New Year's Eve Deserves a Plan
New Year's Eve greetings.
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New Year's Eve greetings.
Thoughts on universal impaired driving detection requirements under federal law.
Georgia Ranked Third Toughest DUI Penalties in the Country
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review a California case involving the sufficiency of an anonymous tip of drunk or reckless driving to justify a law enforcement stop of a moving vehicle where the reported illegal conduct was not corroborated by the officer.
DUI Guru is Sean Black of Black Law Offices, LLC. Mr. Black is a 1992 graduate of Emory University School of Law.
This site is an advertisement for Black Law Offices, LLC. All information is provided for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as legal advice. A person facing a serious criminal charge such as DUI or Vehicular Homicide should seek legal advice based upon the facts of their own case.