s also 3hrs away from where I live which is Gwinnett so I don’t want to drive that long just for them to tell me they won’t reduce.. what should I do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 05, 2021 at 05:57:21
In Georgia, speeding is a misdemeanor. Most misdemeanors, including speeding, are punishable by up to 12 months of incarceration and up to $1,000 base fine. The base fine is subject to statutory surcharges, some of which are affected by local legislation. In general, I count on around 35% in surcharges on a non-alcohol and drug offense. Your quoted fine is likely surcharge inclusive, meaning that is the total.
The fine is within the statutory range.
Why is it so high? Because the judge, prosecutor, and/or local law enforcement have pushed it that high either to send a message or to increase revenues. Take your pick.
Georgia has some protections against local speed traps, but they operate on a systemic level, not an individual level, and most courts do not find it difficult to keep their share of revenues to a level that will not provoke state action.
Best bet is to talk to a lawyer closer to Lenox.
Posted Oct 05, 2021 at 10:56:46
Hello, I got my first ticket ever and it was for going 21 over 70 on a 3 lane highway and the ticket price came to nearly $600. I was thinking to either contact the sheriffs office myself or seek a lawyer to reduce the charges because I personally think that is way too high. I saw that you recently answered a question similar to this one already but I just wanted to know if it being my first ticket ever changed anything. Thank you in advance.
Troy Adams
Posted Oct 07, 2021 at 11:18:32
I went to court Oct 6th for a speeding ticket I received Aug 6th for going 40 in a 25 when in fact the section of road that I was on the speed limit is 35. The police officer was very young giving me the impression that maybe he was new to the area (small town). When I went to court the judge would not let me ask him any questions concerning this or what I should plea on the ticket. SOO I have another court date because I plead not guilty to going 15 over. I am not against paying for the 5 over but don’t want to pay for 15 over and get points on my lic when in fact I was not speeding 15 over. I have photos of the entire section of road that I was pulled over on showing the speed limit signs of 35 MPH. Will I get a chance to explain that in the next court date?
Posted Oct 08, 2021 at 20:56:36
Greetings, I just received a ticket in Savannah, GA where I was notified that I was going 50mph in a 35mph zone. According to the speed signs clearly indicate the maximum speed is 45mph which actually went around 46-47mph. I’m worried since I’m from Florida and I don’t know how that might affect me. I was summoned to court and I understand that I can claim since where the officer stopped me was a 45mph zone. What do you advise me to do? I am extremely concerned since it is my first ticket in all aspects and I do not know how that affects my record. Thank you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 11, 2021 at 05:42:50
You should speak to a Florida lawyer or look at Florida DMV’s site for answers about the license consequences of a 15 over speeding ticket. I believe that Florida gives points for any reported speeding ticket, with the amount of points being based on how much over the limit. So, the possible error about the limit where you were driving could be very important. Best bet is to talk to a traffic lawyer down there.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 11, 2021 at 05:44:29
If you plead not guilty at the first court appearance, then the next court date should be for a bench trial. You should get an opportunity to present your side to the judge. Have you tried talking, nicely, to the officer who wrote the ticket.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 11, 2021 at 05:55:37
OCGA 40-6-1 says that it being a first offense is supposed to matter and that for a speeding ticket with this speed, the maximum base fine should be $150. As I have stated elsewhere, I have rarely seen courts abide by this limitation.
So, the true complicating factor on pushing too hard on the fine issue is that the Georgia courts are not limited to fines for punishment of speeding offenses. Speeding is a misdemeanor in Georgia and is punishable by up to a year in jail and up to $1,000 base fine.
Some judges would listen to your argument about the base fine and say, you know what, you’re right, I sentence you to 12 months of probation and a $150 fine plus surcharges. I guarantee you that will cost more than $600. Or the judge could sentence you to 30 days in jail.
The point is that you probably need to at least consult with a lawyer who is familiar with the particular court before you go telling a judge what he can and can’t do.
Posted Oct 16, 2021 at 19:24:58
I was recently issued a NJtraffic ticket what should I do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 20, 2021 at 09:48:24
You should speak to a New Jersey traffic lawyer.
Jamey Nichols
Posted Oct 22, 2021 at 06:54:00
Good morning. My question is for my son. He was on his way to work early one morning and was ticketed going 73 in a 40. This is his first ticket and he is 18yrs old. The cop told him 71, but the ticket states 73 and fined with 31-35 over. I believe it was on a divided highway, and I don’t think it was residential, but more so like a business district.
He’s having to report to court because he’s 18 and it’s over 24mph over the limit, but we were wondering if it would be an automatic license suspension, if he could get a permit for work, etc. we know the fine will be steep, just unsure of the other consequences. Someone was following him very closely and instead of slowing down and having the person pass, he sped up to get in another lane.
Thanks for your help!
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 22, 2021 at 10:03:22
Chances are that if the court is requiring him to come in person in view of his age, it is because they want to explore options to avoid suspending his license. He should be asking about diversion or speed reduction. A lawyer who practices in the particular court would be best positioned to advise him on this.
Sarah martin
Posted Oct 26, 2021 at 17:15:54
Hi I wanted to ask a question. I received a ticket from a officer saying I was going 63mph in a 45 zone and I know I was not. I saw him and looked at my speedometer and I was only going 53mph. He pulled behind me and rode behind me at least 40 seconds before we came to a stop sign. I completely stopped and kept going. He then decided to put his lights on after going through the 4way and pulled over directly across the street at a gas station. I have my cdl class A for over 10yrs and never got pulled over for spending or pulled over by a police office never because of my cdls. Is it something worth fighting. Even when he filled out the ticket and gave it to me it does say I have my cdls and I do.
Steven Nguyen
Posted Oct 26, 2021 at 19:34:59
Hi, Sean! I’m 38 yo and I have a FL driver license. Got a citation in Tift County, GA for a speeding ticket, going 86mph in 70 zone. They charged me with a violation code of 40-6-181 and had a court date in Dec. This is my first time getting a ticket out of state. What should I be prepared for? Is this something I need to hire an attorney for. Thank you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 27, 2021 at 05:52:07
You should consult with a lawyer in or near Tift County. I am sending you a referral by email. It could cause a few points on your Florida license. Since you don’t say what your Florida history is, I can’t rule out license consequences, but you would have to have racked up quite a few tickets in the last three years to be at risk of that. Main thing is trying to keep points off the license and lessen or eliminate any insurance premium consequences.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 27, 2021 at 05:53:30
May be worth fighting, certainly worth negotiating about. Mainly a points issue and trying to keep that history clean.
zachary hall
Posted Oct 28, 2021 at 07:33:23
H Mr. Black, I am in need of some help. A while back I was driving home from Tennessee to Florida for vacation, i was pulled over for speeding somewhere in Georgia. I got home and life went on and had completely forgotten about the ticket. I later found out my license had been suspended/suppressed due to not paying the fine. I have called a few DMVs trying to figure out which county it was in so i can pay the fine and have it unsuspended but i have had no luck. I literally have no idea how to figure out which county i was in, it was at like 3am. My license was through Indiana, and ive tried asking the local dmv which issued it but they can only tell me which state it was supressed from, but not the county/jurisdiction.
Sean A. Black
Posted Oct 28, 2021 at 08:15:27
You should call Georgia DDS. They should be able to locate the court that submitted the FTA form that caused the suspension.
Posted Oct 29, 2021 at 17:26:24
I was ticketed for going 58 I’m a 25 mph (school zone) in Cobb county. In all honesty I didn’t realize I was in a school zone (normally it’s 45 mph) and didn’t realize my speed. No intentional recklessness. I just found out I must appear in court for this one as I was over 30 mph over the speed limit. I also found out my date has been postponed now due to covid. I have a clean driving record and absolutely no criminal history, and I haven’t had a speeding ticket in around 15 years. This was a morning my mind clearly was somewhere else. Why am I realistically facing for this violation?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 01, 2021 at 03:56:09
There are lots of lawyers in Cobb County that help with these types of cases. They would be more familiar with the options available in Cobb than I am. Diversion may still be an issue.
Posted Nov 01, 2021 at 04:41:36
So my boyfriend got his license suspended because he got 2 speeding tickets he go his license back and hasn’t been in any trouble since but last night on his way to work he got pulled over going 50 in a 35. Do you think they’ll suspend his license again ?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 01, 2021 at 05:39:42
No way to know without knowing how many points are still active on his license. 50/35 is only a 2 point offense. He should either get a lawyer or try to get a speed reduction on his own. A call to the court clerk might clarify if there are any easy options to get that one mile reduction that would make this a zero point offense for a Georgia licensee.
If he wants to know where his point count stands. He can go to the Georgia DDS website and download their app and create an account linked to his license. Then, he will know where he stands.
Christopher Ragsdale
Posted Nov 01, 2021 at 08:27:29
Hey Sean,
I recently got my first speeding ticket in Tift County going 87/70. Fine is $300 and was wondering how I may get that reduced?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 02, 2021 at 06:58:39
Sending you a referral by email.
Mari V
Posted Nov 08, 2021 at 17:30:59
Hello Sean,
I recently got my first speeding ticket going 87 in a 70mph zone by laser. I am still a minor (it actually happened on my birthday). Is it worth fighting over in court (McIntosh County)?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 09, 2021 at 05:21:01
If you are still under 18, it is important to try to get a reduction. An under-18 Georgia licensee can have their graduated license revoked for accumulating 4 points. This ticket, as is, would incur 2 points, so halfway towards not being able to drive. Seems worth it to me. Most prosecutors/courts will consider giving you a few miles reduction.
As well, getting it to 84 or below will save you from this being a super speeder fee of $200.
Consult with a lawyer who handles traffic tickets down that way. Also, if you are still on your parents’ or guardians’ insurance, it can have consequences to their insurance premiums, so make sure they are part of the discussion.
David S
Posted Nov 11, 2021 at 09:00:07
Hey Sean,
I was ticketed going 86 in a 70 mph zone (I-20). I am a 23 year-old GA resident and have a GA license. My question is does this count as super speeder or not? I read something that anything 85 or over is automatically super speeder even though I was only going 16 over the legal limit. If it does count as super speeder, should I go to court representing myself and ask it to be reduced? Can I write a letter to the judge instead? Is this worth getting a lawyer for since it’s gonna make my insurance go up?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 11, 2021 at 12:05:40
70 mph zone means this is on a four (or more) lane. The trigger for super speeder on such highways is 85 mph. So, yes, this is a super speeder offense. It is a 2 point offense as is. You can certainly represent yourself and ask for a reduction. Do not write a letter directly to the judge. Judges are not supposed to engage in ex parte communication on pending cases.
I lean toward it being worthwhile to at least consult with a lawyer familiar with the particular court.
Andrea Escamillo
Posted Nov 17, 2021 at 20:32:32
Hello! I would like to be advised please on how to plea for my super-speeder ticket. I was caught at 89 in a 65, two-lane road in Cuthbert, GA; I did not even realize I was going that fast on my way back way to Carrollton, GA from Tallahassee, FL. I am 20, and under my legal guardian’s insurance. I am scared that my license may get suspended and insurance will be affected. What do you recommend for me to do?
I also recently got pulled over for going 15 over in Bremen, GA on my way back to Carrollton from Calhoun, GA. However, the officer was nice and understanding enough to bring it down to a 13. He said to avoid points and more consequences. I plan to go to court for this one as well. Will this affect my case in Cuthbert?
Thank you!
Andrea Escamillo
Posted Nov 17, 2021 at 20:38:59
Hello! I would like to be advised please on how to plea for my super-speeder ticket. I was caught at 89 in a 65, two-lane road in Cuthbert, GA; I did not even realize I was going that fast on my way back way to Carrollton, GA from Tallahassee, FL. I am 20, and under my legal guardian’s insurance. I am scared that my license may get suspended and insurance will be affected. What do you recommend for me to do?
I also recently got pulled over for going 15 over in Bremen, GA on my way back to Carrollton from Calhoun, GA. However, the officer was nice and understanding enough to bring it down to a 13. He said to avoid points and more consequences. I plan to go to court for this one as well. Will this affect my case in Cuthbert?
Thank you!
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 18, 2021 at 05:36:34
The two cases do not directly influence one another. With a Georgia license, I would tell you to pay the fine on the 13 over. You do need a lawyer or to go to court on the 24 over to see if you can get a reduction. With an under-21 Georgia license, this could suspend your license unless you take appropriate steps. Hiring a lawyer is your best bet. And, your guardian needs to be involved in this because it can have a significant effect on that person’s insurance. It could cause a cancellation of their insurance which could lead to a requirement for non-standard risk (more expensive) insurance.
Posted Nov 20, 2021 at 09:45:21
If I got a ticket 81 in a 65 will that go on my insurance? Can I ask them not to put it on there? I told them the man I worked for the state and didn’t need anything on my license or insurance. I don’t care what I have to pay I just want to make sure it does not go on my insurance or license.
Posted Nov 22, 2021 at 02:11:29
I got the same ticket tonight what did they do to you?
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 22, 2021 at 05:53:37
It is a 2 point offense as is. Getting it to 79/65 would make it zero points and should keep it off your license, if no other options exist. you should consult a lawyer familiar with the particular court.
Gloria Switzer
Posted Nov 22, 2021 at 10:52:43
I recently received a speeding citation. And it is 738 dollars when I went to the clerk she advised that I go to court for it. She had mentioned asking the judge for a payment Plan and asking if I could have a reduction in points so then it doesn’t go on my insurance but I’m not sure how I supposed to ask for that and if I have to pay for the ticket before I go to court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Nov 22, 2021 at 11:40:23
One option is to hire a lawyer to help walk you through that.
You do not typically pay the fine before going before the judge.
If at all possible, you should be prepared to pay the fine before you go to court. The court’s idea of a payment plan is to put you on probation. That will end up costing you an additional $40-$54 per month until it is paid. You can quickly double the expense of a ticket by letting yourself get put on probation. In addition, probation is a jail sentence where the jail is withheld as long as there are no violations. Putting yourself in a position to be put in jail for a missed payment, a missed appointment or a questionable urine screen does not seem smart to me. Beg or borrow the money from somewhere.
Jessica Fesmire
Posted Dec 07, 2021 at 13:35:43
Hello, I recently received a citation for 65MPH in a 25MPH in a school zone. I have not received a speeding violation in over 7 years. Do you think completing a defensive driving course before court is going to help with such a high ticket and in a school zone? Ticket is in Spalding County, GA
What fines could I be subjected to?
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 08, 2021 at 05:14:42
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 13, 2021 at 06:32:50
Defensive driving school could help. Fines vary significantly by court, and school zone violations are subject to increased fines.
Denisse Brisson
Posted Dec 13, 2021 at 10:29:41
Good afternoon Mr. Black, both me and my husband recently got matching citations. Both for going 55 on a 35 in Hall Co. He is just thinking about paying his fine without argument, while I want to go to court and ask for a speed reduction, since I don’t want points added to my license. What do you think my chances are of getting my tickets reduced to less than 14 miles over the speed limit? I haven’t gotten a ticket in over 5 years. Thank you for your time!!
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 13, 2021 at 10:56:52
I generally stay out of Hall County, so I cannot tell you for sure, but a clean history is very helpful in getting a reduction. It is definitely worth a shot. The worst they can say is “no.”
Celine Hizon
Posted Dec 13, 2021 at 20:59:19
Hi Sean. I was driving from South Carolina to Florida, passing Georgia. I have Virginia license. I was stopped in Darien. Officer gave me a ticket for speeding 15-18 over on 70 zone. Saying that I was driving at 85. I can’t show up to court. Do you think I should hire a lawyer? My biggest concern for it not to go on my driving record. Also do you know how many points it will be if it will go on record?! What would be your suggestion? Can I just do driving school and pay the fine and have it not go on my record? Thank you in advance!
Celine Hizon
Posted Dec 13, 2021 at 21:23:41
I actually have a Florida license not Virginia license. This goes for the post above!
Posted Dec 14, 2021 at 03:22:58
Good morning Sean. My son got pulled over for doing 81 in a 55 in Franklin County. The ticking state trooper wrote him a ticket but has issued it to him with all of my information, middle name, license #, birthday, ect. I can prove that it was impossible i was the one who got the ticket as i was not even in the vehicle at the time. Do I need to get a lawyer to fight this on my own and does this get him out of the ticket as well ? Thank you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 14, 2021 at 06:10:55
When I have dealt with similar situations in the past, the court has just dismissed the ticket and has not attempted to substitute in the real defendant. It looks like a super speeder offense. I am a lawyer; I lean towards people always having lawyers when dealing with the court system. You can certainly try to address the issue with the court without a lawyer.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 14, 2021 at 06:14:22
With a Florida license, 15 or more mph over the speed limit is a 4-point offense. 85 in a 70 will be on a 4-lane highway and is a super speeder offense, meaning that if you are convicted of speeding, then you will get a bill for $200 from the State of Georgia over and above any court fines and fees.
Going to defensive driving will not wipe it off your record. Depending on Florida policies, it could remove some of the points.
Your best bet is to talk to a lawyer down in that area and see what they can do to help you.
Celine Hizon
Posted Dec 14, 2021 at 12:08:13
Hi Sean,
As stated above in the “First Georgia Speeding Offense” section, you stated that “In the case of a first lifetime Georgia speeding offense, the legislature in 2001 imposed some maximum fines. This schedule is as follows: 1-4 miles over, $0; 5-10 miles over, $25; 10-14 miles over, $100; 15-18 miles over, $125; 19-23 miles over, $150; and 24-33 miles over, $500.”
Just for clarification, since I was going 15-18 miles over the speed limit, I will be charged $125 plus the $200 from the State of Georgia equalling a possible $325 if I am convicted. Is that correct?
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 15, 2021 at 06:22:23
I am glad you read my blog. The rest of the article describes how I generally do not see courts observing these limitations. Since I don’t know your speed and limit, I cannot comment on whether you are subject to the super speeder add on.
Your best bet is to try to get a speed reduction and be prepared to pay a higher fine.
Posted Dec 16, 2021 at 15:42:32
My 22 year old son got a citation in Forsyth County for driving 93 mph in a 65 mph zone on 10/3/21. He has a California license. We have paid the $464 court fee online for the citation because he will not be in Georgia for the court date on 1/6/22. The court reduced his citation to 23 over so he could pay it online without appearing in court. I have been trying to change his court date without any luck. He has not received a separate Super Speeder bill from DDS in the mail yet. Any chance he will not be getting one? This citation has not been posted to his driving record in California yet, I checked today. We are trying to avoid this ticket being reported to his insurance so I am thinking to be on the safe side he should take a Georgia Defense Driving class virtually. After hours of research I am still unclear on what date that needs to be completed, but I am thinking if he does it before his court date he may be good. Do you think I have covered everything? I have contacted the Clerks office, DDS, California DMV, and my insurance broker, only to still be unclear how to protect his driving record in California due to his nonresident status. I just do not want his insurance rates to triple. If this occurred in California it would have been much simpler to pay the fee and take traffic school and be done. Any help appreciated!
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 17, 2021 at 06:30:33
He will be getting a bill from Georgia for super speeder. You need to make sure that his mailing address as it appears on the citation is being checked for that correspondence. Failure to pay can lead to a Georgia suspension.
If you wanted to avoidit being reported, you should have explored that before paying the fine. Paying the fine is treated as a plea of guilty upon forfeiture. Forfeiture may not occur until the scheduled court date, but you will need to move quickly to find a lawyer in Forsyth County to help with this. You have made it more difficult by reaching a settlement of the speed and paying the fine.
As to it showing up on California records, that is likely, but not always speedy.
Posted Dec 25, 2021 at 11:04:41
I was speeding in Kingsland, Georgia at 101mph on 95 with the limit at 70mph. The ticket stated that it was mandatory for me to show up in court on the date provided on the ticket, however, the officer said I could just pay it online when giving it to me and Kingsland City office said I could just pay it too. However, with the Super Speeder attached it makes my ticket from $250 to $200. If I go to the court and plead guilty, is there a chance the Super Speeder fine can be eliminated (like does it just depend on the judge or is that in stone)? Further, if I go and bring the money for my $250 fine, is that it or is there a possibility that I can be put in jail (or is once again just entirely up to the judge)? Also, will I be able to take a driver’s ed course to get rid of points on my license if I am free to go? I am Florida citizen.
Posted Dec 25, 2021 at 13:03:27
Hi Sean, I picked up a ticket in Cook County GA for driving too fast for conditions, driving under a FL license. Officer’s comment list 93/70.
Will this be considered a speeding violation and will it trip the super speeder fine as well?
Thanks for your input
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 26, 2021 at 07:44:45
It will not be a speeding violation. Too fast for conditions is a zero point offense for a Georgia driver. I assume it might be a two point offense for Florida. You might ask the court to line through that 93/70 just so Florida does not do something strange with it. Since it is electronically transmitted and too fast for conditions does not have a place to put speed and limit, I do not really think you will have a problem.
No super speeder.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 26, 2021 at 07:45:37
It is probably worth going to court and asking for some adjustment. The court will tell you what they will require for that to happen.
Urmil Dave
Posted Dec 27, 2021 at 08:16:57
Hi Sean, I received a ticket for 92 mph in a 70 mph zone by Sycamore county officer. My license is from Maryland. The inline system shows a fine of $505. Isn’t it too much? My court date is for February 2022 so I’ll have to take a flight and come back. Please suggest what is a good option? Is it worth to contest it? Are there chances for the fine being reduced.
Will I receive a separate $200 fine later for super speeder since I was 22 over the limit?
Also is it possible to contest through video conferencing?
Urmil Dave
Posted Dec 27, 2021 at 11:48:38
Hi Sean, I received a speeding ticket from Sycamore County officer for 92 mph in a 70 mph zone. My fine is shown as $505 in online system. My license is from Maryland. Is it fine too high and is it worth contesting it taking a flight from Maryland and coming back or can I video conference? This is my first ever ticket in any state and by law shouldn’t the first ticket be no more than $150 if between 15-23 mph over the limit?
Also will I get a separate $200 super speeder ticket later on since I was 22 over the limit.
Posted Dec 28, 2021 at 18:40:08
Sean, I am a Georgia resident with a Georgia license. I recently received a speeding ticket traveling on 75 South in Peach County, City of Byron. It was for 87 mph in a 70 zone. As the officer handed me the ticket, he said that he marked it as adjudication so that it would not report to my insurance. I said thank you and went on my way. I went online to pay the fine, but nowhere online or on the ticket does it indicate anything about deferred adjudication. I’m familiar with that option in Texas but, after some quick research, it appears that’s not even a thing in Georgia. My fear is that paying the fine online will trigger reporting to DDS and insurance and the additional super speeder fine. Do you know what the officer could have been referring to? Should I go to court and ask for reduction to 84? I haven’t received a speeding ticket in at least 8 years, maybe longer. The remarks section of the citation say: “H O A” and also “AT 1470 FT”. The remarks may mean nothing but I felt it worth mentioning. Thank you in advance.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 31, 2021 at 05:02:09
The only way that I know that he might have thought he made it non-reporting is if he wrote it for OCGA 40-6-180 (too fast for conditions) instead of OCGA 40-6-181 (speeding). That would be a zero point offense for a Georgia driver and would typically not be transmitted by the clerk to DDS.
If not that, you should talk to a lawyer down that way before just paying the ticket.
Sean A. Black
Posted Dec 31, 2021 at 05:05:42
Georgia does not have a Sycamore County. Not sure what is going on. The fine does not exceed the statutory maximum. You can certainly go to court and point out the maximum fine amount for a first ticket. You may be offered some relief on the speed in exchange for paying the higher fine. If the speed you are convicted of is 85 or more, then you will get a super speeder bill for $200.
Posted Jan 01, 2022 at 00:40:07
Hi Sean,
I am a New Jersey resident and I was given a ticket driving 87 in a 70 mile zone on I 95 going to Florida. Will I be able to pay the ticket online or do I have to appear in court? Is there any chance of losing my license over this?
Thank you in advance
Ashunte Dennis
Posted Jan 03, 2022 at 06:00:31
Hey, I just received a ticket for going 94 in a 65 but like I told the officer I was speeding bc I had just got a call saying my sister had got into a bad car crash. Although my speed was reading 84, being that I’m on learners and don’t get my licenses till my march will they suspend them till I’m 21 or 18? I go to court a month before I get my licenses
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 03, 2022 at 06:13:29
There are probably at least ten courts that have some part of I-95 traffic tickets. I am not familiar with the policies of all of them. However, in most cases, you would be able to pay the ticket online. You would need to check with the individual court.
This would not cause Georgia to take any suspension action against you. New Jersey might, depending on your prior driving history, but that question is better addressed to a New Jersey lawyer. Probably not, though. It does look like it would be a 4 point offense against your license in the Garden State.
It will be a super speeder case, which means that you will get a bill from Georgia for $200 in addition to the court fines and fees. If you don’t pay that bill promptly, it could result in a suspension against your license.
Overall, it would be worth your time and money to talk to a lawyer down there about trying to get a speed or charge reduction to avoid the points and the super speeder bill.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 03, 2022 at 06:19:42
It is a lesson worth learning that the speed limit signs do not have an asterisk indicating that it doesn’t apply if you have a good reason. With a learner’s permit, this could be very serious. It can cause a 6 month suspension if this is your first four point offense.
There are several alternatives that might save your license, but it would be best that you speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that particular court.
Because a suspension can have consequences with car insurance, you need to bring your parent or guardian into the conversation; it could cause a cancellation of their policy which would then increase the cost of their insurance for years.
shawn hansen
Posted Jan 03, 2022 at 10:05:55
“The best way to deal with Super Speeder is to seek a disposition which causes your offense of conviction to fall outside the Super Speeder parameters.”
I was recently cited for 91 in a 65 zone on I20 westbound leaving Augusta. can You explain the above in more detail please?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 03, 2022 at 10:55:03
You were on what is classifed as a 4-lane highway, so any speed 85 mph or above will trigger super speeder. You need a diversion, a speed reduction to 84 mph or below, or a reduced offense (too fast for conditions, etc.) Different considerations may be in play if you are not a Georgia license holder.
Jalessa Livingston
Posted Jan 05, 2022 at 17:16:59
I recently received a ticket because I was going 104 in a 70 mile road in Georgia. I am from Florida. I was driving a 2021 car and I was trying to adjust the speed. I was given a reckless driving ticket for $1100 and the speeding ticket was $1400.
First things first, I honestly, can’t afford that and secondly, I don’t believe that I should have to pay that. What do you think I should do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 06, 2022 at 05:35:51
The fines do seem high. Surcharges and court costs can be added to the fine amounts, so it is possible for the total cost for each offense to exceed the normal $1,000 misdemeanor maximum. Normal surcharges are around 35%.
I have no idea what “trying to adjust the speed” means, but it will not be a defense to exceeding the speed limit.
There may be a defense to one of the two offenses if the only bad driving described is the speed. If it is only speed, then that conduct gets “used up” on the first offense. If the reckless driving identifies other behavior that placed people or property at risk, then both charges may stand.
This will require a deft touch because the maximum punishment for each offense is $1,000 base fine plus surcharges and court costs and 12 months in jail. You could easily make the point that they can only convict you of one, only for the judge to decide that the appropriate punishment is some time in jail as well as a maximum fine.
And, of course, this speed will trigger a super speed bill from the state of Georgia for an additional $200, which if not paid will trigger a license suspension.
You should consult with a Florida licensed lawyer to be sure, but this looks like 8 points against your Florida license. If you have any other points on your record, you could be getting close to a license suspension.
With that kind of speed, you should speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that particular court. You do not say which court this is in.
Posted Jan 06, 2022 at 10:08:37
Hello Sean! Hope all is well. I received a ticket for going 83 in a 55mph zone in Oconee County, GA. As I am 19 and a college student, I am aware that this conviction could lead to suspending my license as it is 4 points, 24 to 33 over. Before my probate court date in Watkinsville, I have completed a defensive driving course and scheduled a TVIP date which will occur after my scheduled court date. This is my first offense ever and I plan on bringing my clean driving record, college grades/transcript, and my certificate of completion for the driving course to show accountability. I also plan on pleading with the prosecutor to reduce my speed to 78, which would only give me 3 points and no license suspension.
With everything I’ve done thus far, does my plead with the prosecutor seem viable without a lawyer or should I try to get a traffic court lawyer?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 06, 2022 at 10:36:22
You should ask for a reduction to 69/55, which would be zero points. Not sure if you are still on your parents’ insurance or not, but you can also stress the desire not to have insurance rates go up.
If the prosecutor is not inclined to reduce the speed to help you, you should ask for a continuance to see about getting a lawyer to assist you.
James York
Posted Jan 09, 2022 at 19:38:03
I was doing 99 in a 55. This is my first time appearing in court for a speeding ticket, what is likely to happen or what can I do to improve my chances of my license not being suspended?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 10, 2022 at 04:18:37
Unless you have other points on your license, this ticket will not suspend a Georgia license.
Posted Jan 14, 2022 at 11:23:19
Hi Sean! I was traveling back to Illinois from Florida from a vacation in my sisters car and I got a ticket for doing 91 in a 70 in turner county. It’s my very first ticket in any state. My ticket doesn’t state the amount I have to pay which I’m not sure if it’s normal in Georgia or not. Some people are saying I would have to go to court but I would just rather prefer not to since I’m out of state and I would just like to pay the fine. I am only 20 and not sure if that affects it or not.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 14, 2022 at 11:45:16
Borrowing from, it looks like this could be a 20 point ticket under Illinois’ system. If you have or get another ticket or tickets that you are convicted of or pay, then you could be looking at a suspension according to the following schedule:
Again, this is for Illinois, not Georgia. "If a driver under 21 years of age receives 2 citations resulting in convictions within a 24 month period, the Secretary of State will add up the points to determine the length of suspension (or if a revocation should be imposed) as follows:
10 to 34 points – 1-month suspension
35 to 49 points – 3-month suspension
50 to 64 points – 6-month suspension
65 to 79 points – 12-month suspension
80+ points – License Revocation"
It is a super speeder offense, so you would get a bill for $200 on top of the court fines and fees.
You may be able to avoid some of these consequences by talking to a lawyer who handles cases in Turner County, I do not. Try Patrick Kunes in Tifton.
Yookyung Park
Posted Jan 18, 2022 at 16:48:58
Hello, I was on my way to Atlanta, Georgia on Christmas Eve. I was driving 94 mph in the 70 zone in Treutlen County State and got caught by the police and got a speeding ticket. I’m 19 years old. It was caught with the car in front of me because I couldn’t see the speed while following the car in front of me. People around me say that you have to suspend your license or pay more than $2000. I’m not sure what to do and how much to pay exactly because I’ve been contacted to come to the presiding judge.
Yookyung Park
Posted Jan 18, 2022 at 16:53:19
Hello, this is the first ticket I got it. I was on my way to Atlanta, Georgia on Christmas Eve. I was driving 94 mph in the 70 zone in Treutlen County State and got caught by the police and got a speeding ticket. I’m 19 years old. It was caught with the car in front of me because I couldn’t see the speed while following the car in front of me. People around me say that you have to suspend your license or pay more than $2000. I’m not sure what to do and how much to pay exactly because I’ve been contacted to come to the presiding judge.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 06:07:59
The highest speed limit in Georgia is 70 mph. So, even if you did not see a speed limit sign, you were on notice that it was not 94 mph. I point that out in that way because it would be a mistake for you to go to court and justify your speeding that way to a judge. The judge would not think you were taking the case seriously if that was your explanation.
This is a four point offense. If you are an under-21 Georgia driver, then this can suspend your license which can have consequences not only for you but also for anyone you share an insurance policy with.
You need to avoid being convicted of this speed. Even a one mile reduction would save you from those consequences. Any speed reduction that ends with a speed 85 mph or greater will leave the super speeder fee ($200) on top of any court fines and fees.
You need a speed reduction or diversion of the ticket. The best way to obtain that is to slow down and not get any more tickets, complete a defensive driving course, and hire a lawyer to help you resolve the case favorably.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 06:08:17
Answered on other comment.
Reiss Bielski
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 06:20:33
Hi Sean,
I just got pulled over on highway 19. The officer clocked me in at 85 mph and showed me the radar. I told him I did not think I was going that fast, the most I saw was 80 mph because I was trying to get over. I am 24 years old and this is my first time ever being pulled over and first time receiving a ticket. I am not sure what to do or who to get advice from for this matter. My court date is March 8th and I plan to represent myself.
Thanks for the information.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 06:40:23
It is a super speeder offense “as is.” I am not sure which highway you are referring to, whether it is a four lane or not. If it is a four lane, then you only need one mile of reduction to avoid super speeder. If it is not a four lane, then you need 11 miles of reduction.
Completing a Georgia approved defensive driving course and/or a traffic victims impact program can often be helpful in negotiating for a reduction.
Without testing your vehicle’s speedometer, your perception that it was not over 80 mph is not necessarily helpful, since the accuracy of a speedometer can be influenced by changes in wheels, tires, inflation pressure, etc.
Reiss Bielski
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 07:04:49
Hi Sean! I was just pulled over on highway 19 and the officer clocked me going 85 mph in the 65 mph speed zone. I did not think I was going that fast and told the officer the most I saw was 80 mph because I had to get over in the other lane. This is my first time being pulled over and first time receiving a ticket. My court date is March 8th and plan to represent myself. I hope to get a speed reduction for my clean history and 1st offense. Any suggestions? Thanks for the information.
Reiss Bielski
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 10:21:08
Thank you for that information, Sean. It was on a four-lane highway, so I will need to get the 1 mile reduction which I hope is possible. Prosecutor may feel generous on that day and see that I have never had an offense against me. For the Defensive Driving Course, will I need to complete that before my court date in March?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 19, 2022 at 10:52:42
It is worth major consideration and “brownie points” to have it done before the court appearance. It means that there is nothing left to follow up on if they can close the case and no need to continue it to allow you to complete it. Shows that you are taking responsibility for doing better in the future.
Jackson Newberry
Posted Jan 20, 2022 at 12:39:54
I received a citation for 71MPH in a 55 MPH zone by a Georgia State Trooper. It was a 4 lane highway with no construction or school zones. The online payment method is saying that I owe $350. This was in Bryan County GA. $350 sounds a little high being there is no super speeder citation.
Jennifer H.
Posted Jan 21, 2022 at 10:29:38
I had a minor wreck last year and was in a small town where they cited me for driving to fast for conditions and illegally passing on the right. I did not see the lady in front of me stopping and when I did it was all but too late I swerved to the ditch to avoid the collision, clipped her with my driver side mirror. I was able to control the vehicle and pull back up on the pavement in front of her car. I got this terrible judge who gave me a 500$ fine, and yelled at me like I was a hardened criminal about my speeding. He would not allow me to speak or even explain what actually happened. I was given one year total of probation. I was also required to take a defensive driving course. I am supposed to be done next month but, his other stipulation was i was not allowed to have any moving violations for that year. Well, the worst thing happened this morning on my way to work everyone stopped all at once and locked it down…. I ended up rear ending the lady in front of me and got a ticket for following to closely… I cannot loose my license. What should I do?? please tell me??
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 24, 2022 at 06:53:27
There is not really much that the judge can do in this situation. Once your probation officer becomes aware of it, they will decide whether or not to file a probation revocation on the case. If they choose not to, then your probation will run out. If they do file for revocation, you only have a short time left on the sentence per your description. Unless your written probation conditions require you to notify probation of the ticket, you are not required to volunteer the information. Most people would keep their head down and try to wait out the clock. Do gather the information about this latest wreck and try to come up with a full explanation, just in case.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 24, 2022 at 06:55:27
As is, the ticket would put 2 points on your Georgia license. A reduction to 69/55 would make it a zero point offense. On the facts described, the fine is not illegal.
Michelle Wade
Posted Jan 25, 2022 at 05:27:26
Mr. Sean,
I was pulled over on a rural highway this morning coming into work, the officer was pulled way down in a ditch. The Speed Limit changed to a 45 quickly as I was approaching town, I didn’t even realize it. The officer pulled me over doing a 62 in a 45. I’m 32 years old, and no this isn’t my first offense. I’m just curious if there’s a way for me to get a reduced fine. (I don’t even know what the fine would be but I’m sure it’s hefty! He was a city cop. thanks,
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 25, 2022 at 07:42:57
Often, the hardest thing to negotiate is the fine amount. Most courts have the attitude that everyone else ticketed at that speed is paying that fine, why should they reduce it. Honestly, it is part of the training for them to consider the ability to pay, but most of the judges that I witness dealing with the issue “solve” it by putting the person on probation which greatly increases the cost.
Benjamin Franklin had an adage where he talked about being “penny wise and pound foolish.” For a modern American audience, we would say penny wise but dollar foolish. A 17-over ticket which is going to put two points on your license is going to end up costing you more than the fine amount anyway. The part that you should focus on is getting the speed reduced or the ticket amended to a non-reporting or non-moving violation to avoid the potential insurance premium consequences of a two point offense. Given a choice, you should want reduced speed instead of reduced fine. I understand that places a burden on you to come up with money that you may feel like you do not have. But, until the current system changes, that is your best approach.
Posted Jan 25, 2022 at 08:09:27
Sorry to bother you, I have a quick question. I recently got a citation for going over the speed limit. I was going 99 mph on a 70 mph. I was over 29 miles. I reside in Florida, I wanted to know if I pay the citation will I get any points on my license in Florida?. What do you think is best for me to do? Thank you in advance.
Posted Jan 26, 2022 at 18:17:47
Hey there, I got a ticket a couple of days ago for going 73 in a 55. This was going westbound on ga 72 in Madison county. There was a group of 3 cars. I was in the back. The officer stopped me and asked if I knew why he pulled me over.i said no sir. He told me I was speeding and I said I’m sorry sir I honestly don’t know what speed I was going, I was just keeping up with the cars around me. He then proceeded to say that he was going to give me a warning but I talked myself into a ticket. I guess he was having a bad day. I was on the phone with a friend and she was so confused how he took what I said the wrong way. Anywho, I’m trying to see the price of my ticket online and it is telling me I have to appear in court. Any idea why I have to go to court? What should I do? I’m a single mom. I work 45mins away and that’s also where my child’s daycare is. I will not have anyone to watch him on court day. I’m honestly super confused about not having the option to pay online. A few people have told me that seems weird since it’s less than 20mins over and not a super speeder. Also, I’m 30 and have had 1 speeding ticket that is from over 3 years ago. Any advice would be amazing. I have severe anxiety and am freaking out right now.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 27, 2022 at 08:22:48
I do not go to Madison County on traffic tickets, but each court sets what its appearance cutoffs are. I am not sure why they would set this one to appear. However, going may give you the opportunity to talk yourself into a speed reduction or other points-saving mechanism. You might want to complete a defensive driving course to help get a reductionor reduce points if not.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 27, 2022 at 08:24:37
If it transmits to Florida, you will get points for that kind of speed. You will also get a bill for $200 from the State of Georgia for super speeder.
You should verify how many points you have currently, how many points 99/70 will give you, and whether you are at risk for a points suspension.
It is likely worth your talking to a lawyer who handles cases in the jurisdiction where you got your ticket.
Posted Jan 29, 2022 at 00:28:56
Hey, I got a ticket in Sylvester, Georgia for doing 82 in a 55 on a two lane highway, but the officer reduced it to 76 on the paperwork. I’m 18, this is my first ticket, and the car is under my parent’s name/insurance. How much should i be expecting to pay and will this put points on my license? Will this make the insurance go up?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jan 31, 2022 at 05:24:30
It is still 21 mph over the limit and is still a super speeder offense, which will add $200 on top of the court fines and fees. You will get a bill sometime after court if you plead guilty or are convicted of this speed.
It is a 3 point offense. For restricted licenses for ages 18-21 yo, this should not be a suspension offense unless you have a lot of other tickets/points. It would likely make your insurance cost go up.
All of that said, it is definitely worth your speaking to a lawyer that handles cases in that court. Talk to Patrick Kunes in Tifton. You may be able to come out much better on the points, super speeder and insurance fronts with a lawyer.
And, please slow down.
Lanisha Hunter
Posted Feb 06, 2022 at 21:23:24
I am 44yrs old and haven’t had a speeding ticket in over 25yrs. I was charged with going 70 in a 45. It was a two lane roadway/highway in Pembroke Ga. I have a documented female medical condition as well as medication that my doctor put me on. The female problem started all of a sudden and was out of my control. Two days later, the problem happened again. This time the officer reduced the speed down to 74 in a 55. These tickets are within 2 days of each other but are in separate counties. One is Pembroke Ga and the other is Springfield Ga. They both were on a two lane roadway/highway
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 07, 2022 at 05:23:10
Neither are super speeder offenses, but they will put some tickets on your license as they stand, and that could lead to higher insurance premiums.
Some judges will listen to positions regarding justification, but I cannot tell that this was a situation where emergency medical attention was needed, just urgency. A lawyer down in that area may be able to get the offenses down to no points dispositions.
Madison Mayhue
Posted Feb 07, 2022 at 12:27:37
I just got a ticket claiming I was going 92 in a 55 on a 4 lane highway. Am I going to get my license suspended? And how much should I be expecting to pay?
Posted Feb 07, 2022 at 22:04:21
I got cited for 89 mph on the work zone of 55 mph in sandy springs (Fulton County). Officer said that he followed me and pulled me over. This is my first offense in GA and i have good driving history. Officer also said that i will have to make a court appearance. What do you think is the best thing for me to do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 08, 2022 at 05:53:56
34 miles per hour over the speed limit will generally earn you a trip to court. You should talk to a lawyer who handles cases in the particular court; it’s not clear where you were cited to Sandy Springs Municipal or to Fulton County State Court—I do not go to either.
You should complete a live defensive driving course (whether in person or videoconference).
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 08, 2022 at 05:58:16
That speed, though substantial, will not automatically cause a license suspension. If you already have a high number of points against your license, this could push you over the top and cause a suspension. Basic advice is to talk to a lawyer who handles cases in the particular case that you are cited to and take a live (in person or videoconference, but not video replay) defensive driving course. Fines vary a lot by court, so I cannot say what your fine will be. It is a super speeder level speed. That will cause a $200 fee on top of the court fines and fees.
Dominique Fortson
Posted Feb 14, 2022 at 16:55:16
Hey I was recently pulled over for doing 91 in a 55. I an a 29 year old male with 1 speeding incident on my license. How will this affect me?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 15, 2022 at 05:40:57
36 over will get you 6 points. Not sure how many points you got on the last speeding incident, but you would have to have 9 points on your license within 24 months for this to put you at a suspension situation.
It will get you a bill for super speeder on top of court fines and fees.
This is a significant enough incident that you should speak to a lawyer who handles cases in the court where the case will be pending.
Katelynn Moore
Posted Feb 15, 2022 at 09:25:02
I got ticketed for going 84 in a 55 and the officer told me which site to go to but when I put it the citation number and press the button for the fine amount nothing comes up. I called the number and they can’t find the ticket in the system. I got it a couple weeks ago and if it’s not paid soon then I have to go to court. What am I supposed to do?
Posted Feb 15, 2022 at 10:13:16
Hey Sean,
I got a ticket for Speeding over 10 it was reduced from the initial 22 over the speed limit. The reason was I was going down hill and overtaking a car in a 2 lane, but then I got pulled over as I was slowing down. This was in Cobb county and by a state trooper. I’m 19 and this is the first time I got pulled over, so do you recommend to fight the case or pay the citation. I’m under my parents insurance so I don’t want to see their coverage get a huge bump in cost. The officer said that there will be no points on my license, but will it still get reported after the court or paying it? Also is a state ticket worst than a normal officer pulling me over?
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 15, 2022 at 10:22:23
In my experience, it is not unusual for it to take a week or two for tickets to show up in the court’s system and more than that to then populate out to a third party payment vendor’s database. All you can do is continue to check. Before you pay though, you should make sure that you understand the consequences of paying the fine, which means the court finds guilty of the offense, which will mean points against your license and a Super Speeder fee of $200 as well as the court fines and fees. You may want to talk to a lawyer who handles cases in that jurisdiction to try to avoid the points and Super Speeder fee.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 15, 2022 at 10:24:04
If the ticket was written for 10 mph over the limit, it is a zero point offense, and the clerk should not report it to DDS. No, there’s no difference in the tickets issued by state troopers and other law enforcement officers.
Posted Feb 15, 2022 at 13:22:56
My husband received his first speeding ticket in charlton county. He had a CDL. He was ticketed for 74/55. He spoke to someone who suggested getting his ticket lowered to 64/55. Will he still receive points on his license? And will his ticket still be over $210.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 16, 2022 at 05:04:55
I don’t practice in that county so I cannot comment on the fine amount. That said, a little more fine is worth no points on his license.
The current speed will assess points against his license. 69 mph or below would be zero points with that speed limit.
Posted Feb 20, 2022 at 14:01:14
I recently got a ticket that said I was going 94 miles in a 70. I’m sure I wasn’t going that fast I was switching lanes and when I looked at my speedometer it was near the 80’s. This would be my first ticket, is there anything that I can do.
Sean A. Black
Posted Feb 21, 2022 at 06:14:00
Short of a dashcam that shows speed of the vehicle, it usually comes down to your word against the officer’s.
That said, many courts are willing to negotiate to lower or eliminate points. Depending on the court, that may mean a defensive driving course, traffic victim impact program or some other remedial method. A zero-point order is a possibility, and that does require you to first complete a defensive driving course.
Best way to explore options for the court that your ticket is pending in is to discuss the case with a lawyer who handles cases in that court.
Joshua P.
Posted Feb 24, 2022 at 21:54:30
Hello Mr. Black
So I was pulled over on a highway is Fulton County on February 23rd, my court date is May 26th . I was given two tickets:
1.) Speeding at 110 mph in a 65
2.) Reckless Driving “switching lanes at 110mph”
I’m 17, under my parents insurance. This is my first time being charged. My father has gotten me a really good lawyer, he’s keeping me in the dark about all of this so I don’t know much. I do know that “win or lose” this will be very expensive. What can I do? Should I take a defensive driving course?
If I can’t get out of this, will this affect my parents insurance, just mine, or both? Also I was planning to go to college in Florida, is there a chance this can’t happen because of certain punishments like incarceration, probation, and maybe community service?
Posted Mar 03, 2022 at 06:35:12
Hi, I have a quick question. I just got a ticket on I-95 in Mcintosh County Georgia for overspeeding. I was running 86 mph in a 70 mph speed limit. The officer told me that he won’t charge me $200 or not even give me points but I have to pay a fee. My question is, do I still need to appear in court after I paid the fee? The ticket shows a date, time and place of the court and it says I have been served with a citation and summons and failure to appear in court will lead to a suspension of my license. This is my first ever ticket so I have no idea. I didn’t even ask the officer because I haven’t read all the details on the ticket until I got back home. Thank you in advance.
Posted Mar 05, 2022 at 16:37:23
I got a ticket in Forsyth , Ga 87 in a 70 I am 19 I wanted to know could I get my license suspended and how many point would be on my license.I have a app that checks my speed that I wanted to show in court for proof of I was not going 87. I know at that point it would be my word against officers word but this is not my first ticket what is the best thing for me to do ?
Posted Mar 05, 2022 at 17:41:46
I am from MN and was pulled over in turner County GA. My wife paid almost $1500 to bail me out of jail as we were on our way back home to MN.
Turner County is requiring me to return to face the following charges:
1) speeding (20 miles over limit)
2) Driving while license is suspended
3) signals required while changing lanes.
What could possibly happen? Could I get jail time or have more fees? I am currently trying to figure out how I can even afford to get back down there. The jail system is very different there compared to MN.
Posted Mar 06, 2022 at 13:16:36
Hi, I was pulled over in Putnam county for going 81 in a 55 on a two lane road. I’m assuming this counts as a super speeder? Do you think there is any way I can manage to get this off my record? I already have a super speeder from 4 years ago, which I took defensive driving class for so I’m wondering if the court would let me do that again.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 06:30:53
Do what your lawyer says. You may be in the dark because the lawyer is still trying to work something out about the charges or is stil investigating. You have plenty of time.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 06:40:44
16 mph over the limit will give 2 points against a Georgia license. 85 mph or more on an interstate is a super speeder offense. The failure to appear language is standard. You should talk to a lawyer in that area. Most prosecutors are willing to knock off a couple of miles per hour. Getting the ticket down to 84 mph would save you points and super speeder fees.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 06:45:02
The court might consider your evidence from your app, but those measurements are not considered as reliable an indicator as radar or laser speed detection. There is just too much margin of error on GPS location data currently.
It will not suspend you. Forsyth has a reputation as being tough to deal with. You really only need a 3 mile reduction to avoid points and super speeder fees.
You should talk to some lawyers who practice in that court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 06:51:06
Suspended license is typically a mandatory appearance ticket. Different courts set different speeds as mandatory appearance. But if one is mandatory appearance, they are all mandatory appearance.
That said, if you hire a lawyer, they may be able to work out a plea in absentia, where you sign paperwork agreeing to a plea negotiation and handle it without making the trip. That varies by court, and I cannot speak to Turner County.
Almost all traffic offenses in Georgia are misdemeanors and carry up to 12 months in prison and $1,000 base fine. Obviously, that is not a typical sentence for these types of offenses. Suspended license can carry some minimum jail time, which you may have satisfied in the time from arrest to bonding out. I recommend talking to a lawyer down there.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 06:52:43
Yes, this is a super speeder offense, meaning if you plead guilty or are convicted of that speed, you will get a bill from the State of Georgia for $200 on top of any court fines and fees and requirements.
You can do defensive driving every three years.
You should speak to a lawyer (or maybe a couple) who handles cases in that court.
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 10:20:21
I was pulled over in Dekalb County, GA. The police officer clocked me twice going from 84 to 88mph on a 65mph speed limit on the freeway. I have court and I am sure this is a super speeder. About two years ago I had received 2 tickets on speeding, however the tickets were dismissed. I only paid the fine and took an online class and it was kept out of my record. How can I avoid a harsh penalty. Should I talk to the solicitor before hand and should I seek a lawyer?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 07, 2022 at 13:31:22
Tickets for 19-23 mph generate 3 points against a Georgia license if convicted. Anything over 85 mph is going to be a super speeder offense, which means a $200 bill on top of and separate from the court fines and fees. You should talk to a lawyer who handles cases in DeKalb County about what options are available to avoid some of those consequences.
Posted Mar 08, 2022 at 13:56:40
I was pulled over on the highway by GSP for 79 in a 65. My question is due to the citation being 14 mph and under would the ticket still get reported to my driving record despite no points being assigned? I can’t afford an insurance premium increase and I’m hoping to not have to fight it with a lawyer if I don’t have to. The Forsyth county clerk said I shouldn’t worry since its a no points offence.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 09, 2022 at 07:11:59
Georgia clerks are directed by DDS not to report zero point offenses for Georgia-licensed drivers. It should not report, and it sounds like the clerk is on top of that. My general advice for a Georgia driver with 14 mph or less over the limit is to pay the fine and move on. Different rules and advice apply if you are not a Georgia license holder.
Bradley pina
Posted Mar 13, 2022 at 08:35:35
I went 67 on a 45 and i only have a learners permit and I have my license test next week, will it stop me from getting my license and what are my consequences. I’m 17 btw.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 14, 2022 at 07:10:28
If you do not get the speed reduced or the ticket diverted, that offense will put 3 points on your license. That means that if you get even 1 more point before you are 18, you will earn a suspension.
You really need to get a lawyer or go to court to try to get the speed reduced or the ticket diverted.
Posted Mar 14, 2022 at 14:10:02
Above first in lifetime offense maximums were mentioned is that for a particular offense say first time caught speeding in school zone it speeding in general
Posted Mar 14, 2022 at 14:13:57
I got a 49 in a 25 in schools zone first time ever in a school zone but by far not first speeding ticket they are asking for maximum because of priors which is 1008$ is this possible for firsts in lifetime
Posted Mar 14, 2022 at 14:27:02
I got a speeding ticket going 73 in a 45 (28 over) on a two lane road in Marrietta GA the officer used a radar. I am 18 and this is my first time ever being pulled over. I have a court date but am not sure what to do now. Do i need a lawyer to try to lower the speed or cost? Will my license be revoked or suspended? I would really appreciate any advice thanks
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 15, 2022 at 06:05:47
So, aggravating factors would likely allow the statutory increase to the base fine amount.
And, again, my experience is that very few courts are aware of or give force to those first lifetime maximums. And, at the end of the day, it would cost more to challenge those sentences than it would gain.
Occasionally, prior to the conviction, you may be able to show the court the statute and win some relief.
In cases I am involved in, we are typically looking for more relief than just a fine reduction (points, avoid suspension, commercial driver ratings, etc.), so I rarely have reason to make use of those caps.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 15, 2022 at 06:17:24
The fact that it is first time in a school zone places no limitation on the fine amount. The statutory maximum base fine is $1,000 and surcharges can add another 35% or so.
From your two comments, you have a history of speeding convictions and you were going nearly double the speed limit in a school zone while school was apparently in session.
It is worth noting that the court can put you in jail for up to a year in addition to the fines. You could certainly be put on probation for up to a year with various conditions in addition to the fines.
Yes, it is possible, and some people may think that you got off light.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 15, 2022 at 06:19:55
So, ouch.
This is a four point offense and you are under 21 years old. If you pay the fine or are convicted of that speed, it will suspend your driver’s license.
You need to talk to a lawyer who does traffic defense in the Marietta area ASAP.
If you share an insurance policy with anyone else, that person needs to be aware of the tickets and changes may need to be made to insurance if the speed cannot be reduced or the ticket cannot be diverted, because it could blow up their coverage.
Posted Mar 16, 2022 at 12:38:22
Good afternoon, I am a fellow GA attorney and interested in hearing your perspective on the remedy for a violation of OCGA 40-14-6(a) which states “ No such devices shall be used within 500 feet of any such warning sign erected pursuant to this subsection”. The facts are the defendant has proof that a municipal officers patrol vehicle was parked within 300 feet of such warning sign and said officer was operating a laser device for speed detection. The sign was 300 feet or less south of the officers vehicle position (further into the city limits for oncoming vehicles). This presumably, was the first warning sign warning drivers coming into this city limit. The officer was targeting vehicles coming from his north (southbound direction of I75). Is the remedy suppression of the laser evidence only or should the charges be
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 17, 2022 at 05:43:54
I think the remedy is suppression of the device reading and dismissal of the citation. Look at State v. Vickery, 184 Ga. App. 468 (1987), which discusses that as the contemplated remedy with no dispute that it would be the appropriate remedy. The issue in that case, however, was whether the device could be outside the 500 foot range but pointed back into that range, which was deemed permissible. That was noted as being subject to the limitations of OCGA 40-14-9 which prohibits the use of detection devices within specified distances of a reduction in speed.
The practical part of the speed detection device restrictions, in my practice, mirrors the case of Vickery. The stakes are usually only high enough when there is an associated more serious offense like DUI or drug possession or trafficking.
Posted Mar 18, 2022 at 09:12:11
I received a citation for doing 91mph in a 70mph on I75. The violation code is 40-6-181. I’m an Indiana resident with no points on my license.
The ticket says that I am “hereby ordered to appear in court to answer this charge on…” as well as “NOTICE: This citation shall constitute official notice to you that failure to appear to appear in Court…” will result in my DL# being forwarded to DDS and my drivers license “shall be suspended.”
The citation is not in the system yet so I can’t get any information on it. I’m curious if this is an actual summons or if it an opportunity to contest the citation? What do suggest I do next?
Thanks for your help!
Posted Mar 24, 2022 at 11:42:27
Our local city recently reduced the speed limit on a road that was 35 down to 25. We have driven down this road for the past 18 years and did not notice the new sign. Does the city have a requirement to notify drivers of a speed limit change? My wife received a citation and not a warning for driving using the old 35 limit.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 24, 2022 at 12:37:17
It will depend on how recently the new sign was erected.
OCGA 40-14-9 gives a 30 day “safe harbor” on speed detection at the area where the posted speed limit has been reduced. That does not apply to work zones, though.
“Evidence obtained by county or municipal law enforcement officers in using speed detection devices within 300 feet of a reduction of a speed limit inside an incorporated municipality or within 600 feet of a reduction of a speed limit outside an incorporated municipality or consolidated city-county government shall be inadmissible in the prosecution of a violation of any municipal ordinance, county ordinance, or state law regulating speed; nor shall such evidence be admissible in the prosecution of a violation as aforesaid when such violation has occurred within 30 days following a reduction of the speed limit in the area where the violation took place, except that this 30 day limitation shall not apply to a speeding violation within a highway work zone, as defined in Code Section 40-6-188, or in an area with variable speed limits, as defined in Code Section 40-6-182. No speed detection device shall be employed by county, municipal, or campus law enforcement officers on any portion of any highway which has a grade in excess of 7 percent.”
But, that rule does not apply to State Patrol.
Posted Mar 24, 2022 at 14:52:23
I am an Indiana resident and received a citation for Violation 40-6-181 on GA 401, for doing 91 in a 70mph zone. I have no points on my license and this is my first and only traffic citation in the state of Georgia. I looked up the citation number today and see that I my fine is $505! I do understand that this is a Super Speeder ticket so I will also get the $200 bill as well. Ouch.
The ticket states “NOTICE: This citation shall constitute official notice to you that FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT at the date and time stated… shall cause the designated Court to forward your driver’s license number to the DDS and YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE SHALL BE SUSPENDED.”
I’m assuming this is standard language for an opportunity to contest the accusation, and not an actual summons?
Also, what do you recommend I do concerning trying to lower the speed to lessen the fine, or is it even possible?
Thank you for answering these questions!
ansley d
Posted Mar 26, 2022 at 14:27:15
I received a ticket for 59 in a 45 today from a GSP in Hall county. Im 17, and this is my first ticket. I genuinely don’t think i could’ve been going 59, because the truck in front of me was getting in the turning lane causing us both to slow down. The GSP was coming in the other lane and i passed her as he started to slow down. Will this put points on my license? Do you have any clue how big the fine will be?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 28, 2022 at 05:58:43
59 in a 45 is a zero point offense. No points or suspension consequences.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 28, 2022 at 06:03:57
It is a real summons, but the court dates are not always right, because it depends on how efficiently the court processes incoming citations from law enforcement.
A lot of times the citation also has a number to call to confirm the court date and find out about resolving the case.
It is a 4 point offense in Indiana. If you can get the court to reduce the speed to 85 or below, then that would reduce your points to two. You really want it reduced to 84 mph or below to avoid the Georgia Super Speeder fee which will earn you a $200 bill to pay on top of the court fines and fees.
Best possible outcome would be reduction to a non-reporting or non-moving violation. That depends on the court and the prosecutor. I do not practice on the I-75 corridor, so I cannot really say for sure. That would get you to zero points.
A lawyer can often obtain a reduction and handle the court appearance without you.
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 28, 2022 at 08:19:04
I responded to your direct contact form submission.
Richard L
Posted Mar 29, 2022 at 09:09:00
Hey Sean question for you. I recently received a ticket in Peach county Ga. I’ve never had a citation all the time that I lived in Georgia and that’s been since 1989.
When the trooper came back to the car with the citation I asked him for a little courtesy which he denied. He did say however that he was only writing the citation for 9 miles over the limit. I thought that was strange because why even take the time to write the citation. The posted speed limit of course is 70 miles an hour in that area and I have an E citation copy that was given to me at the time of pull over it clearly shows him marking the posted speed as 75 with a violation speed of 84.
That coincides with him telling me that he was only going to write it for 9 over but the only problem is there is no posted speed limit anywhere in the state of Georgia that is at 75.
In all my years in writing citations if I was giving a violator a break I lowered the indicated speed limit but always showed the correct posted speed limit. That’s not the case here.
I contacted attorney local to peach county and he told me that they don’t report if it’s 14 or under. I spoke to the clerk and she says the ticket as they have recorded it shows 84 in a 70 zone.
So I have two questions. With it being still 14 over per how the court has it in their system do you know if peach county reports 14 and under to DMV?
I plan on calling the clerk back and asking that question but I really want to make sure that that’s the case. I am considering having it bound over to Superior Court out of probate court.
The second question is as I stated above, I know what he told me at the scene but are they going to chalk up the entry on my ticket which clearly shows 75 as the posted speed limit to a typo and they corrected it to 70 and it would be my word against his or does the fact the ticket is materially incorrect give me any quarter?
Sean A. Black
Posted Mar 29, 2022 at 10:07:10
I am not near Peach County, so I cannot answer as to that clerk specifically. Honestly, whether it is logged as 84/70 or 84/75, it is 14 mph or less over the speed limit. For a Georgia licensed driver, the clerk is not supposed to report it since it is a zero point offense. That is their official training.
The complicating bit would be if you had a license from a state other than Georgia. The official training in that situation is to report it all. That 9 over 84/75 could have some repercussions in a state like North Carolina which considers 80 mph and above to be “excessive speeding.”
I hope that helps.
Posted Mar 31, 2022 at 20:51:02
Hello, I got a ticket for driving 82 mph at a 45 on a 2 lane road and have a court order to appear at the recorders court in Lawrenceville. I was only speeding because I was running late for class. I am 20 and this is my first ticket. I am seeing if I pay online it’ll be $285. Should I go to court in hopes of getting it lessened? Will I get points on my license regardless?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 01, 2022 at 06:25:47
That is 37 mph over the speed limit—8 mph short of doubling the speed limit. No, you should not pay it online. There are a few reasons.
Anything 34 mph or higher over the limit is 6 points against your license. Even a ticket between 24 and 33 mph over the limit is 4 points against your license.
You are under 21. If you hold a Georgia license, then there are special rules on your license until you are 21 years old. If you are convicted of a 4 point or higher offense, it will suspend your driver’s license.
Paying the fine is the same as pleading guilty to the offense.
In addition, any speed 75 mph or higher on a non-4-lane road is a super speeder offense, meaning it will trigger a bill from the state for an $200 fee on top of any court fines or fees.
You absolutely need the speed lessened. I strongly encourage you to speak to a Gwinnett County traffic defense lawyer. You may have to do some things to get the speed reduction you need, but it will definitely be worth it. The court could require defensive driving, victim impact panel, community service, an essay or a combination of those in addition to the fine to get a reduction or diversion.
Posted Apr 04, 2022 at 19:29:34
My mother (car is registered under her name atm) received a letter from Carroll County for a fine of $75 as my car is supposedly on camera going 62 in a 45..
I reviewed the footage provided and there is a car blowing past me and approaching the cars that were ahead of me before I even show up on camera, so it really has me feeling like I’m getting screwed over here.
Is this worth trying to get dropped or am I at risk of this costing much more than $75 and being too much of a hassle? Of course I’m biased lol but I keep watching the video and can’t help but think I’m being falsely accused here..
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 05, 2022 at 06:19:00
These camera tickets do not result in points or other action against your driver’s license unless you do not pay them. Yes, there is a method to contest them. At the end of the process, you will spend more in time and money than the $75. I lean toward just paying them.
Posted Apr 14, 2022 at 05:34:54
Hi Mr Black. I received a speeding ticket for going 72 in a 55. It is my first speeding ticket, but I was wondering about the legality of the stop. On the ticket the officer marked it was a two lane road, but it was one lane coming the opposite direction and two lanes the direction I was going. The officer was in the lane passing by when he turned around and flipped on the lights. When he had caught up to me the lanes I was in had merged and it was a two lane road. On the ticket where he checked the two-lane road box, is that an indication of where we were at the time of the stop? Or where I was when I was clocked for speeding? And is there any legal jurisdiction on this that could reduce or nullify the ticket? Thank you!
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 14, 2022 at 07:50:01
That is probably not going to do away with the ticket.
In general, in terms of the number of lanes, the government is concerned with whether it is a four-lane (which can mean four or more) or not. It makes a difference for how super speeder is determined and for tracking some traffic statistics.
You probably still want to explore alternatives for a reduction or, at worst if you are a Georgia license holder, a nolo contendere plea, if you are eligible, to avoid the two points that come with the cited speed. This is not a super speeder case.
Caleb Gonser
Posted Apr 14, 2022 at 14:19:27
I received a ticket today for 40 and a 25 in a school zone. I slow down entering the school zone and drove a distance that I thought I would be out of the school zone. But he pulled me over and said that he clocked me inside the school zone and there was no signs marking the end of the school zone. I asked the officer how I was supposed to know when I was outside of the school zone. And all he said was he was they were in the works of getting the end of school zones signs posted. I went back later that day and got video footage that there was no signs. Is this going to be good enough to get the ticket dropped?
Posted Apr 14, 2022 at 22:10:42
I just got a $705 ticket in sycamore going 98 in a 70. Isn’t that excessive? Im from Florida, so what should I do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 15, 2022 at 06:41:32
For a Florida driver, it looks like any out-of-state speeding ticket will put three points against your license and those points cannot be reduced by going to defensive driving or other driver training.
At the cited speed, it is a Georgia super speeder offense, which means that in addition to the court fines and fees, that if you are convicted of 85 mph or greater in a 70 mph zone that you will get an additional bill from the State of Georgia for $200. If you do not pay that $200 bill, it will lead to the suspension of your license.
It is a little on the high side, especially considering the super speeder fee.
The reality, though, is that the points against your license will probably cost you more over the long run in increased insurance premiums. I will send you a referral by email to a lawyer closer to Sycamore for you to talk to.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 15, 2022 at 06:44:46
I do think that end school zones are part of the zone. Your success rate is going to depend on the particular judge and court and how far past the school itself you were when you were cited.
Posted Apr 15, 2022 at 07:54:23
Hey I was going 91 in a 55 and the officer pulled me over and gave a citation for reckless driving and a ticket for speeding what should I do I live in Georgia
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 18, 2022 at 06:58:10
If you are under 21, you definitely need to talk to a lawyer since those offenses could suspend your license.
If you are 21 years old or older, it is still not a picnic and I recommend a lawyer. You are talking about 10 points in two offenses. Depending on the way the reckless driving citation is written, there may be a defense to it, since the speed element can only be used for one citation. If the reckless citation details other driving behavior that evidenced a lack of regard for the safety of people and property nearby, then it may stand. And did I mention that the speeding citation is a super speeder meaning a $200 bill on top of the court fines and fees and other punishment.
If you don’t have a bad history and you work with a lawyer, some of this may be able to be worked out to keep some or all of it off your record.
Posted Apr 21, 2022 at 08:07:21
Hi Sean,
I was clocked at 60 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, the officer adjusted the speed to 49 on 35 to have the speed under 15 not to have the points on my driver’s record.
When I went to pay my fine online the court is saying it is not payable I must attend the Atlanta municipal court.
My question is the comments section says I was doing 60 MPH, what to expect in the court will the judge ask me what speed I was doing? why the speed was adjusted? what is the process in cases where the speed is adjusted?
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 21, 2022 at 10:15:33
It is unusual to me that you would need to appear for the ticket. It would be pretty unusual as well if the comments triggered special treatment. Unfortunately, I do not deal with Atlanta Municipal to give better advice.
Posted Apr 22, 2022 at 17:12:13
Hi Sean,
Got pulled over for going 71 in a 45 in roswell. This is my 3rd ticket.
First ticket- Hit a curb in neighborhood- Improper lane change- year 1/2 ago
Second Ticket- 12 mph over speed limit caught by camera- 7 months ago
Third ticket- Pulled over, 26 miles over in roswell- January
I plead not guilty at my arraignment this week and requested a jury trial.
Will a lawyer be able to negotiate my speed under 24 mph?
Can I delay my case till after December? (After I turn 21)
Don’t want my license suspended.
Posted Apr 23, 2022 at 10:10:24
Hey Sean,
I got a ticket for going 71 on a 45 in Roswell, This is my 3rd ticket in 2 years.
First one- Improper lane change
Second- 12 over
Third- 26 over
My goal is to not get my license suspended, I’m under 21.
I want to see if a lawyer can negotiate my mph down to 24 under…
Also, had my arraignment this week, and pleaded not guilty.
Can I delay the jury trial till after December? My birthday
The goal is to keep my license.
Thank you
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 25, 2022 at 06:38:04
If you have not already done so, create a DDS online services account to log into the web app or download the mobile app “DDS 2 Go” and set up or log into your account that way.
The two prior tickets, if you did not plead nolo contendere to either, would put 5 points on your license. It takes 15 points in two years to cause a license suspension. Since 26 over speeding is a 4 point offense, you would not generate a points suspension on the latest speeding ticket.
BUT, because you are under 21 years old with a Georgia license, the 4 point speeding ticket can suspend your license. Neither nolo contendere or a zero point order will prevent that from happening (DDS changed positions on the effectiveness of zero point orders for this purpose earlier this year). You need a speed reduction, a charge amendment, or a diversion agreement so that the ticket does not get adjudicated at that speed. In my experience, your best chance to get that will involve you having representation in that court and doing some educational programs ahead of time, like defensive driving or traffic violators impact panel. A lawyer who regularly handles traffic tickets in that court should be able to advise you on the preferences of the solicitor and judge for that court.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 25, 2022 at 06:38:28
See response to other comment.
Michael Davenport
Posted Apr 28, 2022 at 09:01:14
My son Daniel received a speeding ticket in Ringgold GA. After paying the fine in Ringgold GA, the GA highway mailed a second ticket for speeded. The Citation stated that because I was speeding I was violating the law in Georgia as a whole and and had to pay an additional $200. Even though I never received a speeding ticket for any state trooper. Can you please let me know what to do? I live in TN. 4234867225.
Sean A. Black
Posted Apr 28, 2022 at 10:09:52
This sounds like the ticket that he disposed of in Ringgold qualified as a “super speeder” ticket. Over 85 and over on a four-lane highway or over 75 mph on other roads will earn you that additional “fee” from the State of Georgia. Failure to pay that bill will result in Georgia suspending his privilege to drive in Georgia and communicating that suspension to Tennessee which could result in a license suspension.
A person having a ticket for those speeds really needs to seek a speed reduction or other adjustment of the ticket to avoid that additional fee.
There is not much that can be done after the fact. There is a 180 day window to possibly go back and withdraw the plea and try to seek adjustment of the speed. It can be pretty expensive to do that.
Karena Williams
Posted May 07, 2022 at 08:50:33
Hi Sean,
My daughter received a ticket from the McIntosh Co, Georgia Sheriffs Office on I-95. She was speeding (under 15 mph) and the ticketing officer wrote her citation for “Driving too fast for conditions” as this is a no-point violation and $150 fine. Our concern with simply paying this is that she has a South Carolina drivers license and in SC, said offense is accessed 4-points. Clearly it was not the officers intention for my daughter to be over-penalized—an actual speeding ticket would transfer as fewer points to her SC license. I have been in touch with two attorneys in the McIntosh Co area. One has suggested she complete an online course (which I assume is designed to reduce her points—despite that there are none in GA to reduce) and another has not responded. No one seems to be able to confidently tell me that these points will/will not be applied to her SC license. Should she go to court and ask for a lesser offense given the potential situation that this puts her in in South Carolina? This is her first traffic ticket, 22 years old. Thank you in advance for any guidance you can offer.
Posted May 11, 2022 at 08:33:31
Hi Sean,
FL license, Glynn county. 91/70. Checked the citation online and believe it said misdemeanor – speeding for $210.
I have received the notice, I don’t mind paying, as I did do it, however, I am concerned with my insurance and points. I have a notice to appear of 05/23 worth getting an attorney? speeding school? pay online? (I have a good record, and this is a first, so any guidance would be appreciated).
Sean A. Black
Posted May 12, 2022 at 07:19:54
Sent you a referral directly.
Sean A. Black
Posted May 12, 2022 at 07:25:05
You are correct that the moving violation would cause a points assessment in South Carolina if the McIntosh County clerk transmits the disposition. You should speak to a traffic attorney closer to that area about options.
Posted May 13, 2022 at 14:16:52
Mr. Black,
I got a snapshot of school speeding ticket violation date back in 12/09/2021 – 3:02 PM. Is this a case of dismissal after 5 months of time? Secondly; the time of the violation is off of my normal schedule. I pick up my son from different school at this time around and it’s about 6 miles away. It is almost impossible to pick him up, get him to home and pass the road at that time.
Thanks for your answer in advance.
Posted May 15, 2022 at 18:19:04
Hey Sean,
I just got a ticket for going 80 in a 55 on hwy 21 in Springfield is that a super speeder or not and should I hire a lawyer because I am under 21 and I’m worried about my license being suspended and I have 1 ticket prior for rolling through a stop sign but it was dropped to driving to fast for conditions
Sean A. Black
Posted May 17, 2022 at 06:23:07
The ticket does not go away after five months. Failure to pay may result in further issues. Unless you can demonstrate that it was not you or not your car, then your normal route and the timing of your drive will not avoid the ticket.
With these camera tickets, they do not put points on your license.
Sean A. Black
Posted May 17, 2022 at 06:25:47
Check the ticket to see if it is checked as a four-lane. Map suggests that it is a four-lane.
If it is a four-lane, then it is not a super speeder because it is not 85 mph or over.
If it is not a four-lane, then it would be a super speeder because is 75 mph or over.
Posted May 17, 2022 at 15:18:24
I was apparently caught in a similar situation. What were the final fines/outcome?
Posted May 17, 2022 at 15:38:32
I got a speed ticket 113/70 on highway 75 south Georgia. I was driving with friends and there was no car around me so I didn’t realize how fast I was going. I am 20 years old and I am on my father’s insurance.
I did wrong so I know I have to pay fines but is there any way to remove the record for the insurance? This is the first ticket I got.
Please advise me.
Sean A. Black
Posted May 18, 2022 at 06:54:43
You will need to speak to a lawyer who practices in the court where the ticket is pending. I am not sure what county or city the case is pending in.
Posted Jun 02, 2022 at 16:32:49
The court is in 401 Main St, Byron Ga 31008. The Byron Police Department gave me the speeding ticket can you recommend me a lawyer please?
Angel Vazquez
Posted Jun 02, 2022 at 22:24:39
Last month I got a ticket going 63 in a 35 in the city of Austell. I have court soon and was wandering if I am at risk of having my license suspended. I am under 21 and the ticket is only 259$.
Posted Jun 05, 2022 at 09:56:13
Hi Mr. Black,
Thanks for the reply. I went to tue court and they gave me an option to have 3 points or NOLO with fine, 8 hours community service and defensive driving course (online). I have finished both defensive driving course and 8 hour community service last week. My question is, should i accept NOLO or 3 points on my license record? If I accept NOLO will the type of Misdemeanor (40-6-188) be visible on my records? If i accept 3 points, how long will they stay on my records? Which option is better?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 06, 2022 at 06:07:54
If you plead nolo, it is zero points and the court clerk may not send it in. If the clerk does send it in, it will show on your driving record, but with zero points. Using nolo contendere means you would not be able to use nolo contendere to avoid points again for five years. The 3 points would show on your record for three years. Unless you were arrested and taken to jail for speeding, it should not show on a criminal records check.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 06, 2022 at 06:09:34
Any speed 24 miles or more over the limit will cause at least 4 points. Four points against the license of an under-21 Georgia licenseholder will cause a suspension. So, yes, you are at risk of a suspension if you just pay the fine.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 06, 2022 at 06:10:06
Try Patrick Kunes from Tifton for Middle Georgia referrals.
Rickey Revell
Posted Jun 08, 2022 at 15:57:15
I was caught doing 90 in a 65 on I 75 Henry county police pulled me over. The officer was on the left side of the highway shoulder between the barrier and road with no running lights tail lights or even warning lights of any sort. How hard would it be to get the ticket reduced 2 mph so it wouldn’t be an automatic license suspension. My court date is 6-27-2022
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 09, 2022 at 06:17:02
You would need to talk to someone who handles cases in Henry State Court. Two miles per hour reduction is not typically a big ask, but there are a handful of courts around the state that will not reduce anything.
Robert Hentz
Posted Jun 12, 2022 at 16:44:38
Hi, Sean, I’m a 73 year old man who was pulled over today and ticketed for speeding at 86 mph on I-75 at the Byron exit (70 mph limit). Attaining super speeder status is certainly not something I have coveted in my golden years! I get on I-75 several days a week, and I have been known to go 75 mph, but today I had to make an unexpected trip to South Georgia and just plain forgot myself in trying to get home to Forsyth. I had no idea I was going that fast till the officer pulled me over. What’s your advice on handling this? Is it worth getting an attorney? I’m concerned about my insurance, too, of course. Thanks for your help, Sean.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 13, 2022 at 05:55:34
I lean toward your at least speaking to a lawyer who handles traffic cases in that court to see whether they can accomplish something for you. A reduction of speed to 84 mph would avoid the super speeder designation and fee. Assuming this was a 70 mph zone, it would also bring you down to zero points. A lot of prosecutors and judges are willing to help someone out in your situation, particularly if your history is relatively clear.
Posted Jun 13, 2022 at 08:37:44
I just had a similar situation in Savannah, how did it turn out for you?
Kerry Brown
Posted Jun 14, 2022 at 15:42:19
Back in March, I got stopped for speeding on my motorcycle in peachtree city. The charge was 65 in a 30. I also got charged with an invalid registration and no insurance. I know, extremely stupid on my part. The speeding ticket is a 340 dollar fine, both the others are 900 and some change a piece. I’m a first time super speeder, and a first offender for both other charges. I also still have my nolo plea. My driving record consists of a failure to move over ticket in Mississippi during the summer of last year, and a speeding ticket for 58 in a 45 back in January of this year. Is there anything that could possibly be done about these? Will they give me any leeway? Or am I just shit out of luck? My court date is July 8th.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 15, 2022 at 10:55:47
You should definitely speak to a lawyer who handles cases in that court. Unfortunately, that is not me. There may be room to negotiate.
On a two-lane road, you have to be going 75 mph to trigger Georgia super speeder, so it is not actually a super speeder.
The invalid registration is one that needs to be handled very carefully, because depending on the code section used, it can trigger a license suspension. No insurance can also trigger a license suspension. On a first no insurance, you may be able to plead nolo contendere to avoid that suspension.
All in all, with these charges, I strongly recommend that you consult with and hire a lawyer.
Posted Jun 22, 2022 at 00:58:06
hey, i was driving from athens to brunswick to see my grandfather this past week and got stopped in eatonton on a two lane road for going 84 in a 55 zone but coming down a hill. i’m under 21 but have no prior offenses and have never been stopped by a cop. i checked the speedometer and am confused on how i was going 84 in such a slow car and didn’t ask to see the radar. i don’t have money for an attorney and am very low on money. what should i do?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 22, 2022 at 06:34:25
There are some side issues in your situation that need to be addressed. First, most cars on the road are capable of going 84 mph or more, a downhill slope is a factor that helps even the slowest of them. One of the smallest and slowest that I am aware of would be the Smartcar Fortwo, but it has a top speed of 96 mph. Second, coming down a hill does not change the speed limit. Like, the excuse of I had to pass that slow poke whom I had been trapped behind for miles while he was going 2-3 mph under the speed limit, it is not going to get you very far with the judge and is not a legal excuse to violate the speed limit.
This ticket is for 29 mph over the speed limit. Any speeding ticket from 24-33 mph is a 4-point offense. A 4-point offense will suspend the license of a Georgia licensee who is under 21 years old. So, if you plead or are found guilty of this violation, you will lose your license.
On a two-lane road, anything 75 mph or higher will also trigger an additional bill for Super Speeder on top of the court fines and requirements, and if you don’t pay it, it will suspend your license.
As well, those types of speeds and license consequences will have a significant effect on your insurance premiums over the next three years. And, if you are on someone else’s insurance, you can cost that person a lot of money as well.
Ben Franklin, in Poor Richard’s Almanack, used the phrase “penny wise and pound foolish” to describe someone who is saving a little money now but costing himself a lot more down the road. I would say that this is one of those situations where saving money by not getting a lawyer will end up costing you a lot more over the long haul.
Posted Jun 27, 2022 at 16:44:01
I was passing through Georgia (I-75) on a trip north. I was behind a truck that was impelling me to watch ahead, so I decided to move lines and accelerate to pass him. At that moment I was caught on 89 over 70 by an officer in Tift county. I never had any ticket on my record (27 years) so I am thinking to apply to first time offender. But for what I was reading, I might get a super speed fee…is that right? with first time offender, will I get points on my driver record? Should I consider hiring a lawyer? Thanks in advance!
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 28, 2022 at 06:22:30
There are a number of alternatives, depending on the policies of the particular prosecutor and judge in the case. Your statement indicates that maybe you are a Florida driver. The best outcome for you if your license is from anywhere other than Georgia would be a pretrial diversion agreement or a reduction to defective equipment or some other non-moving offense. Those dispositions would not be transmitted by the clerk to Georgia DDS, avoiding the issue of their being transmitted to your statement. These approaches would also avoid super speeder which you would otherwise qualify for.
With an out-of-state license holder, it can be difficult to use things like nolo contendere or zero-point-orders, etc. because it could still report to the home state as a conviction.
I don’t go to Tifton, but Patrick Kunes is a great attorney located in Tifton. I am sure he could help you navigate his local court.
Posted Jun 28, 2022 at 06:44:56
Thank you very much! Sean this is a great service you offer to the community. Not many people around offer this type of advice on a public blog, this helps a lot!
Thanks a lot, I will contact Patrick for sure.
Posted Jun 29, 2022 at 09:29:28
Hi Sean,
I got a speeding ticket (first offense) for going at 65mph in a 45mph zone, a 5-lane highway. Nothing but speeding, with violation code 40-6-181, written as no local ordinance, but yes to state law. The price is $275, and I wonder whether it’s reasonable and worth attending the court to ask for a reduction. Thank you very much in advance.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jun 29, 2022 at 09:59:39
It is not a super speeder offense. It is a 3 point offense. A 2 mile an hour reduction gets you to two points, and a 6 mile an hour reduction would get you to zero points. If you are a Georgia driver, a nolo contendere plea would get you to zero points provided that you haven’t used a nolo plea on a traffic offense in the last five years. There’s also a zero point order which the court can allow if you go to defensive driving course. But, you can’t get if you don’t ask. All but a few courts will consider a reduction in speed, particularly if your record is reasonably clean.
Posted Jul 02, 2022 at 16:03:01
Hello, question.
I was driving on 75 the interstate when a Georgia cop from cook county pulled behind me, I did not realize I was going over 80 when I looked behind me as I was being pulled over I glanced down and saw I was going 79. He presumed to pull me over and said I was going 90 and he clocked me on his laser.
Is there any way to go about this because I do not live in Georgia I am from Florida and am not able to get back up here for court?
Alex Jones
Posted Jul 03, 2022 at 12:18:40
I received a speeding ticket in Brunswick GA. I was doing 80 in a 55 on a highway. This is my second ticket and it’s been over a year since my first one. The total is $688 and I was wondering if that sounds about right because my first one was only 220.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 05, 2022 at 06:24:13
There is a huge amount of variance in traffic court and speeding fines from court to court. I would say that one is a little on the high side. I am not sure whether this was in a construction of school zone, which could increase the fine significantly. Although fines are expensive, the longer term consequences of the points against your license will end up being more expensive. For that area, reach out to Patrick Kunes in Tifton, he should be talk to you about options for that particular court.
Mujeeb Quadri
Posted Jul 07, 2022 at 11:46:06
I was pulled over and received a ticket in Clayton county Georgia I was doing a 92 mph in a 65 zone but I had to take some one to the hospital. Wanted to see if I’m in danger of getting my license suspended and a estimate fine.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 07, 2022 at 12:04:46
I cannot estimate a fine for that court. It is 27 mph over. It falls in the 4-point band, which is 24-33 mph over the limit. If you don’t have a lot of points already on your license, then it should not trigger a license suspension. It could have an insurance premium effect, as in, an increase.
It is a super speeder ticket, regardless of how many lanes the road had, but I assume it was a 4-lane. That means if the case gets closed out at that speed, you will get a bill in the mail from the State of Georgia for $200. If you don’t pay that bill, your license will be suspended. That bill is in addition to the court fines and fees.
A lawyer in that area may be able to negotiate a better outcome.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 07, 2022 at 12:07:34
You should speak to a lawyer closer to Cook County about your options. You should also verify what points you already have on your Florida license and what the cutoff is for a points suspension.
Most courts do not treat it as a defense that when you looked down after the officer pulled behind you that your speedometer showed a different speed.
Rose Thomas
Posted Jul 13, 2022 at 13:51:47
Hello Sean! I was pulled over on Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA for going 64 mph on a 45 mph. The ticket said that I have violated section 40-6-181. I went over 19 mph, however, I don’t think that is a super speeder, please correct me if I am wrong. This was my first ever ticket throughout my years of driving in GA. My tickets total amount came to be $560, do you think that this is a reasonable price and would you think I can dispute it in court? Another thing is that when I checked online, it says that I need to show up to court and can’t pay it online. Is this normal? Thanks!
Priscila Garcia
Posted Jul 16, 2022 at 16:09:28
Good afternoon Sean,
I am 18 years old. This is my second speeding ticket but the first one i was able to pay online over a year ago. I was pulled over in Athens ga right before the prince ave exit. I received a citation for 26 mph over the speed limit in heavy traffic. I was not intending to go that fast, I was trying to pass an 18 wheeler then realized as I did there was an officer parked on the side of the highway that I could not see at the time. I had to go to court to find out my consequence. I was told at court that my best option would be to take 2 courses, one at the court house and one at a dui school. Then pay the $425 fine along with surrendering my license for 6months. If I was able to do that before my next court date then I will have non reporting probation for 12 months. If I go back without being able to complete everything then I would have to report until I pay it off. As for my license, I was told I have to take the test and start all over to get my class d driver’s license after the 6 months passed. Since I am claimed on my dads taxes, I did not qualify for a public defender so they appointed me an attorney. Any advice or is this worth hiring a lawyer ?
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 19, 2022 at 06:29:44
It is not a super speeder offense. Whether the fines and fees are reasonable is something I can’t say. It is within the allowable fine limits.
Sean A. Black
Posted Jul 19, 2022 at 06:35:37
You should at least talk to a lawyer who handles cases in that court. The “offer” is little more than a direction to plead guilty. There is no reduction in speed or diversion of the ticket. A lawyer who handles cases in Athens will be better situated to say whether they could do better.
Mike Brill
Posted Jul 30, 2022 at 16:19:37
I received a citation for 77 in a 55 MPH zone. The ticket was marked as a 2 lane road. Most of this road is, however, the section where I was clocked had a 3rd lane for passing on the opposite side. Reading above, it sounds like this should not have been checked as a 2 lane road. The location on the ticket is vague (XXXX block) and does not appear very close to the actual location. Is it best to appear in court for the summons and ask clarification on the location at that time or would likely need to plead not guilty and get a trial to fight the 2 lane supper speeder issue?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 02, 2022 at 06:54:25
A turn lane will not change the road to a four-lane which is what the checkbox is all about. It determines whether 75 or 85 is used for super speeder. Your description supports the check that the officer made. You should be trying to get a speed reduction to avoid points and the super speeder fee. A lawyer may be able to help that happen.
Martney Willis
Posted Aug 14, 2022 at 09:46:11
I am Martney Keone Willis and I have an announcement to make and discuss with speeding tickets. I say you should change the law of making the speed limit zones to unlimited speeding because they making cars fast so why not drive them faster or set the speed limit zones to a higher limit or or make unlimited because people gets a speeding ticket everyday to me I feel like the law just trying to make more money off the speeder’s. Its not like people killing people on the road for speeding unless they DUI I could understand that but if you have a fast car you should be able to push that car as fast as you want without killing yourself or anyone else on the road as long as you do it safe I don’t see a speeding limit.
Leah Madsen
Posted Aug 17, 2022 at 20:38:08
I received my first speeding ticket on my way to Hilton Head for vacation the week of the 4th of July and don’t know what to do. I was on 675 south bound which I didn’t realize was a 65 instead of a 70. I moved to the far left lane right before the state patroller turned his lights on from several cars behind me, and was accelerating to make sure there was plenty of space between me and the car I was moving in front of since the car I was driving had large blind spots and poor visibility. I had checked my speed a minute prior and was going 77-80. He said he clocked me going 85 and told me it wasn’t a super speeder, but looking at your posts it appears that isn’t true. He also gave me a warning for moving into the left shoulder. I moved to the next lane over when I saw his lights but when I saw him swing into the lane to follow me I panicked. There were three lanes with several cars between me and the right shoulder, and his aggressive maneuvers made me feel trying to move through those drivers was unsafe. Will this impact my court ruling? I should add that I’m 18 and have a clean record. My court date is September 8th. What are my options?
Princess Winters
Posted Aug 19, 2022 at 12:26:30
My daughter was given a super speeder and we went to court but opted to speak with the public defender and he said she could do the driving class and they would bring it down to 14 over the limit and the ticket would only be $280 or so instead of the $475. This was in Bartow county. We just went to the probate office and had to pay the $475, which was not what he told us. Is there anything we can do or did he misinform us?
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 22, 2022 at 06:36:01
I wonder if you are jumping the gun on payment, that the certificate has not been submitted to the court yet and the adjusted offense and sentence not put in place. If so, you may have created a complication for your defense attorney since payment of the fine can be taken as a guilty plea to the original offense if a cash bond forfeiture ensues. Get back in touch with the public defender as soon as possible.
Sean A. Black
Posted Aug 22, 2022 at 06:40:01
You need a lawyer. Super speeder is a concern, but your age is a bigger one. Although it does look like it is not a suspension level offense. Passing or overtaking another vehicle, for whatever good reason, does not authorize you to exceed the speed limit and is not a defense to the speeding charge.
A lawyer, depending on the court policies, should be able to help blunt some of the repercussions of the ticket.
Joey Brogdon
Posted Sep 13, 2022 at 06:09:31
What is the GA code section concerning the use of an officer’s speedometer to enforce 40-6-181? “Pacing”
Also, is there any case law established as to how far an officer must pace you for a good speed check?
Chailyn Johnston
Posted Sep 13, 2022 at 11:27:23
I’m a Georgia resident, 22 years of age, first ever speeding ticket. A GSP pulled me over saying I was going 78 in a 55. He asked me if it was an emergency on why I was speeding and I said yes because my newborn had RSV and I had to drive out of town on a Sunday to get the prescription he needed because he was in respiratory distress. I admit I was speeding but I don’t believe I was going that much over because there was a another truck passing me and I looked at my speedometer when I first saw him and saw that I was only going 65-68. I have nothing to corroborate this speed besides my 6 year old son who was also in the car. My insurance is already high enough considering my age. Is it worth going to court for and trying to fight it or should I plead nolo?
Posted Sep 13, 2022 at 15:47:26
I was going to on Georgia I75S bound to Florida. I am being cited a Speeding Ticket for Driving 87 on 70. I know in GA there is a Super Speeder additional Fine of 200$ going over 85. I want to know what would be my best options.
1. Reduce the Speed negotiating to 84. This would not generate points and possibly not impact my insurance.
2. can I request to make this a Non Moving Violation or it will be a big ask ?
3. Is it worth fighting the Ticket requesting Deferred Adjudication or others if any based on my First Citation in GA.
Anthony Walker
Posted Sep 15, 2022 at 00:27:08
I was going 120 in a 70 and didn’t go to jail thankfully but am wondering what’s going to happen when I go to my court date?
Reco W
Posted Sep 15, 2022 at 10:38:17
I was clocked going 89 in a 70 in Banks county. How much do you think the ticket will be and does that count as a super speeder?
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 20, 2022 at 07:07:53
There is no statute as to pacing and the standards applicable. For visual estimation and pacing, it is basically the officer testifying based on training and experience. Many times, officers are not hewing to standards that would have been taught in a training class. I have certainly seen cases where they claim to be pacing as they are attempting to catch up to the driver, which cannot be done. You don’t see a whole lot of cases relying on this type of evidence. Certainly, the lower the speed relative to the limit, the less reliable the officer’s testimony and observations.
On the pacing, there is not a minimum distance to maintain speed with the target vehicle.
Most of the time, the defense arguments are not going to keep the testimony out, but they are going to attack the weight and credibility that should be given to the testimony, at least in Georgia.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 20, 2022 at 07:10:15
You should either hire a lawyer or go to court and ask for some consideration. If you have documentation of the medical information, bring it. Don’t bring your 6-year-old to court. If you’re going to court without a lawyer, try to consult with a lawyer who handles that particular court ahead of time.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 20, 2022 at 07:12:25
You should ask for any of those. I am not clear whether you are a Georgia driver or not. If you are not a GA license holder, nolo will not accomplish much for you on a speeding ticket. If you are a Georgia driver, then 84/70 would accomplish most everything you need; it will avoid the super speeder fee and points.
Sean A. Black
Posted Sep 20, 2022 at 07:16:19
It very much depends on the particular judge and court. In Georgia, speeding is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a $1,000 base fine.