New Year's Eve Deserves a Plan
New Year's Eve greetings.
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New Year's Eve greetings.
Some thoughts about u-turns and OCGA 40-6-121
Super speeder fees have been around for over a decade now and produce a significant amount of revenue, over $23 million per year currently, that funds the Georgia Trauma Commission. How to avoid contributing to that worthy cause.
Consequences of a DUI for a CDL or CMV operator
Thoughts on universal impaired driving detection requirements under federal law.
Regular cannabis use can cause negative issues in your life. That may mean that the person would be diagnosed as cannabis use disorder. in the context of a criminal case, that will point to a need for treatment, whether the person thinks their use is under control or not.
A further look at passenger identification issues.
Drivers need to sign the citation if requested by the officer.
THC concentrations in blood and saliva are not significant indicators of driving impairment.
Justification may be a defense but probably is not to you speeding or other traffic offense.
The short answer is "yes but." You can be charged, but you probably cannot be convicted of bother. There seems to be a prevailing myth among law enforcement officers that if a driver is going 30 mph or more over the speed limit that the driver should be charged with both the speeding offense an...
A look at HB 534 which attempts to up the ante against illegal street racing and other unsafe driving exhibitions
During a traffic stop, officers can request and obtain identification from all occupants of the vehicle.
CDL drivers of CMVs need to be careful which lane they are operating in. These drivers need to keep their trucks in the right-hand lane unless they are actually passing another vehicle.
A look at Georgia law efforts to reduce local speed trap operations.
Temporary Changes Made to Georgia Department of Driver Services Operations
If you are being arrested for DUI, it is a bad idea to claim that you have coronavirus while aggressively breathing on the officers. Keep your mouth shut and do not give the officer more evidence to use against you.
A pending House Bill would fix the DUI-drugs license suspension disparity.
Left Turns Yield the Right of Way to all Oncoming Traffic (including folks turning right).
Georgia Ranked Third Toughest DUI Penalties in the Country
Cell phone usage in court.
Now is the time to be extra-careful in your driving, as Operation Southern Shield is in effect with intensive enforcement of the speed laws.
Georgia law change allows drivers to keep moving on opposite side of a school bus on separate roadways
Georgia makes changes to the serious injury by vehicle statue to make leaving the scene of a wreck a felony where another person involved in the wreck sustains bodily injury to a significant degree.
Georgia General Assembly makes changes to implied consent warnings to try to salvage breath testing.
DUI Guru is Sean Black of Black Law Offices, LLC. Mr. Black is a 1992 graduate of Emory University School of Law.
This site is an advertisement for Black Law Offices, LLC. All information is provided for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as legal advice. A person facing a serious criminal charge such as DUI or Vehicular Homicide should seek legal advice based upon the facts of their own case.